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Education is the key to a better future for girls”, UKAID Girls

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Daily The Spokesman July 23 2024 PDF

Daily The Spokesman July 23 2024 PDF

Girls Education Challenge (GEC) holds discussion with government and partners to share good practice and accelerate progress

Islamabad :Ahead of International Women’s Day, representatives from Government of Pakistan, the Girls’ Education Challenge, the British High Commission and ACTED Pakistan held a joint event in Islamabad to highlight challenges to girls’ education and viable approaches to address them. In particular, the participants discussed negative impacts on women and girls during crises, especially due to climate change, fragility, conflict or any other form of emergencies such as the recent Covid-19 pandemic.

Ms. Annabel Gerry, Development Director, British High Commission Pakistan opened the event while highlighting priorities for the UK Government to support the cause of girls’ education across the globe and especially in Pakistan and the South Asia region. She remarked:

During the UK’s G7 Presidency last year, we called for every girl to have 12 years of quality education. Since 2011, 10 million children in primary school and nearly 6 million in secondary school in Pakistan have benefited from UK support, around half of whom are girls. As I have visited schools and universities across Pakistan, I’ve been impressed by the talented and fearless female students I meet.

Mr. Ian Attfield, GEC South Asia Regional Education Advisor at UKAID outlined the GEC approach to ‘Leave No Girl Behind’ and introduced GEC’s learning series on Fragility and Girls’ Education. Locally adapted solutions are needed to provide access to basic services, protection and safe learning spaces in crisis situation. Participants emphasized the importance of empowering girls through education and life skill development, developing linkages between communities and government stakeholders and for increasing national ownership, and prioritizing women empowerment at the grassroots level. Mr. Attfield also thanked the GEC partners and participants and expressed his gratitude for the role of concerned Federal and Provincial Departments who have been ensuring sustainability and support, all along for successful implementation of the projects.

The project’s external evaluators team shared that: “Given the scale of out-of-school girls in Pakistan, ACTED and IRC are implementing an integrated education approach which aims to simultaneously address physical, quality-related, socio-cultural, community level, and system-level barriers to girls’ access to schooling or any other form of education.”

The Closing the Gap project which is funded by the UKAID GEC Leave No Girl Behind (LNGB) initiative in Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, is being implemented to reach out to a total of 5,500 beneficiaries including 4,400 girls who have never been to school. Similarly the TEACH project in Balochistan implemented by IRC is catering to around 29,000 beneficiaries through vocational training, accelerated learning programme and radio lessons.

Further highlighting the project’s achievements in Sindh and KP, the evaluator shared that, “More than 1600 learners from districts Jacobabad and Kashmore have successfully completed the Literacy and Numeracy course and a total of 309 local teachers and coaches have been trained on interactive and play based teaching techniques. Similarly, more than 1100 learners from the Primary Level Accelerated Learning Programme are expected to graduate by the end of the year 2022 and mainstream into post primary education programmes. Shedding light on the increasing interest of the girls for attending learning centres, the evaluator shared that more than 90% of the girls attend learning centres regularly every month and have thus significantly improved their performance.” He also added, “To ensure that girls’ education is prioritized by the communities, more than 2,000 local communities through 215 learning space committees, have been sensitized on girls and women safeguarding, gender equality, and social inclusion (GESI) under GEC programme in KP and Sindh.

Representatives from Street Child participated virtually from Nepal, and shared lessons learnt and approaches to support girls’ transition pathways and learning in times of crisis from the intervention in Nepal.

Street Child implemented “Marginalized No More” program from 2018-2022, targeted to support Musahar girls aged 10 to 19 at Madesh Province and Province 1 of Nepal. Considered as the “lowest of the low” within the caste system, a synthesis of indicators on social status, ranks the Musahars at the lowest on multiple indicators. They are highly vulnerable to the annual flooding in these regions which is worsened by the climate crisis. They are regularly displaced further deepening their marginalization. Musahar girls bear the brunt of this burden. Exclusion from education, and in turn, exclusion from employment drives them into deep destitution and debt bondage.

