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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Women in New Uzbekistan

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Daily The Spokesman July 03 2024 PDF

Daily The Spokesman July 03 2024 PDF

Spokesman Report 

One of the priority directions of the state policy of the New Uzbekistan is the achievement of gender equality, ensuring the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of women, strengthening their role in public and state life.

Women in New Uzbekistan

Recently, information about the experience of Uzbekistan in ensuring the rights and freedoms of women in the framework of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was disseminated among the UN member states as an official document of the 75th session of the UN General Assembly. At the same time, experts from the UN and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) emphasize that the trends observed in Uzbekistan in this area are in line with the global processes of expanding the representation of women at the highest levels of government, eliminating gender inequality, increasing their number in parliament, government and the judiciary. authorities. According to the IPU’s annual report “Women in Parliament” and data from the UN-Women organization, for the first time in history, as of January 2021, the global share of women in national parliaments was more than a quarter – 25.5%. According to the results of the parliamentary elections at the end of 2019, they accounted for 32% of the deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, 25% in the Senate. According to this indicator, Uzbekistan entered the top 50 countries (out of 190), ahead of almost all post-Soviet countries. This testifies to fundamentally new approaches and trends in organizing the activities of the Uzbek parliament.

Enhancing the role and status, protection and realization of rights and freedoms

As part of the implementation of the Action Strategy, as well as in order to organize consistent work on the implementation and achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals for the period up to 2030, Uzbekistan has developed nine tasks aimed at ensuring gender equality and empowering all women and girls. In accordance with the targets, by 2030 it is necessary to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women and girls everywhere, ensure gender equality, full and effective participation of women and equal opportunities for them for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, legal, socio-economic and cultural-humanitarian life.

In the New Uzbekistan, work in the field of a radical increase in the role of women in the social, political and business life of the country is carried out in the following directions.

Improving the legal framework
Uzbekistan has acceded to all major international treaties providing for the legal, social and economic protection of women from any form of discrimination and harassment. Gender-oriented laws “On guarantees of equal rights and opportunities for women and men”, “On the protection of women from oppression and violence”, “On the protection of reproductive health of citizens”, “On amendments and additions to Article 15 of the Family Code”, “On Amendments to the Labor Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan”- on the removal of restrictions related to the choice by women of previously prohibited forms of work and other gender-asymmetric provisions of labor legislation. Experts from such UN agencies as the UN Development Program, the Population Fund, the Children’s Fund, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Office on Drugs and Crime, the International Organization for Migration and the International Labor Organization participated in their development.

More than 20 decrees of the President and government decrees were also adopted. A number of amendments and additions have been made to strengthen efforts to prevent violence against women and domestic violence, and to combat outdated customs. A mandatory gender-legal examination of legislative acts was introduced, aimed at eliminating the inconsistency of the provisions of regulatory legal acts with the principles of gender equality, identifying possible risks of a discriminatory nature in the process of their application.

In this context, Natalya German, Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for Central Asia, Head of the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia, noted that the international community positively assesses Uzbekistan’s efforts in the field of gender equality. The adoption and implementation of the norms of these laws contributes to an increase in the proportion of women to 33% in leadership positions and 45% in the total working-age population. This also testifies to a noticeable increase in the rate of representation of women politicians and women leaders in all spheres, the consistent progress of the country towards achieving gender equality.

Women in New Uzbekistan

Institutional framework

In Uzbekistan, consistent measures are being implemented to enhance the role of parliament in improving legislation and law enforcement practice in this area:

Firstly, under the leadership of the Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, a Commission on ensuring gender equality was created;

Secondly, the Committee on Women and Gender Equality was formed in the upper house of parliament, the main task of which is to develop proposals for the implementation of state policy aimed at ensuring gender equality, improving legislation and exercising parliamentary control in this area. The Committee monitors the implementation of legislation in this area. Effective parliamentary control is carried out to increase the role of women in society, ensure gender equality, rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of women, solve their problems, prepare girls for adulthood, support women in difficult social situations, as well as promote their employment, develop the sphere culture and art. It has become a practice to regularly hear reports from the heads of the responsible departments on these issues;

