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Monday, July 22, 2024

Putin and contemporary conflict: Past defines Present

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 Sardar Fozzaib Khan
Although state actions are mostly the practices and expression of some binary set of rules and aspirations that state acquires, but they  greatly under go the shadow of personalities in the hold as decision makers. Personalities in charge during specific circumstances, have their own way and tactics to deal the general course of work at that time. Let’s imagine any other leader in replacement of Hitler for an instant, would Holocaust had been pursued? Might some other premier of United kingdom than Churchill had dealt the World War-|| differently.
Subsequently, nature and mindset of personalities have a great say in their decision making process. How a decision maker reacted in particular circumstances narrates his basic approach mostly. Current  Russia-Ukraine or in extension Russia versus West crisis had a great influence of personalities and Vladimir Putin stood tallest in this concern. His past predicts his present, his basic approach to deal the conditions with. His past elaborates two strains of his approach. Firstly Putin is imbedded  with Russian imperialist thoughts. The statement  could be justified  by the virtue of his words that the biggest disaster of 20th century is the fall of USSR.
The century witnessed two world wars perishing millions of people but the bitter moment for him is fall off USSR in 1991. His endeavors, mindset and aspirations in past are important tools to analyze his recent approach towards the contemporary crisis. Vladimir Putin has served in KGB at different positions.  He is trained to serve the national interest at any cost in any condition and dedicated to patriotism. The difference comes with populous leader is that who decides the national interest. Whether the institutions or populous leader decide the national interest.
He has saw the Berlin Wall to fall as an eye witnessed. According to reports he was serving in eastern part of  Germany when unification of state took over the global news. A huge number of protesters gathered outside the building where USSR authorities were residing in. The masses were intended to get themselves inside the building and to serve justice by themselves. Meanwhile a man appeared on the top of the roof , pledged people that building is full of red soldiers with heavy  ammunition. If they try so, there would be a heavy bloodshed. Protesters turn away slowly owing to the severe threat, and the threating man was no one other than KGB official Vladimir Putin. He saved several official documents from them by bluffing as there were no guards with ammunition in the building.
The two of examples define the approach of Putin at best. Current military marching is basically to enhance the influence of Russia, curtailing NATO by the virtue of bluffing, to reaffirm a  place in global strategic competition among US and China, and to make a divergence in public as Russian economy has been declining for a long time. The  basic motive of current marching is to stop Ukraine to be a signatory member of North Atlantic treaty organization, and anticipation of new imperialistic influence of Russia, at least in central Asian states. Putin might go for an accelerated escalation in Ukraine as it doesn’t have any serious repercussions for Russia in terms of militarily reaction. Ukrainian military doesn’t possess enough military capabilities to deter Russia, and the west would mainly rest on sanctions on Russia only.
They won’t avenge any military confrontation against Russia at a serious level. Putin owing to his approach, would go for military operations to curtail NATO coming at its door, to enhance  Russian imperialism by disintegrating one of the strong and resisting Ukraine, and to create a bargaining scenario in International arena for Russia. This will also inflict a nationalist narrative in Russian population, striving for their national resilience.
This will also inflict a nationalist narrative in Russian population, striving for their national resilience. Putin wouldn’t hinder military operations owing to Ukrainian striking backing or for a little retaliation by West, in contrast, he has much more and bigger things to achieve through these military operations.
The writer is master in defense and strategic studies and accessible at
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