The key note speaker at the event was Mrs. Nafeesa Inayatullah Khan Khattak, Member of the National Assembly of Pakistan and the Child Rights Committee at the National Parliamentary SDGs Taskforce. She highlighted how the Parliamentary SDG Task Force is prioritizing children’s rights and specially right of education. She emphasized that education is current government’s priority and several initiatives have been launched to address the challenge of out of school children. Other speakers and participants included, Waseem Ajmal Chaudhary- Joint Secretary- International Coordination from the Federal Directorate of Education and representatives from the World Bank, JICA, UNICEF, Aga Khan Foundation-Education, and Provincial Education Department. International development organizations and civil society actors included Right to Play, VSO, NCHD, ITA, and IRC, also participated in the event to exchange information and their experiences from the similar programmes for strengthening girls’ education across the country.

She appreciated all the partners for sharing the details of their projects. She further highlighted that such learning and research based knowledge exchange series of dialogue should continue as they help build consensus around the need of non-formal education for girls from the extremely remote or fragile contexts and also help identify successful approaches to accelerated learning programmes.
Notes to the Editors
The UK’s flagship GEC is the world’s largest programme dedicated to girls’ education.

Through the Girls’ Education Challenge programme, the UK is helping more than 1.5 million girls across 17 countries to access learning opportunities https://girlseducationchallenge.org/about/

ACTED is an international non-governmental organization (INGO) providing humanitarian, technical, and development assistance to the people in need around the globe. In Pakistan, ACTED has been actively involved since October 2005 in various provinces of Pakistan and has implemented projects related to Transitional Shelters, Agriculture, Water & Sanitation, Food Security, Livelihoods and Education.

ACTED Pakistan is implementing a UKAID Girls’ Education Challenge funded project titled “Closing the Gap: Educating Marginalized Girls in Sindh and KP” under the Leave No Girl Behind initiative in the selected districts of Kashmore and Jacobabad in Sindh and Lakki Marwat in KP. The overall objective of the project is to support 5,500 out of school adolescent girls and young women (aged between 10 and 19), who have dropped out of school or have never attended a school. The intervention aims to provide them quality education and gainful vocational skill training to enable their transition to relevant earning opportunities for improving their own and their families’ lives.

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises and helps people to survive and rebuild their lives. Founded in 1933 at the request of Albert Einstein, the IRC offers lifesaving care and life-changing assistance to refugees forced to flee from war and disaster. The IRC leads the way from harm to home. IRC has been working in Pakistan for approximately 40 years, managing and delivering large, complex programs to meet the needs in health, education, safeguarding, environmental health and livelihoods for displaced, poor and disaster affected communities. With the support of the federal and provincial governments, and generous donors like UKAID, ECHO, USAID, GAC and Australian Aid Agencies the IRC is currently implementing projects across the country.

The International Rescue Committee is leading the implementation of the UKAID Girls’ Education Challenge funded project titled “Teach and Educate Adolescent Girls with Community Help-TEACH” under

the Leave No Girl Behind initiative in five districts of Balochistan. The project is working closely with the relevant departments such as the Social Welfare Department and Non-Formal Basic Education Department of the Government of Balochistan to work with hardest to reach clients in the province.
The UKAID GEC Funded Street Child’s Marginalized no More (MnM) project will target up to 7,500 of Nepal’s highly marginalized, Musahar girls who, due to their low-caste, face complex, often interrelated barriers and experience limited or no access to education. The project aims to improve learning outcomes for these girls with a specific focus on functional literacy and numeracy which impacts their ability to transition into meaningful employment and income generation. In addition to accessibility issues, the project will tackle the principal obstacles faced by these girls which include fears for safety and security, out-of- school affordability and in-school gender-related exclusion from curriculum and instruction.

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