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Traditional sports depict intrinsic value of our culture: Zeeshan Naqvi

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 Convened & Interviewed by: Unsa Kiani

Islamabad: Syed Zeeshan Naqvi alias Shani Shah, a proactive senior member of Pakistan Muslim League (N), has held the portfolio of Ex-Deputy Mayor Islamabad. He is also the President of Association of Traditional Sports and Games Islamabad. Revival of Traditional Sports is the brainchild of Syed Zeeshan Naqvi, an unprecedented initiative which is one of its kind. How did the idea of traditional Sports and converting it into an association pop up in your mind, when a number of new games are already in the field, do you think this idea is going to appeal the public at large and to a nation who is cricket-maniac? Zeeshan Naqvi: Well, traditional sports depict the intrinsic value of our culture and traditions, which I think should stay alive and should keep nourishing.

Traditional sports depict intrinsic value of our culture: Zeeshan NaqviThese games are the glorious legacy of our past which unfortunately, with the mushroom growth of virtual world gadgets went towards a nosedive trajectory. Feeling aggrieved on this dying culture, I gave it a serious thought in consultation with some of my friends and we brainstormed to establish a formal platform. Keeping in view the basic idea and launching it to the extent of Islamabad, we pulled up our sleeves to move forward in this connection.

Being fortunate, we came across some people who were already working in the similar realm who assured us to take our idea at national and international level. Can you specifically name the games which are traditional in nature and which need to be revived? Zeeshan Naqvi: Gulli Danda, Pithu Garam, Naiza Baazi, Buntay, Tup Danna, Traditional Shooting Ball, Luddo, Stappu/Cheecho, Rassa Kashi, Tape Ball Cricket, Single Tyre Race etc are some such games. You are very well aware of the fact that todays’ generation is pre-occupied with modern gadgets viz; cell phones, lap tops, ipads, X-box etc, do you think your idea will have spell binding effect for young generation and whether will you be able to form a national team which could compete and outplay international teams? Zeeshan Naqvi: Yes, it’s true but you have seen with your bare eyes as you were part of our earlier two successful events of traditional games which had been held in Islamabad, that how a huge number of young people enthusiastically participated in the event and showed eagerness for such future events. Besides, we are intending to formulate the terms and conditions of all these games akin to cricketing or soccer rules to bring these games at par with national and international games.

Traditional sports depict intrinsic value of our culture: Zeeshan NaqviAs these games are being played differently by different age groups and even they vary area wise, won’t it be an uphill task to formulate standard rules and implement them? Zeeshan Naqvi: Yes, these games are played differently at different places of the country as per the tradition of different places but there are minor variations in respect of rules and terms, which is why and being mindful of this fact we are formulating standardized and unanimous terms and conditions in pursuance to form a national team. We are intending to hold a series of meetings with all stakeholders, and in consultation with them, we’ll formulate these rules, terms and conditions.

How will you take these traditional games to the provincial, national and international level, what is the mechanism in your mind? Zeeshan Naqvi: Initially, we are intending to commence it from Islamabad by inviting the teams of other cities and holding competition among them, then we’ll go to provincial headquarters of all the provinces and repeat the same pattern. Thereafter, we’ll select the national team which will compete with international teams.

Let me further add, tape ball cricket is very famous sport in Pakistan and it is a traditional game, keeping the popularity of this game, we are intending to start with it and take it to the international level. Undoubtedly tape ball cricket is one of the favorite games in Pakistan and there is a high likelihood of its success but how will you take the other traditional games to national and international level? Zeeshan Naqvi: I have already mentioned it that our people particularly the young lot showed great interest in these games.

We’ll try our level best to take all the games to national and international level otherwise our vision to introduce these games on a local level won’t serve any purpose but we’ll see the trend of people and their interest, then we can further sort and decide. How will you manage financial issues for future events? As earlier events have been organized by your own effort and with the help of local people but how will you organize the future mega events, are you going to seek the help of Government? Zeeshan Naqvi: Honestly speaking, until now we have done it on our own but obviously in future, we’ll be in dire need of funds when the sphere and level of events magnifies.

There will be, definitely, need of proper lodgment of players, food, availability of grounds etc, and without help of government we may not be able to enlarge the circle and conduct national and international events. So, we have the plans in our mind how to do lobbying and advocacy with the government in this connection. Where do you see your association or these traditional sports in future? Do you think you will be able to successfully organize national and international mega events of traditional sports? Zeeshan Naqvi: I am very optimistic, keeping in view the response of the of people in earlier events. There is no denying of the fact that we have to do a lot of effort to translate this dream into reality. We are living in a country whose economy is fragile, political turmoil looms over the horizon every now and then, law and order situation has remained a big issue but being mindful of all these factors, I never lost hope.

This nation has got untapped potential and we’ll play our part by taking the youth out of their homes to the grounds who are and pre-occupied in indoor and gadget-oriented games. I have unwavering faith on this old maxim that “crowded playground means empty hospitals”, and take it as an ethical obligation on me to do something productive for our youth, so quite confident, I see the future of our association and these traditional sports very bright. How long will it take as for as your vision of taking these traditional games to national and international level is concerned? Zeeshan Naqvi: We are trying our level best to launch some events in Islamabad and then move to other metropolitan cities but obviously it will take time, may be one and half year or two years for organizing a national event.

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