Spokesman Report
Calgary, Canada :Malik Sohail Hussain, Chairman Coordination of the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FPCCI), held a significant meeting with...
Spokesman Report
Karachi : The United Nations and Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FPCCI) organized ‘UN and Private Sector Consultation: Exploring Potential...
Spokesman Report
Islamabad: Federal Minister for Finance and Revenue Mr. Miftah Ismail held a meeting with a delegation of Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce...
Staff Reporter
KARACHI: Mian Nasser Hyatt Maggo, President FPCCI, has appreciated the public-private partnership in making Pak-Turkey cargo train service possible; and, commended the successful...
Staff Reporter
KARACHI: Mian Nasser Hyatt Maggo, President FPCCI, has express his profound concern and disappointment on the government’s decision to suspend gas supply to...
KARACHI— Mian Nasser Hyatt Maggo, President FPCCI, has commended the efforts of office of Federal Tax Ombudsman of Pakistan (FTO) in attempting to eradicate...
Islamabad . A delegation Chairmen Senators of Senate Standing Committees visited FPCCI Capital Office Islamabad to meet the office bearers of FPCCI and the...
Islamabad : Mian Nasser Hyatt Maggo, President FPCCI, has expressed his satisfaction on his efforts being fruitful in getting FBR to establish National Single...
Islamabad : The Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry’s Businessmen Panel Chairman Mian Anjum Nisar, while expressing solidarity with the Palestinians, showed a...