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Remarkable Role of Government, Election Commission and Pak Army in Conducting the Fairest Elections

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Daily The Spokesman October 24 2024 PDF

Daily The Spokesman October 24 2024 PDF

Daily The Spokesman October 23 2024 PDF

Daily The Spokesman October 23 2024 PDF

Remarkable Role of Government, Election Commission and Pak Army in Conducting the Fairest Elections

Abdul Basit Alvi

Elections constitute more than a mere ceremonial aspect of democracy; they epitomize its pulsating core, the indispensable mechanism through which citizens assert their collective will and chart the trajectory of their nation’s destiny. Globally, elections serve as the cornerstone of governance, furnishing a peaceful and orderly avenue for citizens to elect their leaders, demand accountability, and guarantee that the people’s voices resonate. The indispensability of elections cannot be overstated, for they lie at the crux of democracy’s functionality and the safeguarding of individual liberties.

At its essence, elections embody the principle of popular sovereignty, affirming that governmental authority emanates from the consent of the governed. Through the act of voting, citizens exercise their innate right to engage in the political process, casting their ballots to elect representatives who will advocate on their behalf. This engagement in civic duty transcends being a mere privilege; it emerges as a responsibility, empowering individuals to have a direct stake in decisions that mold their lives and communities.

Furthermore, elections serve as a pivotal mechanism for governmental accountability and transparency. By furnishing regular opportunities for citizens to assess the performance of their leaders and express their satisfaction or dissent at the ballot box, elections establish incentives for elected officials to govern with prudence and integrity. The prospect of electoral defeat compels politicians to heed the concerns of their constituents, tackle pressing issues, and fulfill their pledges, lest they face repercussions in the form of electoral ousting.

Moreover, elections cultivate legitimacy and stability within governance, serving as a barrier against the arbitrary exercise of power and the rise of authoritarian regimes. In democratic contexts, the peaceful transition of power via transparent and equitable elections epitomizes political stability, affirming to both local and global audiences that the populace’s will is acknowledged and respected. Conversely, in nations where elections are tainted by deceit, corruption, or coercion, the government’s legitimacy is cast into doubt, leading to unrest, instability, and a deterioration of confidence in democratic institutions.

Aside from their governance role, elections act as a catalyst for societal transformation and advancement. Through electoral mechanisms, marginalized and underserved demographics can amplify their voices, advocate for their rights, and champion their interests within the political sphere. Historically, women, ethnic minorities, and other marginalized groups have utilized elections to challenge bias, disparity, and injustice, paving the way for enhanced inclusivity and representation in governmental bodies.

Nonetheless, the significance of elections faces its share of obstacles. From voter suppression to electoral malpractice, numerous threats lurk that could undermine the fairness and integrity of the electoral process. Additionally, the proliferation of misinformation and foreign interference presents novel challenges to the legitimacy of elections, corroding public trust and faith in the democratic mechanism. Furthermore, low voter turnout and apathy can diminish the credibility of election results, fostering feelings of disillusionment and disengagement among the electorate.

Confronted with these hurdles, it is imperative for citizens to remain vigilant and actively engage in the electoral process. By familiarizing themselves with pertinent issues, exercising their right to vote, and holding elected representatives accountable, citizens can help fortify the integrity of elections and champion democratic principles. Furthermore, governmental bodies, civil society organizations, and international stakeholders must collaborate to fortify electoral systems, combat misinformation, and advocate for transparency and accountability throughout the electoral process.

In the tapestry of democratic governance, electoral transparency emerges as a linchpin, indispensable for nurturing trust, responsibility, and legitimacy within the democratic framework. At its essence, transparency ensures that elections are conducted openly, impartially, and in adherence to established laws and principles, thus safeguarding the integrity of the electoral process and upholding the foundational principles of democracy. As nations worldwide navigate the intricacies of contemporary democracy, the significance of electoral transparency cannot be overstated, serving as a barrier against corruption, malpractice, and the erosion of public confidence.

