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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

 ‘Pakistan Ko Nawaz Do’

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Daily The Spokesman July 03 2024 PDF

Daily The Spokesman July 03 2024 PDF

 'Pakistan Ko Nawaz Do'

During a live broadcast address to a gathering of prominent media figures, Nawaz Sharif opted to speak candidly as opposed to reading from the prepared manifesto. His impassioned discourse delved into the challenges and disruptions encountered throughout his three-term tenure as prime minister. He conveyed a deep sense of regret on premature termination of his previous three tenures, his subsequent imprisonment and exiles and the potential course of progress and affluence that Pakistan failed to attain. His honest remarks emphasized the profound disparity between the anticipated progress and the present hardships faced by average individuals in their efforts to afford even the fundamental necessities.

The manifesto which was launched earlier by all PML(N) stalwarts, led by Nawaz Sharif, through the collective pressing of a button accompanied by a poignant debut song, focuses on realistic and achievable goals, avoiding the presentation of unattainable promises. The manifesto, penned by Nawaz’s close associate Mr. Irfan Siddique, assisted by Marium Orangzeb, was launched under the slogan ‘Vote to Azzat Do’, ‘Pakistan Ko Nawaz Do’, emphasizing the party’s commitment to practicality and accountability in governance. The manifesto addresses the differentiation between the realities of governance and the perceptions often portrayed on social media, particularly in contrast to campaigns by other political parties like the PTI. The approach taken by PML-N in this manifesto suggests a focus on transparency, realistic planning, and the execution of policies that are within the party’s capability to deliver upon assuming power.

Nawaz Sharif articulated a vision for a healed nation, promising unity and direction if PML(N) wins the upcoming elections. He spoke of alleviating despair with actionable plans, aiming to erase the deep-seated discontent. In contrast, if PML(N) does not secure victory, Sharif committed to a non-confrontational stance, respecting the tenure of the elected government, emphasizing a departure from the politics of vengeance.

Sharif critiqued the cyclical disruption of democratically elected governments in Pakistan, highlighting the extensive and costly electoral process that culminates in new government formation, only to be derailed by undemocratic forces. He lamented this pattern of political instability, which often leads to the unjust ousting of leaders, economic mismanagement, soaring inflation, and increased poverty. Sharif emphasized the irony of ousted leaders being called upon to salvage the nation from crises instigated by the very forces that undermined them.

He stated in his emotionally charged yet melancholic address that he had never pursued confrontational politics and had always upheld the democratic charter in his capacities as a political worker, prime minister, and opposition leader. He provided numerous instances in which, despite having the ability to destabilize and remove the governments of the PPP and PTI, he declined to do so in adherence to the charter of democracy. While such an action could have greatly benefited the PML (N), he abstained from pursuing it out of a strong conviction that it would ultimately undermine the democratic process in the country.

He recounted numerous instances in which he advocated for democratic principles at the expense of significant party gains. During the narration of one such piece of evidence, he stated that he called off  the long march that advocated for the reinstatement of judges and the judiciary, which had been forcibly removed by the dictatorial regime of Pervez Musharaf shortly after the demand was met by the PPP government. He recollected that numerous media contacts and close associates advised him to persist with the protracted march while introducing a fresh demand: the establishment of Shahbaz Sharif’s administration in the Punjab. He stated that he declined the proposal despite its appeal on the grounds that all governments, irrespective of their formation, should be removed exclusively through a legitimate democratic process, and not via blackmail, coercion, or threats of long march and protracted sit-ins.

He reflected on the agonizing days of Imran Khan’s long march and sit-in, which he claimed was orchestrated with the assistance of Mr. Tahir ul Qadri, who was summoned from abroad and had no investment, interest, or standing in Pakistani politics. A sit-in ensued during which the incumbent prime minister was subjected to a variety of vile threats and vows were made to drag him from the prime minister’s residence by tying a rope around his neck.

He bemoaned the fact that the sit-in had effectively paralyzed the state and disrupted government operations. He distinctly remembered one of the most anticipated and significant visits of the Chinese President to Pakistan, which was repeatedly delayed on account of protracted demonstrations and sit-ins, but ultimately materialized subsequent to the cancellation of the sit-ins.  Pakistan entered an unprecedented era of progress and development with the initiation of the transformative China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) during this visit. Regrettably, the visit could have been initiated considerably sooner under the CPEC, which would have benefited the nation and its citizens considerably sooner, had the sit-in not caused the visit to be delayed.

