Voices of the Helpless Persons


Javed Ullah Raja

Yesterday retired employees from the bank staged a peaceful protest rally in Lahore. Retired employees from the bank were demanding from the bank administration, the Supreme Court of Pakistan, and the government of Pakistan to immediately resolve their pension issues in accordance with the court decisions that have been issued in their favor. Rally participants were holding banners and placards, “Respect the decisions of the bank administration, Supreme Court, and take immediate action on the decisions. ABL pensioners have been ignored.” “Allied Bank owners must be held accountable for their injustice.” “Pensioners are a respected profession, save the elderly from dying.” “Where should the old pensioners of banks go? Who should they appeal to?” “Respect the decisions of the bank administration and the Supreme Court. Immediately fulfill the obligations of pensioners based on their full basic salaries.” “Respect the decisions of the bank administration and the Supreme Court. Take immediate action on the decisions.” “Allied Bank, when will you fulfill the pension obligations of the elderly pensioners?” “Who is responsible for implementing the decisions of justice, the Supreme Court?” “Bank owners have earned billions, but elderly employees who have served them for years are denied their rights.” “An appeal will be made to the Chief Justice of Pakistan to do justice. The media is urged to raise awareness so that the legitimate demands of Allied Bank pensioners reach the government’s halls.” In the rally the retired employees threw off their clothes and wore garlands of dry breads, conveying the message to the houses that these helpless people are forced to live a life of starvation.

In Lahore, the leaders of the Pakistan Welfare Association, the All Banks Retired Employees Association, and the Allied Bank Retired Employees Welfare Association, including Maqsood Ahmed Chaghtai, Iftikhar Hussain Mir, Qaim Kazmi, Zaheer Sherazi, Muhammad Mustafa, in charge Women’s Wing Rahila Shafiq, and Miss Sajida Maqsood Chaghtai, said that inflation is skyrocketing day by day. The prices of medicines have multiplied, essential commodities are out of reach and due to the lack of income, and the situation has reached the point of starvation. The Supreme Court of Pakistan should act on its decision. The case of Muhammad Zafar and others against Allied Bank was decided by the Supreme Court of Pakistan on January 17, 2020, ordering the full payment of pensions to retired bank employees. However, the local bank has not yet complied. The esteemed court’s decision has been disregarded, and bank owners continue to insult the court. An appeal is made to the Chief Justice of Pakistan to take note of this injustice and immediately ensure full pensions for retired bank employees. These sentiments were expressed by Pakistan Welfare Association and All Pakistan Banks Retired Employees Association. Pensioners further stated that elderly, weak, and retired employees spend five to six thousand rupees on medicines every month. Bank owners should show mercy on these frail and helpless pensioners and immediately restore their full pensions.

The cases of retired employees from banks have been pending in courts for a long time. Even if a decision in favor of employees is made by any court, the relevant administration resorts to reviews and appeals, and thus, years pass without any benefit. Pensioner issues in the country have been unresolved for many years. Like other institutions and banks, Allied Bank is also an example. In January 2017, the Peshawar High Court and on January 17th, 2020, the Supreme Court of Pakistan ruled in favor of retired employees from Allied Bank, stating that retired employees should be paid pensions and benefits based on their final salaries. It is clear that the bank has not fulfilled the pension and benefits of retired employees based on their final salaries. The bank is also ignoring all decisions of the superior courts, and the government is not taking action in favor of retired employees. Under its own circular, the said bank provided pensions and benefits to retired employees from its institution on June 30, 2002. Instead of respecting the court decisions and implementing them, the bank is still unnecessarily delaying. It is extremely regrettable that hundreds of retired employees from various banks have lost their lives due to the economic oppression policy of bank administrations.

According to details, thousands of pensioners’ families are victims of the economic terrorism of Allied Bank administration. Even today, retired people are receiving a few hundred rupees as their pension amidst the soaring inflation. It is unfortunate that thousands of pensioners from banks and widow families of pensioners have become dear to Allah while waiting for their legitimate rights. No one paid attention to the violation of rights, injustice, and this excess. In the end, how long will our rulers continue to oppress elderly pensioners? The government should take steps to ensure retired employees receive their rightful dues. Retired employees are the respected citizens of society whose human rights are being violated. The Chief Justice of Pakistan is requested to implement the clear decisions of the High Court and the Supreme Court of Pakistan in favor of our elderly citizens. Retired employees and pensioners urge that: Please raise awareness of our injustice in electronic and print media and raise a strong voice in our favor so that the injustice against elderly citizens can be eliminated.

Writer is senior analyst and he can be reached at  [email protected]


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