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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Global capitalist interest, impacted media coverage of Pakistan

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Daily The Spokesman July 23 2024 PDF

Daily The Spokesman July 23 2024 PDF

Aiman Abbasi

In the era of global capitalist interest, complex network created by powerful nations that how they are influencing the crisis worldwide once again we are reminded as the Israel Palestine conflict become center phase which is being exploited by powerful nations and the longevity of this exploited conflict reflects their own interests. Due to the fact that this is a historical conflict become instrument of shaping geopolitical strategies and started implicating significantly Pakistan both directly and indirectly its economy, specially media, role in international politics and its security.

This conflict becomes a global flashpoint as it also has consequences for the entire world along threatening regional peace. It is evidence that how crisis are being exacerbate by global capitalist for the sake of their interest.

The most heartbreaking aspect of this conflict is the human suffering. We witness devastating bombings and attacks in Gaza and the West Bank, with innocent lives lost, including women, children, and the elderly and young people. World leaders express their condemnation, but over time, these sentiments often fade away. However, the seriousness of this conflict goes beyond the headlines, reaching deep into Pakistan’s socio-political fabric.

Likewise other nations Pakistan with a strong commitment to humanity and peace, chooses not to participate in diplomatic negotiations concerning the Israel-Palestine conflict. Instead, it upholds a principled stance against violence, reiterating its commitment to peaceful coexistence. As Pakistan navigates these turbulent waters, it finds itself in the midst of this conflict’s far-reaching implications.

One of the major implications in the shape of criticism against Pakistan using polite tone on Israel not becomes vibrant against genocide happening in Palestine. Especially Pakistani media form of news channels and press not showing the actual image of conflict. As complexity of this conflict is concerned several key factors that will contribute to answer this phenomenon “the impact on global politics” and the “criticism on Pakistani media for its coverage”.

Economic dependency is one of the key aspects that may bound the extent of reporting by Pakistani media and Arab nations as well on worldwide capitalist influences, particularly the United States. These states historically have relied on financial aid, investments and trade agreements from resource in rich, strategically and economically powerful nations so in this respect states that are getting unwavering support from powerful nations criticizing Israel can risk these economically vital relationships of trade, investments and other assistance which is required. Likewise other nations Pakistan is also in a state where its media may be disinclined to provide the extent of reporting due to this factor of economic dependency.

The second reason for the reluctance to report on the actions of aggressive states is geopolitical and geostrategic alliances, which typically require a certain degree of alignment with the interests and policies of powerful nations—something that is actually desperately needed. Pakistan’s foreign policy has to be wisely directed in order to maintain these ties. Pakistan’s media outlets’ criticism of overtly aggressive and openly hostile governments for their violent acts has the potential to strain diplomatic efforts within the country as well as damage ties with powerful nations.  Media outlets may feel forced to match their narratives with government foreign policy viewpoints in order to avoid diplomatic problems, which can have an influence on coverage due to this geopolitical tightrope.

Thirdly, a variety of entities, such as powerful political personalities or economic interests, frequently own media operations in Pakistan. News organizations’ editorial judgements may be influenced by the political and economic factors that their owners may have. Self-censorship may be used in some situations to steer clear of controversy and save media owners’ bottom lines. Limited coverage or biased reporting on delicate international topics such as the Israel-Palestine conflict is examples of this self-censorship.

Fourthly, some of the Critics have made on some of the media organizations in Pakistan regarding extensive reporting of Pakistani media outlets that they may lack the proficiency and means to cover multifaceted international conflicts like Israel-Palestine in-depth. Factors which can contribute to limited and shallow coverage on such critical international conflicts are insufficient budgets and foreign correspondents, lack of specialized media persons etc.

One of the key contributing factor is public opinion that there may be extremist public attitude toward Israel violent actions against Palestine, cautious the media outlets about reporting of opinions that go against the official government stance, especially when it comes to sensitive international issues.

Last but not the least is the security concern that Pakistan must prioritize its own security given the regional security dynamics. Media and government may want to avoid such controversial reporting which can hinder its security can cause diplomatic isolation.

Author is student of International relations in Fatima Jinnah Women University


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