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Army Chief Demonstrate Profound Affection for Balochistan

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Daily The Spokesman July 03 2024 PDF

Daily The Spokesman July 03 2024 PDF

Army Chief Demonstrate Profound Affection for BalochistanAbdul Basit Alvi

Nestled in the southwest of Pakistan lies Balochistan, a province of considerable strategic importance and a rich cultural legacy. As Pakistan’s largest province by land area, Balochistan plays a crucial role in shaping the nation’s socio-economic landscape, contributing significantly to its cultural diversity, and acting as a cornerstone for regional stability.

Balochistan’s strategic significance cannot be overstated. Sharing borders with Iran to the west, Afghanistan to the north, and the Arabian Sea to the south, its geographical position makes it a vital trade gateway, linking Pakistan with Central Asia, the Middle East, and beyond. Notably, Balochistan is home to the strategic deep-water port of Gwadar, pivotal to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), enhancing trade and economic connections among Pakistan, China, and neighboring regions. Moreover, its mineral-rich terrain hosts substantial reserves of natural resources like natural gas, coal, copper, and gold, bolstering Pakistan’s economy and geopolitical influence in the area.

Concerted efforts are underway to tap into its economic prospects through infrastructure enhancement, job creation, and poverty alleviation initiatives. Projects like the development of Gwadar Port and the CPEC corridor promise to transform Balochistan into a thriving economic center, attracting investments, fostering industrial growth, and generating employment opportunities. Additionally, endeavors in agriculture, tourism, and human resource development aim to fortify Balochistan’s economic resilience and contribute to Pakistan’s overall prosperity.

Beyond its strategic and economic significance, Balochistan boasts a diverse cultural landscape, home to various ethnic groups, each with its unique cultural heritage and linguistic identity. This cultural diversity enriches Pakistan’s social fabric, promoting tolerance, pluralism, and mutual respect. Balochistan’s cultural heritage is evident in its vibrant music, dance, cuisine, and crafts, reflecting the resilience and ingenuity of its people. Preserving and promoting this cultural legacy is vital not only for Balochistan’s identity but also for fostering national unity and cohesion across Pakistan.

However, Balochistan has long grappled with terrorism and insurgency, posing a multifaceted challenge to regional stability and security. Socio-economic disparities, and geopolitical dynamics have contributed to the emergence of terrorist groups and insurgent movements in the province, highlighting the complexity of the situation. The Baloch nationalist movement, centered on calls for increased autonomy and socio-economic progress, has frequently resorted to violent tactics in pursuit of its goals. Additionally, external actors have exploited these grievances to further their own strategic aims, worsening the cycle of violence and instability in the area. Terrorism in Balochistan takes on multiple forms, including assaults on security forces, sectarian violence, and deliberate targeting of civilians. The region has experienced a surge in terrorist incidents carried out by various groups, including Baloch separatists and proxies supported by foreign entities. These attacks not only endanger the lives and well-being of Balochistan’s residents but also undermine the region’s socio-economic development and stability. External interference and geopolitical rivalries have added complexity to the situation, perpetuating instability and violence in the region.

Balochistan has witnessed numerous devastating events over time, ranging from assaults on security personnel to sectarian violence and targeted assassinations, inflicting great suffering on its inhabitants and presenting significant challenges to regional stability and security.

One of the deadliest terrorist assaults in Balochistan occurred on October 24, 2016, when militants attacked the Police Training College in Quetta. The assailants, suspected to be associated with the Pakistani Taliban, indiscriminately opened fire on cadets and instructors, resulting in the deaths of at least 61 individuals and injuring over a hundred more. This brazen attack highlighted the vulnerability of security institutions in Balochistan to terrorism and emphasized the necessity for heightened security measures.

In July 2018, Balochistan was rocked by a horrific suicide bombing targeting a political rally in Mastung district. Claimed by the Islamic State (ISIS), the attack resulted in the deaths of over 150 people, including Siraj Raisani, a prominent political figure, and numerous civilians. The Mastung massacre underscored the danger posed by extremist groups operating in the region and the difficulties in securing public gatherings in volatile areas prone to terrorism.

