Islamabad :Henrik Persson Swedish Ambassador meet FPCCI Islamabad Office Head Haji Qurban Ali here in Islamabad, Mirza Abdul Rehman Coordinator FPCCI was also present in the meeting. Bilateral trade issues were discussed in the meeting, FPCCI Head Haji Qurban Ali on behalf of Business Community of Pakistan offer Sweden while meeting with Ambassador to invest in CPEC Economic zone and other sectors of trade as Hydel Power, Minerals, Tourism, Transport and Construction as well. As CPEC is going to be a market for international trade in near future due to major interest of China and while Afghanistan is road link towards central Asian market and we hope Sweden will invest more in different sectors of industry as discussed which will help in overcome poverty issues while creating new jobs, Haji Qurban Ali Added. Haji Qurban Ali Head FPCCI Capital office Islamabad invited Henrik Persson to visit Gilgit Baltistan at their ease and to offer to invest in Hydel Power especially in the region as well. Ambassador of the Sweden welcome the offer to visit and consider this a gesture of good will from FPCCI Islamabad Head, he also said that Sweden is already working with name of 30 to 40 companies in Pakistan and with the help of BOI we are now feel easy and pleasant to work in the business friendly environment provided by the current government and its policies. Haji Qurban Ali, Mirza Abdul Rehman second the vision of ambassador of Sweden on Ease of Doing Business and said that FPCCI from its platform is already playing important role in this capacity, and with mutual understanding to boost up bilateral trade between both two countries we will work together. Mirza Abdul Rehaman Coordinator FPCCI Islamabad Office introduces H.E Henrik Persson Ambassador of Sweden in detail the working structure of FPCCI its coordination with SAARC CCI, D-8 Countries chambers and all its relevant local chambers as well and said that working environment and business friendly environment in Pakistan is more attractive and have been shifted upwards during this government tenure, and in new era of CPEC in near future relation of Sweden and Pakistan will be Mile Stone in the region he added. Yhe meeting was chaired by head FPCCI Islamabad Office Haji Qurban Ali and Coordinator FPCCI Islamabad Mirza Abdul Rehman, Immediate past Vice President FPCCI Muhammad Ali Quaid, President Hunza CCI Mehboob Rabani, President ICSTSI Malik Zaheer, President Mandi Mandi Bahauddin CCI Haider Raza Naqvi, Vice President Mian Zahid Patiala EC Member FPCCI Hassan Abbas were also p[resent in the meeting