The essence of transparency in elections lies in fostering openness and inclusivity at every stage of the electoral process, spanning from voter registration to result announcements. Electoral laws, procedures, and regulations must be open and readily accessible to all citizens, ensuring they comprehend their rights and obligations as voters. Furthermore, electoral management bodies should operate with transparency, furnishing regular updates on electoral preparations, voter education endeavors, and logistical arrangements to guarantee the integrity and impartiality of the electoral proceedings.

Moreover, transparency in elections demands accountability and oversight mechanisms to identify and address irregularities, fraud, and misconduct. Independent electoral observers, civil society organizations, and media entities play a pivotal role in scrutinizing the electoral process, reporting any infringements or disparities, and holding electoral authorities and political figures accountable for their actions. By spotlighting potential abuses and ensuring consistent and impartial enforcement of electoral regulations, transparency bolsters public trust in the electoral process and deters malpractice.

Additionally, transparency in elections entails the accessibility and openness of information, particularly concerning campaign funding and political expenditures. Clear disclosure of campaign donations and expenses empowers citizens to evaluate the impact of financial influence in politics, recognize potential conflicts of interest, and demand accountability from elected officials regarding their financial dealings. Furthermore, stringent disclosure requirements help forestall undue influence and corruption, ensuring elections reflect the populace’s will rather than the preferences of affluent donors or special interest groups.

Furthermore, transparency in elections encompasses the integrity and security of electoral infrastructure, especially in the digital era. Given the escalating reliance on technology in electoral processes, safeguarding the security and integrity of electronic voting systems, voter registration databases, and ballot counting mechanisms is paramount. Transparency in the development, testing, and audit of electoral technology aids in identifying vulnerabilities and mitigating the risk of cyber threats or manipulation, thus safeguarding the legitimacy and credibility of election outcomes.

However, achieving transparency in elections encounters its share of hurdles. In numerous regions, electoral processes are tarnished by corruption, coercion, and deficient accountability, eroding public confidence and trust in democratic institutions. Additionally, the proliferation of disinformation and misinformation presents new obstacles to transparency, corroding public faith and assurance in the electoral process. Furthermore, inadequate legal frameworks, absence of political will, and resource limitations can impede endeavors to promote transparency and accountability in elections.

Given these challenges, it is essential for governments, electoral management bodies, civil society organizations, and international stakeholders to collaborate in bolstering transparency in elections. This necessitates coordinated efforts to establish and enforce robust electoral laws and regulations, enhance transparency and oversight mechanisms, promote public awareness and education on electoral rights and responsibilities, and invest in the security and integrity of electoral infrastructure.

In Pakistan, elections were conducted on February 8 for 859 seats, with approximately 18,000 candidates contending for parliamentary positions. These seats comprised 266 general seats in the National Assembly, 297 seats in the Punjab Assembly, 130 seats in Sindh, 115 seats in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and 51 seats in the Balochistan Assembly. The February 8, 2024 election held significant importance compared to previous ones for several reasons. Notably, it boasted a budget of 42 billion rupees, and the number of registered voters surpassed 50% of the country’s total population. Moreover, a significant number of independent candidates participated, with the election involving hundreds of tons of special paper used to print 260 million ballot papers. Additionally, the February 8 elections were the most expensive in the country’s history, costing 26 times more than the 2008 elections. The surge in independent candidates stemmed from the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) withdrawing its election symbol “Bat” due to intra-party election non-compliance, resulting in party ticket holders contested as independents. Consequently, the number of independent candidates increased by 51.22% compared to the previous election, reaching 11,758. According to Election Commission data related to electoral rolls and voters for the 2024 elections, there was a significant increase of 225 million voters, including 12.5 million women, in Pakistan since 2018. The number of registered voters reached fifth place globally, following India, Indonesia, the USA, and Brazil. With this substantial increase, the total number of registered voters in 2024 stood at 128,585,760, compared to 10,60,239 in 2018 and 8,60,89,828 in 2013.

