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Role of ISPR, ISI, and MI in Addressing Internal and External Threats

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Daily The Spokesman July 03 2024 PDF

Daily The Spokesman July 03 2024 PDF

Role of ISPR, ISI, and MI in Addressing Internal and External ThreatsIn the contemporary world, which is characterized by global interconnectivity and information-driven dynamics, the functions performed by military intelligence and public relations (PR) have undergone substantial evolution. To ensure a nation’s national security and to cultivate a positive global image, the coordination between military intelligence and PR is of paramount importance.

Public relations revolves around the management of a country’s reputation, both domestically and internationally. An adeptly designed PR strategy has the capacity to mold how a nation is perceived by its citizens and the international community. It plays a pivotal role in diplomacy, commerce, and foreign policy. In times of crises, such as natural disasters or geopolitical conflicts, PR professionals become indispensable for effective communication. They ensure the dissemination of accurate and timely information to the public, steer the narrative, and orchestrate humanitarian responses. This, in turn, contributes to the preservation of stability and national cohesion during turbulent periods. Additionally, public relations plays a significant role in advancing a nation’s soft power. Through avenues like cultural diplomacy, educational exchange initiatives, and endeavors such as international aid and developmental projects, PR can cultivate positive diplomatic relationships with other nations and amplify a country’s global influence.

On the other hand, military intelligence serves as the linchpin of a nation’s apparatus for national security. It encompasses the gathering, analysis, and dissemination of information pertaining to potential threats, whether they originate from within the country or externally. The primary objective of military intelligence is to equip decision-makers with actionable insights to craft effective defense strategies and counter looming threats. An essential facet of military intelligence is its role in combating terrorism and insurgency. Intelligence agencies diligently monitor extremist groups, their activities, and their sources of funding. This intelligence is pivotal for the planning and execution of counterterrorism operations, safeguarding civilians, and upholding law and order. Military intelligence agencies are also at the forefront of identifying and mitigating espionage threats, whether they emanate from adversarial governments or non-state actors. In the contemporary digital age, these agencies are additionally entrusted with the responsibility of safeguarding the nation’s cyber infrastructure, shielding it from cyberattacks and information warfare.

In summary, the roles of ISPR, ISI, and MI have undergone transformation to encompass the management of a nation’s reputation and the safeguarding of its national security interests. These agencies work in synergy to address internal and external threats, thereby ensuring the nation’s well-being and its standing on the global stage.


The collaboration between military intelligence and public relations (PR) becomes evident through strategic communication. Precise and timely intelligence information serves as the foundation for PR professionals to craft effective messaging during military operations, crises, or diplomatic negotiations. This ensures that the government’s actions are portrayed positively and aligned with the country’s strategic goals. During critical moments, such as crises, the synergy between military intelligence and PR becomes indispensable. While military intelligence agencies provide real-time information regarding threats or disaster situations, PR experts oversee the flow of communication, address public concerns, and ensure that essential information reaches affected populations. Striking a delicate balance between national security and transparency is essential. The cooperation between military intelligence and PR aids in maintaining this balance by safeguarding sensitive information while simultaneously keeping the public informed within the confines of national security.


The Directorate-General for Military Intelligence, commonly referred to as “Military Intelligence” (MI), serves as the intelligence branch of the Pakistan Army and is headquartered at the Army GHQ in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. MI operates in coordination with the Air Intelligence (AI) of the Pakistan Air Force and the Naval Intelligence (NI) of the Pakistan Navy, reporting to the DG MI. All officers and enlisted personnel serving in MI are drawn from the Army. MI stands as one of Pakistan’s five principal intelligence services and is entrusted with tasks such as monitoring the military capabilities of adversaries, conducting counter-espionage operations, identifying and neutralizing sleeper cells and foreign agents, and closely monitoring the activities of Pakistan Army officers. Notably, officers and soldiers of MI often appear in civilian attire. MI is led by a Major General from the Pakistan Army, holding a two-star rank, who serves as its head.

ISI poses a significant challenge to both our internal and external adversaries. This agency is tasked with the collection, processing, and analysis of information pertaining to Pakistan’s security interests from across the globe. The Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) is a source of immense pride due to its invaluable contributions to Pakistan. Established in 1948, this branch of the Pakistan Army assumes a vital national role in gathering intelligence to ensure the country’s security.

