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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Is there any probability of World War 3? 

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Daily The Spokesman July 03 2024 PDF

Daily The Spokesman July 03 2024 PDF

Saman Sarfaraz

Up till when Hamas will fight? Can fierce Israel Palestine War give rise to World War 3? Are Israel Palestine’s ongoing obnoxious Clashes confined to Israel and Palestine only? Which one of these is right and which one is wrong? Whether Israel will vanish away from earth or Palestine? These are some inevitable questions. Ranging from Oslo Accords to the Camp David agreement, peaceful negotiations took place from time to time, Among Israel, Palestine, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Jordan and UAE.

Notwithstanding, Israel Palestine’s wars starting from Arab–Israeli War (1948)till today has never stopped. It is not a mere a territorial conflict between two rather it is fulfilling the Samuel P. Huntington’s arguments of war “The Clash of Civilizations’’. Indeed religion is the major bone of contention between Israel and Palestine. From Palestinian point of view Israel has crossed thered line by restricting Muslims from offering prayers. Moreover, illegal occupation of the West Bank and Ghaza has deteriorated the situation. Other reasons were Geopolitical changes taking place in the Middle East, prevailing threat to Ibrahimi Mosque and Israel’s internal protests against the judicial system. Hamas has carried out an unprecedented attack on Israel by launching thousands of rockets within a short span of time. Everyone is foreseeing two different blocks forming in Israel Palestine conflict.

Western World and the Muslim world, Western world is condemning initiation of fight from Hamas, by considering Palestinians terrorist they continuously are in favor of Israelis. On the flip side, for Muslims Palestinians are freedom fighters merely fighting for their existence and snatching territory. If you look at scenarios of World War 1 and 2, the conclusion can be easily made about formation of two different blocks then initiation of a full-fledged bloody war. As far as the aforementioned contemporary scenario is concerned, if Israel Palestine conflict remains spreading it can acquire the status of full-fledged World War. Joe Biden initially proclaimed US’s stance firmly by standing on Israel’s side, this didn’t stop there USA has send its Naval Fleet to support Israel by providing fighter jets and other armaments. A warning from US and Israeli  Along with this UK, France, India, Germany andCanada have raised a strong voice against Hamas’s confrontation on Israeli and, air and sea. USA has sent its biggest naval fleet towards Israel that contains nukes, F35 Fighter jets and other advanced weapons.

Antithetically, countries like Iran, Afghanistan, Spain, Ireland, Turkey and Lebanon are openly supporting Palestine. Iran has celebrated the attack on Israel, additionally, it is giving free oil and medical camps to Palestinians. Lebanon’s Hezbollah, backed by Iran has attacked Israel from the Northern side. Afghanistan, although hit by a catastrophic earthquake, still found a passage from Iran or nearby to destroy Israel. However, Saudi Arabia has supported Israel by warning Israel against provocations, although, two weeks ago Israeli Communications Minister officially visited The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has restraint both parties for further exacerbation of the Israel Palestine clash. Although some of Muslim states aren’t explicitly raising voice against Israel because of their vested interests, they do support the ideology of Palestinian Freedom fighters in disguise.

Iran, Afghanistan and Lebanon and Jordan are active players in the Middle East as far as the Israel Palestine conflict is concerned. More than 1100 Israelis are killed Electricity, water and food are completely cut off to Palestine in return Israel has shot more than 900 Palestinians. Either Jews were facing existential threats or Palestinian Muslims were, its answer varies as far as Theory of constructivism is applied on Western Mindset or Muslim Mindset. For West Hamas tends to eradicate Israel from the map of the world, Israel was referred to as an illegitimate child of the west by Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah he has foreseen the future. Inspire of such a statement from the Israeli Defense Minister “We are fighting human animals and we will act accordingly”. Only Ireland and Spain from Europe spoke against the EU’s halt in Palestinian funding by the European Commission decision of suspending payments to the Palestinian Authority, although it is reversed. One can’t predict prior to something’s happening but the already escalated and deteriorated Israeli-Palestinian situation is paving a way of its further spread, as more and more actors are jumping into the war directly or indirectly.

Although, impressions of Hamas and Palestinian freedom fighters’ are portrayed as terrorists, aggressive and violence lovers. Instigating such impressions across the world would further lead to the rise in hatred and Islamophobia, that’s how Islamic countries like; Palestine, Jordan, Iran, Afghanistan and Lebanon would face much more from non-Muslim states than expected. It is believed that Israel being supported by the developed world, is much more advanced in all kind of weaponries, including ‘The Iron Dome Defense System’can’t be defeated easily, it might be for the sake humiliating and distorting Palestinians image across the globe, afterwards, it might has planned a revenge beyond expectations. That’s what it is doing. Probably it is the best time to get united and stand up for the rights Muslims.

Writer is Student of Defense and Diplomatic Studies FatimaJinnah Women University Rawalpindi. She can be reached at [email protected]

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