The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) devised a modernized Election Management System (EMS) for delivering election results on February 8. Developed by a private company, the software functioned via the internet and autonomously, without requiring a connection. This system, implemented at a significant cost of Rs320 million, operated solely on election day, managing data from Form 45 and 47 post-election completion. Each provincial assembly constituency had three operators, while national assembly constituencies had four. Each returning officer received a laptop, and Nadara officials were on hand to input data into the system. The laptops operated offline via a local area network (LAN), and the system disseminated results through multimedia displays at prominent locations using laptops. Presiding officers communicated results to returning officers via mobile and personally submitted the results. Collaborative efforts from the Caretaker Government, Election Commission, and relevant institutions were directed towards ensuring fairness and transparency in the elections.

During Pakistan’s general elections, efforts were made to gauge public sentiment regarding the acceptance of election results across various political affiliations. A survey conducted by the Institut Public de Sondage d’Opinion Secteur and Pakistan Plus revealed that three out of every four Pakistanis expressed readiness to accept the election outcomes. In the survey of Pakistani voters, 76 percent indicated their willingness to accept the election results.

The Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) extended heartfelt congratulations to the nation for the peaceful and fair conduct of the Pakistani election. As per the Public Relations Department of the Pakistan Army, the armed forces, alongside law enforcement agencies, played a pivotal role in ensuring the elections’ integrity. Despite recent terrorism attempts aimed at disrupting the electoral process, the Pakistan Army remained steadfast in its commitment to maintaining peace and security nationwide. ISPR reported casualties of 12 individuals, including 10 security personnel, with 39 others injured due to acts of terrorism. The Pakistan Army’s Public Relations Department expressed gratitude towards law enforcement agencies for their collaborative efforts in safeguarding the democratic process alongside the armed forces, with hopes that their sacrifices will contribute towards actualizing this endeavor. ISPR emphasized the armed forces’ dedication to upholding peace, security, and unwavering support for democratic principles in the country.

COAS General Asim Munir has also extended congratulations to the entire Pakistani Nation, Caretaker Government, Election Commission of Pakistan, Political Parties, and all winning candidates on the successful conduct of General Elections 2024. He emphasized that the free and unhindered participation of the Pakistani people in exercising their right to vote demonstrated their commitment to democracy and the rule of law as outlined in the Constitution of Pakistan. Additionally, he expressed gratitude to the leadership and personnel of law-enforcement agencies for creating a safe and secure environment for the electoral process, despite significant challenges. The constructive contributions of the national media, civil society, members of the civil administration, and judiciary were acknowledged for enabling the successful conduct of the largest electoral exercise in national history. The unified government of all democratic forces, imbued with national purpose, will aptly represent Pakistan’s diverse polity and pluralism. Emphasizing that elections and democracy are instruments to serve the people of Pakistan, he underscored the importance of stable governance and a healing approach to transcend the politics of anarchy and polarization. COAS highlighted that elections are not merely a contest of winning and losing but a means to ascertain the mandate of the people. He urged political leadership and their supporters to prioritize the interests of the nation and collaborate in governing and serving the people to ensure functional and purposeful democracy. As the people of Pakistan have reaffirmed their trust in the Constitution, he urged all political parties to reciprocate with political maturity and unity. Looking ahead, he called for reflection on the country’s current position and its rightful place in the international community. COAS expressed hope that these elections would usher in political and economic stability and herald peace and prosperity for Pakistan
Regrettably, political parties and leaders in Pakistan often lack the moral fortitude to openly concede defeat. In the vibrant tapestry of democracy, the peaceful transition of power post-election serves as a testament to political maturity and institutional robustness. Crucial to this transition is the willingness of political parties to acknowledge the election outcome, irrespective of victory or defeat. Beyond procedural adherence, this acceptance is a cornerstone of democratic governance, vital for fostering stability, legitimacy, and social unity. At the core of democratic elections lies the principle of popular sovereignty, where the collective will of the people is expressed through transparent electoral processes. Thus, accepting election results is not merely a legal obligation but a reaffirmation of respect for the democratic mandate.