He stated that despite the fact that Imran Khan was determined to overthrow his government, he maintained a policy of dialogue and engagement and requested Imran Khan to the negotiating table on multiple occasions to discuss his demands and evolve potential solutions. He even visited Bani Gala as prime minister to engage him in a political process, and he lamented that he had only requested the construction of a road from Islamabad to Bani Gala rather than pressuring for any demand with a vision or mission. He stated that the road was though constructed rapidly but he is still perplexed as to why he continued to hold the entire nation hostage for a demand that was so trivial and could have been easily satisfied.

In reference to his affection, concern and and love for the populace and Imran Khan’s insensitivity toward the common people, he stated that he visited Aabpara market immediately after assuming power in 2013 and conducted personal interviews with vendors, shopkeepers, and customers to ascertain and inquire about the costs of essential commodities and their wellbeing.  Conversely, he asserted that in Quetta, a terrorist attack claimed the lives of over hundred Hazaras, whose families refused to bury their loved ones until the prime minister personally addressed them and guaranteed them justice. According to him, Mr. Iman declined to pay a visit to the bereaved families and instead compounded the harm by publicly stating that this constituted coercion and he would not yield. He pondered the manner in which an individual with such an insensitive mindset could hold the position of prime minister of the nation.

He asserted that his party is the only one that consistently ensures the manifesto is formulated with the knowledge, expertise, and skills of party members, leaders, and subject matter experts incorporated. The PML(N) consistently ensures that the manifesto maintains its sanctity by excluding any unfulfillable pledges or commitments. According to him, the country was on the verge of utter collapse in 2013 when the PML(N) assumed power. A severe electricity shortage persisted with no apparent resolution in site. There was a severe gas shortage that had repercussions for both industries and households. With inflation on the rise, the PKR was rapidly depreciating. FATF was on the verge of blacklisting the nation, which was previously on its graylist.

He asserted that in spite of extremely detrimental sit-ins and long marches, his administration, in accordance with its manifesto, added 12,000 MW of electricity, resolved the gas crisis, reduced the inflation rate to between 2% and 5%, and maintained the rupee at Rs.105 throughout his entire term in office and restored the existing highways and motorways constructed additional highways motorways and farm to market road.

He stated that the country could have been on a faster trajectory of development and progress if he had been allowed to continue governing, as opposed to the current state of affairs, which includes the rupee groaning under the weight of a sluggish economy from Rs. 285 to Rs. 307 against dollar, the return of gas and electricity blackouts for households, the closure of industries due to high input costs and lack of utilities, and the relocation of businesses to other nations. He stated that the agricultural sector has been hardest affected by rising costs for fertilizers, seeds, electricity, diesel, and gasoline.  Tractors, which were once priced at Rs. 900,000 during his time, have since escalated to an exorbitant Rs. 35,00,000 each. The vegetable prices, which were between 10 and 20 Rupees per kilogram during his time, have since soared to between 100 and 300 Rupees, rendering them prohibitive for even the lower middle to upper middle classes.

Automobiles manufactured by Suzuki, Toyota, and Honda, which were purchasable for the middle class during his era for a price range of Rs. 900,000 to Rs. 30,00,000, have now surpassed the financial means of even the wealthiest classes, costing between Rs. 30,00,000 and Rs. 20,000,000. The family, previously owned automobiles, had switched to motorcycles as a result of the exorbitant expenses associated with vehicles and fuel. He claimed that had the PML(N) government persisted in its operations, the entire nation’s cities could have been serviced by the orange lines trains and the metro bus services, and automobiles could have been affordable for the average citizen.

Sharif’s speech, punctuated by pauses for Azan and Maryam Nawaz’s departure, reaffirmed his commitment to uplifting the common man. He emphasized a government attuned to people’s hardships, dreams, and aspirations, particularly highlighting the youth’s pivotal role in national progress, regardless of gender, ensuring they have the resources to fulfill their potential.The plan aims to fortify industries at all levels and foster youth entrepreneurship through accessible banking support. In agriculture, a cornerstone of the economy, initiatives will include superior seeds, subsidized fertilizers, and affordable utilities, alongside a robust R&D framework for continuous agricultural advancement.

He stated that, similar to previous administrations, the PML(N) will strive ceaselessly, with commitment, dedication, and a clear sense of purpose, to improve the deteriorating state of the common man and restore all necessities within his reach, without engaging in political victimization, blame-shifting, or the pursuit of confrontational and vengeful politics.

He concluded his candid discussion by asserting that those individuals who are viewing this discourse on their television screens and those prominent journalists positioned on the front lines must be convinced in their deepest selves that Nawaz Sharif is telling the truth. He claimed to have a feeling and intuition that everyone is thinking this way, and that this is the PML’s manifesto.

writer is former Press Secretary to the President,Former Press Minister at Embassy of Pakistan to France and former MD, SRBC

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