ISI ranks among the world’s premier intelligence agencies, renowned for its professionalism, efficiency, and well-organized structure. Within the Pakistan Army, ISI functions as an integral and discreet force, playing a pivotal role behind the scenes in safeguarding the nation. Similar to intelligence agencies worldwide, ISI is dedicated to countering potential internal and external threats. It serves as the vigilant eyes and ears of the state, tirelessly protecting Pakistan’s national interests and its people. ISI is widely recognized as one of the largest intelligence agencies globally, although the precise number of its agents remains confidential for security reasons. Nevertheless, conservative estimates suggest that it boasts a force of over ten thousand agents.


Since its inception, ISI has played a crucial role in ensuring the security and well-being of Pakistan. Its contributions have been both significant and commendable, often operating discreetly. Notably, during the conflict between Afghanistan and the Soviet Union, ISI played an instrumental and proactive role. At that time, Pakistan’s primary objective was to thwart the Soviet Union’s ambitions in Afghanistan. The training provided by ISI personnel prepared Afghan fighters to resist the Russian invaders. A noteworthy achievement was the successful fight against terrorism in Afghanistan, which was largely attributed to ISI’s clear vision and determination to defeat the malevolent intentions of global adversaries.

The late Hameed Gul, a former head of ISI, once remarked, “When the history of the world is written, it will be written that ISI defeated the Soviet Union in Afghanistan with the help of America. Then another sentence would be that the ISI defeated the US with the help of the US.” The subsequent withdrawal of foreign forces from Afghanistan after two decades validated his assertion.

As of November 20, 2021, Lieutenant General Nadeem Ahmed Anjum, a three-star general in the Pakistan Army, has assumed the position of Director-General of ISI. He has served in various high-ranking roles, including Inspector-General of the Frontier Corps in Balochistan and Corps Commander of the V Corps. Under his leadership, ISI has implemented measures to maintain operational security, such as restricting the release of photos and videos from official meetings to the media.

ISI is often likened to the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Israel’s Mossad and is considered Pakistan’s foremost line of defense. While we enjoy a sense of security, ISI’s personnel are dedicated to safeguarding our borders, often putting their lives on the line. Just a few months ago, Brigadier Mustafa Barki of ISI made the ultimate sacrifice in a battle against terrorists in South Waziristan. In times of criticism directed at institutions and their leadership, it is important to acknowledge the unwavering commitment of ISI in its mission against anti-national elements, which has never been more resolute.

To gain a comprehensive understanding of the exceptional contributions made by our intelligence agencies, numerous illustrative instances serve as self-evident testimony. A few months ago, in a high-profile and triumphant intelligence operation, the leading intelligence agency apprehended a significant target known as Gulzar Imam, alias Shambay, as reported by the media wing of the Pakistani Army. The ISPR disclosed that Imam had an extensive history as a hardcore militant and was the founder and leader of the banned organization Baloch National Army (BNA), which came into existence following the merger of the Baloch Republican Army (BRA) and the United Baloch Army (UBA). BNA had been responsible for numerous violent terrorist incidents in Pakistan, including attacks on law enforcement agency installations in Panjgur and Noshki. Until 2018, Gulzar Imam had served as the deputy to Brahamdagh Bugti in the Baloch Republican Army (BRA). Additionally, he played a pivotal role in the establishment of Baloch Raji Aajoi Sangar (BRAS) and served as its operational head. His documented visits to Afghanistan and India raised suspicions, and his connections with hostile intelligence agencies are currently under investigation. Reportedly, these agencies attempted to exploit him to work against the interests of Pakistan and its national security. His capture was the result of a meticulously planned and executed operation that spanned several months and covered various geographical locations. DG ISI Lieutenant General Nadeem Anjum and the ISI leadership merit commendation for their pivotal role in apprehending such a high-profile terrorist. The Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) stands as our foremost intelligence agency.

In collaboration with Pakistan Army and with the support of intelligence agencies, Pakistan launched two highly successful operations, namely Zarb Azab and Radd al-Fasaad, within the country to apprehend or neutralize those involved in terrorism, extremism, and radicalism, including their instigators, backers, supporters, financiers, and sympathizers, both within our borders and beyond. Thanks to the sacrifices and unwavering efforts of our intelligence agencies and armed forces, Pakistan has thus far effectively combated the scourge of terrorism. These operations, primarily driven by intelligence, played a crucial role in eradicating extremism, terrorism, and radicalization, while also dismantling cells responsible for financing terrorism. The timely and accurate information mechanisms employed by our intelligence agencies played a pivotal role in transforming these operations into a resounding success story for Pakistan.

