Sara Jabeen

Do you know what is the beauty of being an adult. Sometimes the solace keeps its doors so tight that a single been of light struggles to pass through is the anxiety of is the hope to see what coming years will bring to you. how far is the time to get plucked, does really it will bring content or it is mere speculation. either I shall be able to stand at the throne which I have been making since childhood or it will get stacked by my own hands with responsibilities. Does the dreams I see in spectacles will be able to reach the depths of my eye. It is a long distance though in a fast moving life.

My right eye asks all such questions to the girl in the brain even haunts that girl by making her believe as an ultimate looser who is indecisive. My skin color suddenly fades, features feels heavy on me , hair seems rough and confidence sleeps right at the spot. As soon as tears pop up, light coming from the bulb right above the mirror reflects on the tears to create a sparkle. The sparkle illumine the eye ball. I remained motionless in astonishment for certain moments as it is her left eye. I totally forgot its presence. suddenly light disappears but I can still feel it inside me. I can sense a movement of wavering, opening the ajar doors of heart to its full. I could feel the confidence rising up from my shoulder and hugging me so tight that the pores of my skin which I intentionally closed got open with a sudden jerk. I could sense rapid changes, rendering me motionless, unable to do anything but gaze. her skin took its shine back, her lips smiled, her hair started to sway. I sensed that she is blessed with the most elegant height. She seems so content and satisfied now. Every move she made was praised by confidence itself.

She has both eyes now but left one dominates with sparkle which brings hope, self love and audacity to beat the perplexing thoughts generated by brain. Not many girls are privileged enough to catch that sparkle .You need to find it within yourself  and adulthood teaches you all such wars of  ‘ME AND I’



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