The Hazara community has been relentlessly targeted by sectarian militants for years, with numerous Hazara individuals falling victim to targeted killings, bombings, and kidnappings, fostering fear and insecurity within the community. These attacks, often claimed by extremist groups, underscore the sectarian fault lines in Balochistan and highlight the urgent need for measures to safeguard vulnerable minority communities. Gwadar, a pivotal strategic port city in Balochistan, has experienced sporadic instances of terrorism aimed at infrastructure projects associated with the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Militant factions opposed to development initiatives in the region have targeted Chinese laborers, security personnel, and infrastructure in an attempt to undermine Pakistan’s economic interests and discourage foreign investment. These incidents emphasize the security challenges linked to large-scale development ventures in conflict-prone areas like Balochistan.

Balochistan has long been a focal point of development endeavors aimed at addressing socio-economic disparities and unleashing its vast potential. Despite encountering numerous obstacles, the province has made significant progress across various sectors, with concerted efforts in motion to foster sustainable development and enhance the well-being of its populace.

Infrastructure development serves as the cornerstone of Balochistan’s advancement, with substantial investments directed towards road networks, energy infrastructure, and connectivity initiatives. The construction of highways like the Makran Coastal Highway and the Western Alignment of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) has bolstered intra-provincial and inter-regional connectivity, facilitating trade, commerce, and tourism. Additionally, endeavors such as the Gwadar Port and the Gwadar Free Zone have positioned Balochistan as a crucial hub in regional trade and connectivity, opening up new avenues for economic expansion and investment.

Improving access to electricity through the development of energy infrastructure, including power plants and transmission lines, has addressed a critical need and laid the groundwork for industrial growth and economic diversification. Investments in education and healthcare play pivotal roles in human capital development and socio-economic empowerment in Balochistan. Establishing new educational institutions and upgrading existing ones, alongside efforts to enhance the quality of education, is broadening access to learning opportunities and equipping the youth with the skills necessary to thrive in today’s economy. Similarly, strengthening healthcare infrastructure through the establishment of hospitals, clinics, and medical colleges is enhancing access to medical services and meeting the healthcare needs of the populace. Initiatives like the Sehat Sahulat Program, providing health insurance coverage to vulnerable segments of society, are enhancing healthcare accessibility and affordability, thereby contributing to improved health outcomes in Balochistan.

Supporting livelihoods and alleviating poverty are central tenets of Balochistan’s development agenda. Various initiatives, including microfinance programs, skills development training, and agricultural support schemes, are empowering communities and fostering economic resilience. Entrepreneurship promotion projects, especially targeting women and youth, are unlocking new avenues for income generation and economic empowerment. Moreover, social protection programs like the Ehsaas program offer financial aid to marginalized families, assisting them in coping with economic shocks and enhancing their quality of life. Through investment in livelihood support and poverty alleviation initiatives, Balochistan is establishing the framework for inclusive and sustainable development, ensuring that all individuals are included in its journey towards advancement.

Recognizing the pivotal role of Balochistan’s development in the nation’s overall prosperity and stability, the Pakistan Army has undertaken a series of welfare initiatives aimed at tackling the province’s challenges and unlocking its potential.

Infrastructure serves as the backbone of development, enabling connectivity, trade, and economic progress. The Pakistan Army has actively engaged in infrastructure development endeavors throughout Balochistan, including the construction of roads, bridges, and dams. These undertakings not only enhance access to remote areas but also generate employment opportunities and stimulate economic activity. Initiatives like the construction of the Makran Coastal Highway and the rehabilitation of crucial road networks have notably improved intra-provincial and inter-regional connectivity, fostering trade and investment.

Access to quality healthcare and education is vital for human development and socio-economic advancement. In Balochistan, where healthcare and educational infrastructure are often lacking, the Pakistan Army has intervened to bridge these gaps. Operating a network of medical facilities such as hospitals and clinics, the Army provides free healthcare services to residents in remote and underserved areas. Similarly, it has established schools and colleges, offering quality education to numerous children and youth in Balochistan. These efforts not only enhance health and educational outcomes but also empower communities and contribute to human capital development.