Hostile entities, along with various international agencies such as RAW and Mossad, there are also some internal elements consistently endeavor to undermine the credibility of ISI and MI through their malevolent schemes. On record, there exist unfounded and baseless allegations made by Imran Khan and PTI against ISI and MI. Imran Khan has publicly and repeatedly accused General Nadeem Anjum and General Faisal Naseer, both of whom have consistently demonstrated their loyalty to Pakistan through their professional service on numerous occasions.

Recently, secret conversations of a fugitive PTI YouTuber with Rohit Sharma, connected to India’s infamous secret agency “RAW,” have come to light. In these conversations, Rohit Sharma can be heard instructing the YouTuber to defame Pakistan’s Intelligence Agency, revealing a disturbing link between the YouTuber and Indian “RAW.” The viral audio circulating on social media highlights the YouTuber’s engagement in resolving his affairs in the UK with individuals associated with Indian “RAW.” Rohit Sharma instructs the YouTuber to tarnish the reputation of Pakistan’s secret agency by collaborating with a “paid liar” affiliated with “RAW.”

ISI and MI operate with the utmost professionalism and dedication, akin to a formidable force, to counteract the subversive activities and ulterior motives of hostile agencies and elements, both within Pakistan and globally. This resolute approach has compelled rival nations to abandon their malicious designs against Pakistan. ISI and MI spare no effort in safeguarding Pakistan from global espionage networks and the machinations of rival forces, with an unwavering commitment to preserving national security interests. Their primary mission is the protection of Pakistan’s vital interests.

Following the World Trade Center attacks, Pakistan became a crucial partner in the global fight against terrorism. During this period, our Intelligence agencies successfully exposed and dismantled various terrorist networks that Pakistan’s adversaries had established to destabilize and weaken the nation, its institutions, and its society. These networks received support and funding from neighboring countries such as India and Afghanistan. Dealing with international and regional espionage networks would have been an insurmountable challenge without the invaluable assistance of ISI and MI.

A notable instance is the arrest of Kulbhushan Yadav, a retired Indian Navy officer who engaged in perilous activities in Pakistan’s Balochistan province while spying for India’s intelligence agency RAW. Pakistan Security Forces apprehended him on March 3, 2016, on charges of espionage and involvement in terrorist activities in Balochistan. His capture resulted from critical information provided by our Intelligence agencies. RAW had been operating from neighboring states’ territories long before the World Trade Center incident, striving to destabilize and weaken Pakistan. Pakistan bore a significant toll as an ally in the war on terror.

India has persistently plotted to foment ethnic divisions in Pakistan and has utilized Afghanistan’s territory as a launchpad for its hostile actions against Pakistan. India has been the mastermind behind anti-state activities throughout Pakistan, including Balochistan and KPK, regions marked by recurring unrest and conflict. India has played a direct role in sponsoring and supporting terrorism within Pakistan. A stark example is the bomb blast in Johar Town, Lahore, which claimed the lives of 22 people last year. During a press briefing alongside CTD officials, Pakistan’s then Home Minister revealed, “We have concrete evidence that India was behind the blast.” Additionally, the CTD official stated, “During the investigation, it has been found that the main suspect in the incident was an agent of the Indian spy agency (RAW) since 2012.”

Pakistan is among the nine nations globally that possess nuclear capabilities, underscoring the critical importance of safeguarding these assets from falling into the wrong hands. As Pakistan continues its battle against terrorism domestically, it becomes evident that numerous terrorist organizations and adversarial nations may harbor intentions of targeting our nuclear facilities. In this context, ISI and MI are at the forefront, tasked with obtaining advanced information regarding potential threats and thwarting any such nefarious endeavors. Thus far, none of our nuclear facilities have suffered damage at the hands of terrorist organizations or hostile countries, thanks to the pivotal role played by our intelligence agencies in ensuring their security.

The protection of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) has also been a significant responsibility shouldered by the Pakistan Army, ISI, and MI. India has launched an extensive fifth-generation warfare campaign to obstruct Pakistan’s progress, particularly by targeting the CPEC, with the aim of inflicting irreversible harm. In the larger interest of Pakistan, our armed forces and intelligence agencies are actively countering these sinister designs.

Presently, we find ourselves in a comparatively improved and peaceful environment. Our freedom to reside and move about remains unimpeded, and sports activities have not only resumed but are experiencing a resurgence. These positive developments can be attributed to the invaluable support provided by ISI and MI, along with the peaceful atmosphere established by the Pakistan Army.