Women in New Uzbekistan

Thirdly, the systematic work of the Parliamentary Commission for monitoring the implementation of the National Goals and Objectives in the field of sustainable development for the period up to 2030 was organized, where the fifth goal is devoted to the tasks of achieving gender equality. Its main tasks include monitoring the implementation of legislation, conducting a critical analysis of the development of those areas that are included in the National Sustainable Development Goals, exercising parliamentary and parliamentary, public control over the implementation of the SDGs, preparing proposals for the development of draft laws and other regulatory legal acts. ;

Fourthly, the Republican Public Council of Women was created, headed by the Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, one of the main tasks of which, along with the comprehensive support of women and girls, is to coordinate the implementation of the provisions of the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action and the National Action Plan.

Fifth, the Ministry for Supporting Mahalla and Family has been created, one of the priority areas of which is comprehensive support for women, as well as the Fund for Supporting Women and the Family, designed to provide all-round support to women, to promote their participation in organizing family and private entrepreneurship, handicrafts, obtaining their knowledge and skills in the professions in demand in the labor market;

Sixth, the Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan and the Ministry for Support of Mahalla and Family have created a special Republican working group that studies and identifies the life problems of women in all regions, organizes work to reduce poverty and improve the well-being of the population. To carry out targeted work on their solution, a completely new system was introduced – the “women’s notebook”. This makes it possible to more accurately determine who really needs help, organize targeted work with vulnerable groups of the population, and provide more than 30 types of social services in electronic form. Through this system, 527,000 people were employed. In the last three months alone, the republican commission managed to solve the problems of 80,000 women, 32,000 of those who found themselves in a difficult life situation and in need of social support were provided with work. For a more effective solution of existing problems, new mechanisms will be used in the context of each makhalla, each family.

Overcoming the pandemic

Despite the negative consequences of the global pandemic on all spheres of life of society and the state, especially on the economy and social sphere, 2020 has become a turning point in the field of ensuring the rights and freedoms of women. At the same time, Uzbekistan pays special attention to the following areas.

First, to expand the access of the population, especially women and children, to modern high-quality medical services and medicines. The principle formed by the President of the country is being implemented, which states that taking care of the health of mothers and children is taking care of the whole society, about our future.

The international community recognizes the experience of Uzbekistan in deep reforming, creating and developing a high-quality healthcare system and pharmaceutical industry in the country, protecting public health, fostering a culture of a healthy lifestyle in society, which makes it possible to ensure a successful fight against the pandemic.

Secondly, the provision of employment for women, the provision of loans for women entrepreneurs. A number of state programs are being implemented in this area, in particular, “Every family is an entrepreneur”, “Well-maintained village” and “Well-equipped makhalla”, “Five important initiatives”.

Commercial banks of the republic have opened special lines of loans for women entrepreneurs. In recent years, more than 327,000 women have been allocated preferential loans for 7.4 trillion soums for the development of women’s entrepreneurship. In 2021, it is planned to allocate about 1.4 trillion soums to women entrepreneurs from the Fund for Reconstruction and Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Thirdly, systematic training in entrepreneurship and preferential lending for women entrepreneurs. In order to assist in the regions, centers for women’s entrepreneurship have been established, in which in 2020 alone, more than 61,500 women were trained in short-term professional courses. As a result, despite the pandemic, the number of women entrepreneurs reached 172,700.

In 2021, more than one trillion soums will be allocated to support women’s business projects and to solve their problems identified on the ground. To this end, the People’s Bank is introducing a new system of teaching women entrepreneurship, developing standard business plans for them and providing practical assistance in obtaining loans.

Fourth, the expansion of educational opportunities in need of social assistance. In particular, in 2020, 950 girls from low-income families were admitted to daytime departments of higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan on the basis of a state grant. In 2021, the number of quotas will exceed two thousand.

