Title: The challenge of national integration


By: Deedar Ali Bangwar 

Pakistan has been tackling the dilemma of national integration since its inception. The scarcity of national integration is a huge issue. Due to the lack of national integration, Pakistan has been pushed into an awful orbit. It has made Pakistan a sorry state of affairs and made Pakistan the centre of terrorist exercises. Owing to this hardship, Pakistan become a fragile and vulnerable state and has an absolute deterioration of state machinery. This was not the difficulty at first. Pakistan was the outcome of integration based on Islam.

Unfortunately, after the demise of Quaid-e-Azam, the country was isolated. National integration confronted several dilemmas. At this rate, income imbalances, social injustice, political collision, blows and other evils raised their heads. All of these made national integration fragile. There is a dearth of consensus on crucial national problems in Pakistan. For that reason, the provinces loathe each other. There are numerous obstacles and tensions in the path of the national integration of Pakistan. It is essential to evaporate the sentiments of regionalism or provincialism linguistics or communalism and many more.

There is a huge bridge between rich and poor. The system of Pakistan has been structured such that the gap between the poor and the rich become widens with every passing day. Rich become richer and the poor become poorer and poorer. It enhances the upper and privileged class of the community. It never looks after the lower class of the nation. Therefore the economic unevenness led to the weakness of the national integration.

Moreover, the scarcity of social justice and provincial biases are posing a danger to the fundamental existence of the country. It leads to the destabilization of the state and shakes the basis of the national integration of the country. The smaller provinces have heightened a sense of deprivation. They feel that they have been deprived of their just share in the national exchequer and their sovereignty. It has developed age-old animosities among the provinces. Social justice is the only antidote to national integration in Pakistan. The water conflict existed among the provinces. It has posed the main danger to national integration. The provinces have objections to the building of the Kala Bagh dam which has detracted the dignity and oneness of the country.

There is a trend of improving personal interest, class interest, group interest and faction and regional interest rather than national interest. Almost all parties are discussing Baluchies, Pukhtoons, Punjabies and other minor parties. There is no conversation about Pakistan. This politics of regionalism has broadened the gap between various categories of nations. It has shaken the basis of the national integration of Pakistan.

Political stability is the most significant prerequisite for enhancing national integration. Sadly, Pakistan is requiring this condition for an extremely extended time. The political unstableness has enlarged the chasm between the ruling class and the ruled class. It has transformed the portrait of Pakistan and made it retrogressive in all spheres. Political fluctuation has posed a great danger to national unity and integrity.
The deficit of oneness and integration has pushed behind the goals for which Pakistan was established. It has too a rhythm of national improvement. In conclusion, the nation has become hallow from within in terms of national integration.

It is the need of the day that the intellectuals must discuss this difficulty seriously. Media is a means that can be utilized for positive intentions very fruitfully.

Writer is freelance columnist, based in Kandhkot, Sindh.  Email: ([email protected])


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