Munaza Kazmi
Karachi. The largest and most populous city of Pakistan and second most populous among the world. Reasoning its strategic importance, the city of...
Munaza Kazmi
The Karakoram Highway is the highest and the lengthiest paved international highway of the world, it is also viewed as the 15th most beautiful roads of...
Munaza Kazmi
Parents tend to underestimate the behavioral influence that they have on their children, however in developing countries the ratio exceeds. It can be...
Munaza Kazmi
Dining is part and parcel of the travel experience, with many people now drawn towards destinations based on their food culture and cuisine.
Munaza Kazmi
Magical wells, Spectacular Jain temples, Gigantic sand dunes hiding several exotic tales, wow…sounds like “Ali Baba and Forty Thieves”. I believe readers could...
Saladin the name that needs no introduction. The greatest of the warriors, the keeper of faith, the defender of Jerusalem, Sultan Saladin Ayyubi. He...
Heritage is our legacy. A nation that does not respect its heritage and culture cannot stand
with dignity. Our cultural and natural heritages are both...