Fifth, providing housing for women in difficult life circumstances and girls who are dependent on single mothers. In 2020 alone, 1,250 women who find themselves in difficult life situations were paid initial contributions for the purchase of housing in the amount of almost 22 billion soums. In 2021,                 210 billion soums will be allocated from the state budget, as well as an additional 211 billion soums to provide women with social housing on a lease basis. This testifies to the implementation of the principle formed by the President that no woman in Uzbekistan will be left without the attention and care of the state and society.

Sixth, strengthening measures to prevent various forms of violence against women. In accordance with the presidential decree “On measures to improve the system of social rehabilitation and adaptation, as well as the prevention of domestic violence” dated July 2, 2018, rehabilitation and adaptation centers have been established in 190 cities and regions. Their main tasks are to provide emergency medical, psychological, social, pedagogical, legal and other assistance to persons in difficult social situations, faced with family problems and domestic violence.

Development of cooperation

Uzbekistan is developing cooperation with UN convention bodies in the field of improving the status of women and empowering them in accordance with the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, as well as the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. Our country periodically submits information to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women on the progress in implementing its obligations in this area. In particular, in 2019, the Sixth Periodic Report of Uzbekistan on the implementation of the provisions of the convention was considered. Based on the results of their consideration, a roadmap has been prepared and is being implemented to implement the relevant comments and proposals of UN international experts, who also noted many positive changes, the progress achieved in changing the role and status of women in the political, socio-economic and cultural spheres of society.

Improving the system of women support, providing their active participation in society

The Republican Women’s Public Council was established by the Decree of the President of the Republic of  Uzbekistan of March 5, 2021 «On measures to improve the system of women support, ensuring their active participation in society».

The main tasks of the Council are:

  • increasing the socio-political activity of women;
  • education, professional skills and employment;
  • improving the quality of medical and social services and a healthy lifestyle;
  • housing for certain categories of women;
  • supporting the rights and legitimate interests;
  • enhancing the role of women in strengthening the family, preserving national and universal values;
  • working with «Women’s Notebook»;
  • coordinating the activities of Women’s Advisory Councils in mahallas (community centers) with the regional women’s public council.

State target fund to support women was established. Up to 300 billion soms are allocated annually from the state budget to the fund.

Women who have successfully mastered the relevant programs will be given a credit to start a business in the amount of 150 times the basic calculation amount in force in the country for up to 3 years.

In 2021, local governments will be required to pay the down payment on mortgage credit and purchase social housing for women included in the «Women’s Book», «Youth notebook» and «Iron notebook»:

  • Provision of housing for women living in non-residential areas – from 10 billion sums;
  • 80 billion soms of one-time financial assistance for women, who have lost their

breadwinners, disabled and in need of care;

  • 5 billion sums will be allocated for the provision of housing for orphaned women who have lost their fathers and are in the care of their single mothers.

In 2021, the activities of clusters specialized in handicrafts, mainly women will be introduced in each region as a project of experience.

In the mahallas (public centers), public assistants are involved to assist labor inspectors, and public contracts are concluded with them for a period of up to 11 months, with a salary equal to one and a half times the minimum wage.

The vacant part of the relevant vocational education institutions is provided to entrepreneurs on preferential rent for up to 30 years.

After the state registration of women as the business subject within 3 months, the rent for vacant premises provided to them will be paid up to 10 times the BCA.

Starting the 2021/2022 academic year, a procedure for the education of the girls in need, single women who have lost their parents or one of them, admitted to public higher education institutions will be introduced on a fee-for-service basis at the expense of regional administrations and state higher education institutions.

The women share among the scholarship receivers who go to prestigious foreign education institutions based on scholarships of the «El-Yurt Umidi» Foundation, which will be increased by at least 20%.

A system of budget reimbursement will be established for women who have lost their breadwinners to send their children to preschool education institutions, including family kindergartens.

State awards are established to encourage women for their contribution to the economical, political and social development of the country, goodwill and achievements in science.

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