Turning our focus inward, the constructive role played by ISI and MI in monitoring and addressing anti-state and corrupt elements within political parties and the bureaucracy cannot be underestimated. It is a crucial national duty and a necessity of the times. In pursuit of this objective, the government entrusted the Directorate General of Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) last year with the responsibility of thoroughly scrutinizing the induction, assignment, appointment, and promotion of bureaucrats. This progressive step is aimed at eliminating any potential presence of terrorism or corruption within our bureaucracy.

Next, we delve into a crucial facet of the Pakistan Army. The Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) of Pakistan holds an integral position within the nation’s military apparatus, assuming the responsibility of disseminating information and overseeing the public perception of Pakistan’s armed forces. Over time, ISPR has transformed into a dynamic and multifaceted organization, playing a pivotal role in shaping Pakistan’s narrative both on the domestic and international fronts.

One of ISPR’s notable accomplishments lies in its unwavering dedication to promoting transparency and accountability within the military establishment. ISPR actively fosters open channels of communication and dialogue between the armed forces and the general public. By consistently issuing statements, press releases, and updates regarding military operations and exercises, ISPR has nurtured a sense of trust and transparency crucial for a vibrant democracy. In an era dominated by digital communication, combating the spread of misinformation and disinformation presents a substantial challenge. ISPR has effectively countered false narratives and propaganda through its proactive approach to disseminating information. It has harnessed the power of social media platforms, official websites, and press briefings to promptly address baseless allegations and provide accurate information to the public.

ISPR has played an instrumental role in launching public awareness campaigns on various issues of national significance. These initiatives range from enlightening the public about the sacrifices made by the armed forces to advocating for education and healthcare programs. ISPR has harnessed its reach to mobilize public support for vital national causes. These campaigns have not only educated the public but have also garnered substantial backing for the military’s humanitarian endeavors.


Recognizing the significance of digital platforms, ISPR has expanded its online presence to engage with a broader audience. Its active engagement on social media platforms, including Twitter and Facebook, has enabled it to connect with millions of individuals, both within and beyond Pakistan’s borders. The utilization of multimedia content, such as videos and infographics, has simplified complex military concepts, making them more accessible to the general public.

ISPR has played a pivotal role in enhancing Pakistan’s international image. Through strategic communication and media interactions, it has effectively conveyed Pakistan’s perspective on regional and global matters. These efforts have contributed to strengthening diplomatic ties with foreign counterparts and expanding Pakistan’s global outreach.

During moments of crisis, ISPR has demonstrated its proficiency in crisis management. It has efficiently conveyed critical information to the public and coordinated relief efforts in the face of natural disasters, such as earthquakes and floods. ISPR’s swift response in such situations has not only saved lives but has also underscored the military’s unwavering commitment to serving the nation.

The Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) has evolved into a dynamic and responsive organization, adapting to the challenges of the digital era while upholding its commitment to transparency, accountability, and public awareness. Its achievements in countering misinformation, engaging with the public, and shaping Pakistan’s global image are commendable. ISPR’s role in crisis management and its endeavors to promote Pakistan’s national interests solidify its indispensable status in the country’s communication and information landscape.

As Pakistan navigates a rapidly changing global landscape, ISPR’s accomplishments and dedication to its mission underscore its vital role in serving the nation. The current Director-General of ISPR, Major General Ahmed Sharif Chaudhry, carries out his responsibilities with utmost diligence, earning considerable respect from the public due to his exceptional administrative, communication, and professional skills.

It is essential to acknowledge the combined role of ISI, MI, and ISPR in Pakistan’s security and reputation building. In an increasingly interconnected world, effective coordination among these essential entities is pivotal for safeguarding our national interests, countering internal and external threats, and shaping the nation’s image on the global stage. Through their collaboration, our intelligence agencies and ISPR form a formidable force that ensures not only Pakistan’s security but also its credibility and influence in the international community.

Pakistan faces the unique challenge of internal criticism against its institutions, a phenomenon relatively uncommon worldwide. It is crucial to understand that ISI and MI are the guardians of Pakistan’s integrity, resilient against hybrid warfare and decades-long intrigues by adversarial forces. In the current international political landscape, Pakistan holds promising prospects both socially and economically. While certain anti-Pakistan states may harbor ill intentions, it is incumbent upon our nation to unite and strengthen our national narrative, our defense institutions, our intelligence agencies, and to refrain from tarnishing our revered institutions and our homeland.

Readers, we should stand in solidarity with our armed forces, intelligence agencies, and ISPR, recognizing their vital contributions to Pakistan’s national security. They are a source of pride for our nation, working tirelessly for the betterment of our country. The entire nation acknowledges their services and expresses gratitude for their crucial role in safeguarding Pakistan’s national security.

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