Gul Ji Ki Batein – Discrimination


Gulnaz Ahmed

We see and hear Discrimination everywhere, commonly among different communities of colors, religions, regions and races.

But if we pay close attention ,discrimination is biggers and huge than this, its in our homes, within our families and friends also. We discriminate our family member or friend based on physical disability , mental illness, death divorce, financial status and gender.
During this pandemic poeople with covid were abandoned by their families, Majority of Mentally ill are labeled as Crazy, Nuts and violent. Divorced and widow ladies are not given the equal chances to re-marry , poor are not treated the same as our rich relatives or friend, orphans don’t get opportunities to go to the best schools , person with born physical disability is considered useless and burden on the society , women are treated as 2nd grade citizens, and even daughters are treated differently than sons.
This all seems normal to us and we don’t think we are doing wrong because that’s how the society and culture is. But actually this is Discrimination.
We are concerned and very sensitive about international discrimination on religion, region, race, color and language , when we know its beyond our control. But the issues and discriminations facing our families and friends due to so called Norm culture and society are ignored and we don’t try to work on them when its in our control and we can avoid to happen or at least lessen them, because we are society and form the cultural norm.
We should try to educate ourselves about physical and mental disabilities and treat our disable loved ones with dignity and respect, do not label them with names, uplift them morally , provide them opportunities to participate and function in our communities and make them feel the valuable member of society.
We have to change our mindset towards the divorcee and widows ,do not eliminate them from eligibility of marriage and give them chance to re-marry , accept them with open arms and stop thinking that they are divorced, chracterless, ugly or old.
We should not place the orphans in the orphanage houses and forget them ,close doors to their bright future ,we have to give them access to higher education and skills based on their abilities and place them back into the active community and make them feel proud of them.
Money doesn’t make a person of good character and should not be the criteria of friendship or relationship, we need to treat the person based on his or her qualities and behavior towards us and not by financial status
We must not look down upon poor and make them feel unfortunate and less worthy.
Women are made physically less stronger than men but they are more mature emotionally and handle many day to day life issues better than men, they give birth to a child and raise him, they are home makers and also part of every profession, they multi task and balance between family and professional life very well and know how to maintain relationships they are as equally important and valuable as men and not to be considered 2nd grade citizen.
Gender should not play the role in value of a girl or a boy in society, and need to be treated as same human being, only preferences should be made by intelligence, character, behavior and qualities when it comes to any opportunity , event, or decision of life.
Stay blessed, and safe. JAZAKUMALLAH KHAIR


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