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Shavkat Mirziyoyev’s address to ECO Summit

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Spokesman Report

Today, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev addressed the 16th Summit of the Economic Cooperation Organization. At the beginning of his remarks, he underscored: “Even as we meet, the political architecture of the world is radically changing before our eyes and its global transformation is taking place. It is important that the countries of our organization, which have great influence in these complex processes, act unitedly and harmoniously, and jointly search for effective responses to emerging threats and challenges.”

Shavkat Mirziyoyev emphasized that despite the global crisis, the economies of the ECO states are demonstrating sustainable rates of development. Over the past six years, the gross domestic product in Uzbekistan has increased 1.5 times. By 2030, the country, according to the head of state, plans to double this economic indicator. It is planned to achieve this goal primarily through the creation of a “green” economy, modern infrastructure, new jobs, stimulation of the private sector and active attraction of foreign direct investment.

“In this regard, we are ready to work effectively with all members of our organization. Because the economies of our countries, which are close and good neighbors – can complement each other. Our countries are connected by common trade and transport corridors and energy networks. Thanks to the joint search for new “points of growth” in the future, we will definitely achieve even more significant results,” the President of Uzbekistan expressed confidence.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev highlighted that Uzbekistan supported summing up the implementation of Perspectives 2025, the main document of the ECO. He also outlined the country’s proposals for the new document “Strategic Goals for Economic Cooperation – 2035.”

Stimulating trade

Last year, trade between ECO countries amounted to $85 billion.

“This is only 8% of the total trade of the organization’s member states. Unfortunately, many years of attempts to finalized a preferential trade agreement have not produced the expected results. There are still many restrictions and challenges in creating unimpeded trade. We must openly acknowledge this in order to take a fresh look at the situation and change it for the better,” said the President of Uzbekistan, calling for the adoption of the ECO Trade Facilitation Agreement, developed by experts.

In this document, he said, special attention is paid to facilitating trade in goods and services, preventing technical and non-tariff barriers, digitalization of customs, phytosanitary and veterinary rules, and the development of e-commerce. According to preliminary calculations, these measures may allow us to achieve at least a twofold increase in mutual trade volumes by 2035.

Strengthening transport and communication interconnectivity

Most member states do not have direct access to the sea. “At the same time, we must take full advantage of the potential of transcontinental transport corridors connecting with large markets in the Asia-Pacific region, South Asia, the Middle East and Europe and passing through our territories,” said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

The launch of multimodal corridors along the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan route and the Trans-Afghan Road in the future is in the interests of all member states, he added.

He called on other members to join the document adopted on November 2 in Tashkent at a meeting of transport ministers on the development of the Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan-Iran-Turkey transport corridor and the optimization of mutual tariffs and fees.

The head of state noted that Uzbekistan had carried out digitalization of cargo transportation data with Azerbaijan and Turkey, and similar projects are being implemented with other states.

For widespread implementation and effective coordination of such systems, the President of Uzbekistan proposed creating an ECO Digital Transport and Customs Office in Tashkent.

Stepping up industrial cooperation, business contacts and the formation of industrial hubs

The Uzbek leader said that the country had developed and submitted to the ECO secretariat a program of joint actions to increase the flow and protect mutual investments and deepen industrial cooperation. This document outlines the goal of promoting new joint projects in the fields of chemistry, energy, geology, textiles, leather and footwear, food, pharmaceutical and construction industries. “In this direction, we stand for expanding partnerships with the Bank for Trade and Development of the organization,” said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

He noted that the fifth business forum held the day before in Tashkent with the participation of heads of chambers of commerce and industry and numerous companies demonstrated the great potential of the private sector of the ECO.

“We are initiating the creation of an Interregional Industrial Exhibition within the framework of the organization and the holding of its first event in 2024 in our country,” said the Uzbek president.

Guaranteed energy security

The president noted that Uzbekistan has set a goal of creating renewable energy sources with a capacity of 25 GW by 2030 and increasing their share in the balance to 40%. This year alone, the country is launching large wind and solar power plants with a capacity of 2 GW and taking its first steps in the field of green hydrogen production.

“We are ready for an open dialogue and exchange of experience in these areas with all states,” said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

For a detailed discussion of issues of cooperation and work on a systematic basis, he proposed establishing a separate Council of Energy Ministers within the ECO.

Strengthening ties to counter climate change and protect the environment

“Currently, our states are faced with the dire consequences of these acute problems. Processes such as melting glaciers, water shortages, desertification, dust storms, soil erosion and the disappearance of biological diversity are of serious concern,” said the President of Uzbekistan.

“I express my gratitude for the support of our idea to create a High-Level Platform on Environmental Issues within the ECO. We are ready to hold the first conference of the platform within the framework of the upcoming Samarkand Climate Forum in 2024,” said the head of state.

The president also called for the active participation of representatives of the ECO countries in the meeting of the Committee to Review the Implementation of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification, which will be held in Uzbekistan this coming week. “In order to combat dust and sand storms, which now pose an increasingly serious problem, we urge support for the Samarkand Declaration,” he added.

Strengthening cooperation in the field of tourism

In the ECO space there are about 90 monuments included in the UNESCO World Heritage List; the country is visited annually by about 80 million foreign tourists. “Given the growing popularity of cross-border destinations, I propose to introduce joint tourist routes and increase common tourism programs under the Silk Road brand,” the president said.

The leader of Uzbekistan also proposed creating a separate Advisory Committee on Tourism at the ECO secretariat, consisting of tourism administrations and leading experts from member countries. Its first meeting, according to the president, could be hosted next year by Shakhrisabz, declared the tourist capital of the ECO.

Further rapprochement of friendly peoples through deepening cultural and humanitarian cooperation

“The annual holding of alternate weeks of culture, art and cinema in our countries, the establishment of youth creative festivals and an innovative cooperation platform, strengthening interaction in fundamental scientific areas will give a strong impetus to the development of our ties,” the president expressed his opinion.

Separately, he touched upon the Palestinian-Israeli war in the Middle East.

“Unfortunately, the victims of the bloody conflict are primarily numerous members of the civilian population, especially women, children and the elderly. The threat of war spreading throughout the region is becoming increasingly real. We must not allow this confrontation to turn into a large-scale conflict. We call on the parties to immediately cease hostilities, begin peaceful negotiations, and achieve a reasonable compromise,” Shavkat Mirziyoyev emphasized.

“Once again we express our firm position – the people of Palestine have the right to create their own independent state, which is confirmed by UN resolutions,” he said.

The President of Uzbekistan drew the attention of his colleagues to the fact that today’s summit is taking place without the participation of Afghanistan, one of the members of our ECO.

“We cannot allow the multi-ethnic people of Afghanistan, who have been our closest neighbors for centuries, to be left alone with the current complex problems. The active involvement of this country in regional integration processes is an indispensable and necessary condition for our sustainable development. I urge all of you to increase humanitarian assistance to the Afghan people, to solve the acute socio-economic problems existing in this country on the basis of collective responsibility and acceptable mechanisms,” the head of the state emphasized.

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