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Sunday, March 16, 2025

 Monkeypox awareness: Key facts and prevention tips

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Maha Ahmed

Monkeypox is a viral zoonotic infection, which means the virus that causes monkeypox is spread from animals to humans through scratches or bites. The monkeypox virus was firstly discovered in 1958, when monkeys that were kept for research were infected with a pox-like disease. Animals that usually contain the virus include monkeys, rats, squirrels, and dormice. Human-to-human spread is made possible through direct contact with infected skin and body fluids; however, indirect contact can also facilitate spread by touching or sharing contaminated items such as clothing or bedding. Air can also play a role in the spread of the virus, but it requires direct, prolonged exposure from the infected person. Early days of infection include symptoms like headaches, back pain, sore muscles, and less energy. Common signs of monkey pox infection include fever, rash with raised spots eventually turning into fluid-filled blisters, and swollen lymph nodes. The rash/lesions are first observed on the face and eventually they spread all over the body. Certain people would develop inflammation inside the rectum and around the genitals that may cause pain and difficulty in urination. Severe monkeypox infection includes secondary bacterial infections, the virus affecting the brain, heart, and lungs.

The World Health Organization has recently declared monkeypox, a global health emergency due to the recent growing cases in countries like Pakistan, Africa, and the United States. The disease is mild and can go away on its own within a few weeks with proper care, but it can cause death in young children, pregnant women, and people with weak immune systems, such as those infected with AIDS, autoimmune disorders, cancer, etc. According to the World Health Organization, actions to prevent ourselves from getting a pox infection include avoiding close contact with a pox-infected person, frequent cleaning of hands with soap, or using alcohol. Open conversation about this disease, its spread, symptoms, and prevention is also important to raise further awareness against it. We must avoid touching wild animals, especially those who look sick or are dead. Meat should be properly cleaned and boiled before eating. If you think you have monkeypox infection, consult a doctor and isolate yourself immediately to prevent its further spread. Staying hydrated, eating home-cooked food, and getting proper sleep are some important actions to follow if you have or do not have monkeypox infection so that you have a stronger immunity and can easily fight off the infection. Infected people must avoid scratching their rash; if they feel discomfort, they can use salt-water gargling for mouth sores, warm baths, and Vaseline to ease the discomfort. Fingernails must be kept short, and infected people must avoid sharing any type of clothing like towels.

Writer Student in Capital university of science and technology, Islamabad.She can be reached at maha4pakistan@gmail.com

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