Marium Rauf
It is beyond the shadow of a doubt that war doesn’t determine who is right but who is left. War is horrifying, tragic and enmity of humanity .It is a blatant violation of human rights of living on this planet. War is never a solution to any problem. Every war generates a new war because defeated country can never live in peace. War has never been a solution to any problem. It is more of a diversion from the problem. In a war, the defeater’s ego and inner-self is subjugated and is not in its natural self. Given the resources to this ego, it always looks forward to unleash itself. War is the barbaric activity that only concludes in the loss of life and property. The violence of war is life-threatening which can never resolve any dispute. Both the parties practicing war ends in the social and economic loss as it is said by john S. C Abbott that “War is the science of destruction” .The one involved in war only end up in loss of lives socially and economically.
World has seen two greatest world wars in which no one was a winner .WWI and WWII both were the largest military conflicts in human history. Both wars involved military alliances between different groups of countries. These two wars remind us those for whom the horrors of war did not vanish with the end of organized hostilities: the millions left homeless, stateless, and destitute, near starvation; the numberless, often anonymous victims of rape, their bodies the spoils of war, occupation, and revenge.
Knowing all facts about war, few days back Russia attacked Ukraine. There is absolutely nothing that can justify Russia’s attack on Ukraine on Feb 24. It is evident to say here that what we learn from history is that we never learn from history. Russia has demanded an end to NATO’s eastward expansion and said Ukrainian membership of the US-led Atlantic military alliance was unacceptable. The roots of the current crisis grew from the breakup of the Soviet Union. Ukraine is not just a neighboring country for Russia. It is an inalienable part of its own history, culture and spiritual space. Russia never approved Ukraine alliance with NATO and didn’t accept it as a separate country since start. The mistakes of 1990 are to be blamed for the present disaster along that western influence in Ukraine was also blamed to trigger President Putin to attack over Ukraine .History is relevant always but history certainly does not justify this wrong.
Western world has strongly condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and demanded that all Russian forces leave Ukraine immediately. Being a human no one approves this invasion; rifts must be resolved on tables than on grounds. Same goes for Kashmir, Syria and other’s countries conflicts because war never resolves any problem, in fact it breeds more humanitarian crisis. As it is said by Eleanor Roosevelt that “No one won the last war and no one will win the next”, Thus reconciliation should be preferred to resolve a dispute instead of war, which only ends in cruelty and leaves no victors.
The writer is educationalist and accessible at