Economic empowerment is essential for uplifting communities and reducing poverty. The Pakistan Army has initiated various livelihood support programs aimed at economically empowering the people of Balochistan. These initiatives encompass vocational training programs, microfinance schemes, and agricultural support projects. By imparting skills training, providing access to credit, and offering technical assistance, the Army enables individuals to establish businesses, generate income, and enhance their standard of living. Moreover, its endeavors in promoting agriculture and livestock development contribute to food security and economic resilience in Balochistan.

Building trust and fostering dialogue with local communities are crucial for sustainable development and peace-building. The Pakistan Army actively engages with Balochistan’s communities through diverse outreach programs, including medical camps, educational seminars, and community development projects. By involving local stakeholders in decision-making processes and addressing their needs and concerns, the Army cultivates trust and cooperation, laying the groundwork for enduring peace and prosperity in Balochistan.

Recognizing Balochistan’s pivotal role in national prosperity and security, the Pakistan Army has spearheaded several key projects in the province across various sectors, including infrastructure, healthcare, education, and livelihood support, all aimed at fostering sustainable development and socio-economic empowerment.

As previously mentioned, one of the most significant infrastructure projects in Balochistan led by the Pakistan Army is the Makran Coastal Highway. Extending over a span of 650 kilometers along the coastline, this highway has revolutionized transportation and connectivity in the region, uniting remote coastal areas with major urban centers and ports. Beyond facilitating trade and commerce, the highway stimulates tourism and improves access to vital services for communities along its path.

The Pakistan Army oversees numerous Combined Military Hospitals (CMHs) in Balochistan, delivering high-quality healthcare services to military personnel, their families, and civilians. Offering a comprehensive array of medical facilities, including specialized treatments, surgeries, and diagnostics, these hospitals play a pivotal role in enhancing healthcare accessibility and outcomes, particularly in remote and underserved regions where healthcare access is limited.

Education serves as a cornerstone of development, and the Pakistan Army has established a network of schools and colleges in Balochistan to provide top-notch education to children and young adults. Army Public Schools and Colleges boast modern amenities, qualified educators, and an enriching learning environment that fosters character development and skill acquisition, preparing students for success in the contemporary world.

Recognizing the importance of skill development for economic empowerment, the Pakistan Army has instituted vocational training centers across Balochistan. These centers offer training programs in various trades, including carpentry, welding, plumbing, and computer skills. By equipping individuals with marketable skills, these centers empower them to pursue gainful employment opportunities or embark on entrepreneurial endeavors, thus mitigating unemployment and poverty in the region.

Access to clean water is paramount for human health and well-being, prompting the Pakistan Army to initiate several water supply and dam projects in Balochistan to combat water scarcity. These projects encompass the construction of dams, reservoirs, and water supply schemes designed to bolster water storage capacity, enhance irrigation infrastructure, and provide clean drinking water to communities throughout the province. By ensuring access to dependable water sources, these initiatives bolster agricultural productivity, environmental sustainability, and socio-economic development in Balochistan.

The Pakistan Army remains steadfast in its commitment to the development and security of Balochistan, with the Army Chief taking a keen interest in the province’s affairs. Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Asim Munir, NI (M), recently visited Awaran district of Balochistan, where he received briefings on the security situation and ongoing efforts by the Pakistan Army to foster socio-economic development and harness the agricultural potential of the province. Interacting with local elders, farmers, and families of fallen soldiers, COAS assured them of the Army’s unwavering support for their security and well-being while paying homage to the sacrifices made by the fallen. During discussions with community leaders and farmers in Awaran, COAS underscored the significance of agriculture and reiterated the Army’s commitment to the Green Pakistan Initiative (GPI). The Chief of Army Staff (COAS) outlined plans to provide farmers with comprehensive agricultural support, including easy access to agricultural loans, seeds, fertilizers, solar tube wells, and guidance from agriculture experts. These measures aim to empower farmers to cultivate their lands and contribute to the progress and development of Pakistan. Subsequently, COAS inaugurated Cadet College Awaran and engaged with faculty members and students. He commended the establishment of yet another Cadet College in Balochistan, emphasizing the significance for the local community. COAS reaffirmed Pakistan Army’s commitment to ongoing development and relief efforts in Balochistan, in collaboration with relevant civil departments, emphasizing that the success of Balochistan is intertwined with the success of Pakistan. He expressed pride in the resilience of the people of Balochistan and pledged continued support from the Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies for peace and prosperity in the region.