Furthermore, embracing election results is indispensable for upholding the legitimacy of democratic institutions and the rule of law. By acknowledging electoral outcomes, political parties demonstrate their adherence to democratic principles, bolstering public trust in the electoral process. Conversely, refusal to accept results undermines institutional credibility, leading to polarization, instability, and dwindling faith in democracy.

Accepting election outcomes fosters political stability and social cohesion. In diverse societies, elections reflect a spectrum of views and interests. Acceptance signals willingness to engage constructively within the democratic framework, promoting inclusivity and cooperation. Contestation, on the other hand, fuels social discord, exacerbating tensions and potentially inciting violence.

Moreover, the acknowledgment of election outcomes is paramount for ensuring the peaceful transition of power, a cornerstone of democratic governance. Peaceful transitions post-election underscore the resilience of democratic institutions and the dedication of political stakeholders to upholding democratic principles. Conversely, rejection of election results can precipitate political crises, constitutional dilemmas, and even regression towards authoritarianism, endangering the stability and legitimacy of democratic governance.

There exist commendable instances globally where political entities exhibit grace and acceptance despite electoral defeat. These nations serve as exemplars of democratic norms, highlighting the significance of honoring the electorate’s will irrespective of political affiliations.

Despite its highly polarized political landscape, the United States boasts a longstanding tradition of peaceful power transitions. On numerous occasions, presidential contenders have gracefully conceded defeat, acknowledging their adversary’s triumph and pledging cooperation for a seamless transition. This tradition underscores the robustness of democratic institutions and the commitment of political actors to upholding democratic ideals.

The United Kingdom possesses a rich heritage of democratic governance, where political factions respect election results and adhere to the electorate’s verdict. Even in closely contested races, defeated candidates and parties typically concede defeat promptly, facilitating the formation of a new government and ensuring continuity of democratic governance sans undue delay or ambiguity.

Germany, as one of Europe’s premier democracies, boasts a robust electoral framework characterized by transparency, integrity, and adherence to democratic norms. Political parties in Germany uphold a strong tradition of acknowledging election outcomes, even when unfavorable. This steadfast commitment to democratic principles has been instrumental in Germany’s stability and prosperity as a democratic nation.

In Canadian politics, civility and adherence to democratic principles are well-regarded, with political parties routinely demonstrating grace and dignity in accepting election defeats. This practice underscores Canada’s robust democratic traditions and steadfast commitment to upholding the rule of law and democratic values. Even in tightly contested elections, defeated parties typically concede defeat and extend congratulations to the winning party.

Norway is esteemed for its strong democracy and unwavering dedication to democratic ideals, where political parties view defeat in elections as an inherent aspect of the democratic process. Despite occasional disagreements over electoral outcomes, Norwegian political entities generally adhere to democratic standards and honor the electorate’s decision, contributing to the nation’s reputation as a stable and prosperous democracy.

These instances underscore the significance of political parties conceding defeat in elections as a fundamental component of democratic governance. By gracefully acknowledging defeat and respecting election results, political parties demonstrate their commitment to democratic principles, bolster the legitimacy of democratic institutions, and foster stability and prosperity within their respective countries. As the global community confronts the challenges of the 21st century, these examples serve as inspirations for upholding democratic norms and values amidst political polarization and uncertainty.

Readers, the 2024 elections in Pakistan are hailed as the most equitable in the nation’s history, with the entire populace commended for participating in the process peacefully. The commendable role played by the Caretaker Government, Election Commission, and Pakistan Army in facilitating these transparent and equitable elections is widely appreciated by the populace. It is anticipated that following a seamless transition of power, the newly elected government will diligently strive for the country’s advancement and welfare.

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