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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Aleem Khan dares PM Imran for public debate on allegations

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Daily The Spokesman July 03 2024 PDF

Daily The Spokesman July 03 2024 PDF

Aleem Khan dares PM Imran for public debate on allegationsBy Amjad Mehmood

—Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) former senior minister in Punjab and dissent provincial assembly member, Mr. Aleem Khan while talking to media dares Prime Minister and Chairman PTI, Imran Khan to face him publicly in front of media for alleged charges leveled against him in media and social media campaigns. He said his prestige was tarnished by painting him a traitor who supported opposition for the sake of money. Clearing his position, he vehemently denied all allegations and presented him for a free and fair trial. He said it should be decided now or his character assassination campaign launched by PTI be stopped immediately. He said, voting against Ch Pervaiz Elahi is his well thought political decision as Imran khan taught him that he was once the ‘biggest dacoit of Punjab’ and then how he became only choice for PTI.

He said, I joined PTI to support Imran khan for the sake of new Pakistan to sever the country and made all-out efforts more than anybody else. He claimed Imran Khan knows this fact, his contribution to party, and his role in the success in 2018 elections but unfortunately, after getting power he was targeted badly. He claimed that after getting power Imran khan was liking only those people who were simply cajoling him rather to say the truth to his face.  He said, ‘I was declared a traitor for meeting diplomats’ while he first time met with the US envoy at Imran Khan’s house while he was in opposition. He said I used to meet with ambassadors of many countries are such meetings made him a traitor?

He said that after 2018 election’s victory, within 15 days he was summoned 4 times by NAB for inquiry, and during the fourth meeting, he came to know through news on TV screen that Mr. Usman Khan Buzdar was selected as Chief Minister Punjab. He said all party members supported Imran Khan for this decision despite reservations. He said a false inquiry was launched against him in NAB and he remained 100 days in custody while no reference is filed against him. Further adding to this, he said from 2010 to 2018 he faced all the hardships for PTI and Imran khan and as the party got power, he was targeted again. He said, I showed the courage and resigned as senior minister to present myself for free and fair inquiry, but no case is filed against him so far and this melodrama was planted against him.

Talking about Former CM Punjab, Mr. Usman Khan Buzdar’s corruption he said all posting transfers in Punjab were made after taking heavy bribes and there were dedicated rates for different ranks in Punjab. He also claimed that Ms. Farah Khan and her husband Mr. Ahsan Jamil who left Pakistan a day before were involved in taking bribes for posting, transfers, and government contracts. He said fair inquiry can make everything clear that what was happening in new Pakistan for which Imran Khan motivated the nation.

He said Mr. Jehangir Khan Tarin also assisted to form the PTI government and then he was made a scapegoat too. He said his services were countless for the party and in return, FIRs were registered against his children in the PTI government. He also added that he informed Imran Khan about the corruption storm in Punjab, but Imran khan never took notice of this while he has record of messages about everything communicated to Imran Khan on this matter.

Expressing his sorrow, he said Imran Khan just for the sake of his government nominated Ch Pervaiz Elahi as PTI candidate for CM Punjab position who has only 5 seats in the National Assembly and 10 in Punjab while he could not find any suitable candidate out of 183 PTI members to serve the province. This deal was made purely to save his prime ministership, not for the sake of the country. He also claimed the Ch Moonis Elahi is offering Rs. 6 crores to get the vote in favor of his father in Punjab.

Talking about his future politics, he said that after voting against Ch Pervaiz Elahi in the Punjab assembly, he will resign from the seat. He said he will discuss his political career with dears and nears to decide further course of action and he will continue to serve the country.

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