The Army Chief’s tour and statements vividly demonstrate his deep affinity for Balochistan. Pakistan, a country renowned for its diversity, comprises four provinces, each with its distinct cultural heritage, languages, and traditions. They are bound together by the common identity of being part of the Pakistani nation.

Since Pakistan’s inception, the principle of provincial equality has been enshrined in its founding documents, including the Constitution. This principle reflects the vision of the country’s founding fathers, who aimed to establish a nation where all citizens are treated with dignity and respect, irrespective of their regional backgrounds. It forms the bedrock of Pakistan’s federal structure, ensuring representation and voice for each province in national affairs.

Pakistan’s provinces boast diverse cultures, languages, and traditions, contributing to the country’s vibrant identity. Embracing this diversity fosters inclusivity and strengthens national unity, as Pakistanis celebrate their differences while cherishing their shared identity. The principle of provincial equality is evident in Pakistan’s political system, where each province is represented in the federal government and provincial assemblies. Through proportional representation, all provinces participate in national decision-making, ensuring that policies are inclusive and responsive to the needs of all provinces, promoting balanced development and equitable resource distribution. Ensuring provincial equality is crucial for fostering balanced economic development and minimizing regional disparities within Pakistan. Through investments in infrastructure, education, healthcare, and other vital services across all provinces, the government establishes a conducive environment for economic advancement and prosperity. Programs such as the National Finance Commission Award and the establishment of Special Economic Zones aim to foster inclusive growth and create opportunities for all provinces to flourish. Provincial equality also cultivates social cohesion and national unity, as citizens from diverse regions of Pakistan come together to celebrate their shared heritage and aspirations. By encouraging inter-provincial dialogue, cultural exchange, and mutual respect, Pakistan builds bridges of understanding and solidarity that transcend geographical boundaries. This unity amid diversity strengthens the social fabric, instilling a sense of belonging and pride in being part of the Pakistani nation.

Balochistan has played a significant role in shaping Pakistan’s political and military landscape. Despite its relatively low population density, Balochistan has produced several notable figures who have reached the highest levels of power in the country.

Some prominent examples include General Mirza Aslam Beg, a native of Quetta, Balochistan, who served as the Chief of Army Staff (COAS) from 1988 to 1991. During his tenure, General Beg oversaw significant developments in Pakistan’s military and strategic affairs, contributing to the strengthening of the nation’s defense capabilities and regional stability.

Another notable figure is General Muhammad Musa Khan, also from Quetta, Balochistan, who served as the Commander-in-Chief of the Pakistan Army from 1958 to 1966. His leadership coincided with a period of considerable political and military turbulence in Pakistan, including the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965.

Sardar Ataullah Mengal, a prominent Baloch nationalist leader, held the position of Chief Minister of Balochistan and briefly served as the Prime Minister of Pakistan in 1972. During his time as Prime Minister, he focused on addressing the grievances of the Baloch people and advocating for regional autonomy.

Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, born in the Dera Murad Jamali district of Balochistan, served as the Prime Minister of Pakistan from 2002 to 2004. As the first and only Prime Minister from Balochistan thus far, Jamali’s tenure was marked by efforts to promote national reconciliation and economic development.

These examples illustrate that the Baloch people possess equal rights and opportunities, akin to citizens of other provinces in Pakistan.

Readers, Pakistan, its people, and the Pakistan Army hold a deep affection for Balochistan and recognize its significance for the nation. The recent visit by Army Chief General Asim Munir underscores the sentiment of love and appreciation for this vital province of Pakistan. The initiatives aimed at enhancing security and promoting development in Balochistan are warmly received and appreciated by the people of Pakistan.

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