Understanding Kalki


     Munaza Kazmi

    God has created this Universal, some billions of years before, He created man for His worship, and from time to time revealed Himself and His knowledge to man in various forms, through several of His messengers, scattered all over the world. Hence, it would be no peccadillo to say, Enlightenment had found its way in every aspect, weather by sitting under Bodhi Tree, practicing austerities on Mont Meru, or accepting revelations in Mountain of Light.

    Islam as the final doctrine of Almighty God finds similarities in all of the major religions of the world, or let’s say it was the first and final religion, a mighty river that passed from region to region, taking different turns and names.

    Let’s consider the philosophies of relative religion, which had advocated by Dr. Zakir Nayak, specially the subject of Kalki Avatar. I believe that is a harsh reality for Hindus, since if they admit it, then there comes no difference, all erased.

    Prophesized in Bagwat Purana Khand 12, Adhya 2, Shaloka 18-20, says he (Kalki) will be born in house of Vishnuyas, a noble Brahmin, who is the chief of the village of Sambhla and he will be called as Kalki, mantra 19 and 20 says that he will be the supreme lord of the world, he will be given knowledge and character. And given 8 special qualities, given a steed, a help by the angles and he will ride a horse carrying a sword in his hand, and he will defeat the enemies and will be helped by angles. Further, he was prophesied in Bagwat Purana Khand 1, Adhyay 3, Shalok 25, that he will be born in the Kul Yug, in which the king will behave like robbers and he will be born in the house of Vishnuyas and called Kalki.

    Similarly, Kalki Avatar has even mentioned in Kalki Purana in Chapter number 2, Verse 4, which say that he will be born in the house of Vishnuyas, Kalki Purana Chap 2, Verse 5, says he will be helped by 4 companions in spreading his religion, Kalki Purana Chapter 2, Verse 7, it says that he will be helped by angles in the battle field, Kalki Purana Chapter 2, Verse 11, says he will be born in the house of Vishnuyas in the womb of Sumati and Kalki Purana Chapter 2, Verse 15, says he will be born in the first half of Madhaw month.

    Now we have got hold of the Prophecies according to Indic studies, let’s focus on them a little more.

    Name of father Vishnuyas, if you translate it in English, it means worshiper of God, and we know the father of Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) was Abdullah, which means worshiper of God/ Allah. Name of mother is Summate in English which means peace, similarly name of Muhammad (p.b.u.h) was Amina, which also mean peace. Village of Kalki’s birth, by the name of Sambhla which translate as place of serenity and peace, whereas, Makka the birth place of Muhammad (p.b.u.h) was known as Dar-ul-Aman, city of peace and serenity. Born in the house of chief of Sambhla, Muhammad (p.b.u.h) was born in the house chief of Makkah, Quresh family.

    Further it says, Kalki will be born on 12 day, on the first half of the month of Madhaw, and we all know first half of the lunar month of Rabi-ul-Awal on the 12 day is when our Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) was born.

    And finally, that, Kalki will be final messenger, in accordance with Quran Surat-e-Ahzaab Chapter 33, Verse 40, “Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the seal of the Prophets, the final messenger. Allah has full knowledge of everything”.

    Prophecy says that, Kalki Avatar will get knowledge from God in a mountain, and Gar-e-Hira was the cave of Jabl-e-Noor where Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) received revelations. Kalki will go towards north and come back besides Muhammad (p.b.u.h) migrated north towards Madinah and came back to Makkah victoriously, further it says Kalki will be an example for whole world, have an impeccable character, as Allah says in Quran Surah-Al-Qalam, Chapter 68, Verse 4, “And verily, you are of a highest moral character”.

    Further, in Kalki Purana and Bagwat Purana, his 8 special qualities have defined that are Wisdom, Self-control, Respectable lineage, Revealed knowledge, Valor, Charity, Gratefulness, and Measured Speech, and Muhammad (p.b.u.h) is known for all these 8 qualities. Additionally, it says he will be the teacher of the world, as Allah says in Quran Surah Sabah Chapter 34, Verse 28, “We have sent you forth but as a herald of good news and a warner of all mankind”. Further, Kalki has given steed by Almighty God as a present similarly Muhammad (p.b.u.h) was given Burakh by which ride Miraj. It says he will hide horse and carry a sword, and Muhammad (p.b.u.h) took part in most of the battles, even though he was a leader, he physically took part, rode the horse, and even caught sword in the right hand.

    More, that he will be helped by 4 companions is spreading religion and we know 4 Khalifa, Abu Baker, Umer, Osman, Ali p.b.u.h, as Khulfa Rashadin, the righty guided of Islam. Says he will defeat the enemy and guide people to the right path, Muhammad (p.b.u.h) defeated the enemies and guided the Arabs from Yum-ul-Jahalia towards true path.  It was prophesized Kalki will be helped by angles in battle field, whereas Muhammad (p.b.u.h) was helped by angle in a several of battles, including the battle of Badar as mentioned in Quran Surah Al-e-Imran Chapter 3, Verse 123-125, as well Surah Al Anfaal Chapter 8, Verse 8-9.

    Finally, the prophecy of Kakli Avatar The last and final messenger, befits no one but the last and final Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h).

    Munaza Kazmi holds MPhil in Management Sciences. She’s a travel writer, a published author, & co-author of scientific contributions.


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