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Tuesday, September 3, 2024
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The 7th Japan-Pakistan High-Level Economic Policy Dialogue

Islamabad: 19th March 2021, The 7th Japan-Pakistan High-Level Economic Policy Dialogue was held virtually on March 19, 2021. Mr. SUZUKI Hiroshi, Senior Deputy Minister...

Agriculture is 19.3% of the GDP of Pakistan:Fakhar Imam

Islamabad : Federal Minister for National Food Security and Research, Syed Fakhar Imam delivered opening remarks during a webinar on China Pakistan Seed Industry...

Karandaaz and Haball to run a Pilot to Scale Supply Chain Payments Project

ISLAMABAD – March 18, 2021: Karandaaz Pakistan, under its Pilot to Scale Program has partnered with Haball, a B2B financial technology company, to run...

State Minister Zartaj Gul Says Making Cities Polythene Bag-Free Vital To Environmental Sustainability

ISLAMABAD –Minister of State for Climate Change Zartaj Gul Wazir said that polythene bags have become a social and environmental epidemic due to...

Mushaal urges world to act to stop Kashmiris ‘genocide’ Says Modi regime carries forwards Hindutva agenda in In IIOJK

ISLAMABAD: The Narendra Modi-led fascist government has unleashed new wave of state terrorism and barbarism to carry forward its Hindutva agenda in In Indian...


Karachi, 16th March, 2021: EBM, the largest biscuit manufacturers in Pakistan has won the Gold-Award 2021 presented at the 8th annual EFP Employer of...

NHA &  SUPARCO Signied an Agreement  to use Satellite  Technology for Monitoring of National Highway  Authority Network

ISLAMABAD: MARCH 15, 2021 National Highway Authority (NHA) & Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO) Signed an Agreement today at NHA, HQ under...

Dun & Bradstreet Pakistan & Trade Foresight enter into agreement for verified Business Data!

Karachi, March 15: Trade Foresight has entered into an agreement with Dun & Bradstreet Pakistan (D&B), the world’s leading source of business information and...

PM to make Pakistan a digital country and we are already working on this. Amin ul Haque

Karachi: Monday, March, 15, 2021:Federal Minister for Information Technology and Telecommunication, Syed Amin-Ul-Haq said that e-voting system would be introduced by next election as...

Democracy Reporting International organized dialogue on ‘Inter-Provincial Exchange: Democratic and Human Rights Reforms in Pakistan

Islamabad :The participants of an inter-provincial dialogue stressed the need for bridging gap between civil society and government for bringing democratic and human rights...

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Daily The Spokesman September 03 2024 PDF

Daily The Spokesman September 03 2024 PDF

Special Message of High Commissioner of Malaysia to Pakistan on the ocssion of Malaysian 67th National Day

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Dear Fellow Malaysians, and Friends of Malaysia in Pakistan, Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, On this momentous occasion of Malaysia's National Day, Malaysians at home and abroad come...

Gallup International Association Welcomes Bilal I Gilani to Its Newly Elected Board  

Spokesman Report Islamabad : Gallup Pakistan is pleased to announce the appointment of its Executive Director, Bilal I Gilani, to the Gallup International Association Board....

Dubai-Based Pakistani Edupreneur Launches Educational Initiative for Gaza Children

Spokesman Report Dubai, UAE – In a heartfelt response to the ongoing crisis in Gaza, Amna Khaishgi, a renowned Dubai-based Pakistani edupreneur and chairperson of...
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