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Embassy of Azerbaijan celebrated National Salvation Day

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Pakistani and Azerbaijani relations have deep historical roots,Omar

Embassy of Azerbaijan celebrated National Salvation Day
H. E. Mr. Ilham Heydar oglu Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Report By:Naveed Ahmad Khan

“The relations between Pakistan and Azerbaijan have deep historical roots,” Omar Ayub Khan, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, said at an official reception held at the Azerbaijani Embassy on the occasion of National Salvation Day.

Pakistani leaders have congratulated the government and people of Azerbaijan ahead of their National Salvation Day . Sohail Mahmood, Secretary Foreign Affairs, Pakistan, Ms. Humaira Ahmed Federal Secretary, Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC), other officials and media personalities attended the event.

Embassy of Azerbaijan celebrated National Salvation Day
SLAMABAD: H.E. Ali Alizada, Azerbaijan’s ambassador to Pakistan is addressing a ceremony held to mark National Salvation Day of Azerbaijan. Federal Minister for Economic Affairs Omar Ayub Khan, Secretary Foreign Affairs Sohail Mahmood
and Secretary FPSC Humaira Ahmed are also visible on seats

Addressing the event, Khan said his country would always stand with the ‘brotherly nation’ of Azerbaijan in both good and bad times. “Let me say that our shared values don’t just go back to 30 or 40 years, but our relations are centuries old,” he stated.

Congratulating Azerbaijan on the recent victory against Armenia, the Minister said his country always supported Azerbaijan on the issue of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Embassy of Azerbaijan celebrated National Salvation Day
ISLAMABAD: H.E. Ali Alizada, Azerbaijan’s ambassador , Federal Minister for Economic Affairs Omar Ayub,Secretary Foreign Affairs Sohail Mahmood and Secretary FPSC Humaira Ahmed in a group photo.

Azerbaijan celebrates the annual day to mark the events when their national leader, Heydar Aliyev, got elected as chairman of the Supreme Council of Azerbaijan in 1993, and succeeded in preventing a civil war in the Eurasian country. After gaining independence in October 1991, the country faced a power struggle and Armenian aggression.

Embassy of Azerbaijan celebrated National Salvation Day
ISLAMABAD: H.E. Ali Alizada, Azerbaijan’s ambassador is presenting souvenir to , Federal Minister for Economic Affairs Omar Ayub Khan

H.E. Ali Alizada, Azerbaijan’s ambassador to Pakistan, thanked the government and people of Pakistan for their support during the second war against Armenia. “We are thankful to our fraternal country Pakistan and its nation which always stood by Azerbaijan,” he said.

The Armenian military occupied Nagorno-Karabakh, also known as Upper Karabakh, a territory internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan, and seven adjacent regions.

New clashes erupted on Sept. 27, 2020, and ended with a Russia-brokered cease-fire on Nov. 10, 2020.

Embassy of Azerbaijan celebrated National Salvation Day
ISLAMABAD: H.E. Ali Alizada, Azerbaijan’s ambassador  is presenting souvenir to Secretary Foreign Affairs Sohail Mahmood.

Azerbaijan liberated several strategic cities and nearly 300 of its settlements and villages from Armenian occupation during this time.

A joint Turkish-Russian center was established to monitor the truce. Russian peacekeeping troops have also been deployed in the region.

The cease-fire, seen as a victory for Azerbaijan, led to calls for Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s resignation over his handling of the conflict. He stepped down in April, paving the way for a snap election on June 20, and is still the acting premier.

Embassy of Azerbaijan celebrated National Salvation Day
ISLAMABAD: H.E. Ali Alizada, Azerbaijan’s ambassador is presenting souvenir to Secretary FPSC Humaira Ahmed. 

Ambassador Alizada said the National Salvation Day is one of the glorious pages of the history of independent Azerbaijan. After regaining its independence in 1991 Azerbaijan was at the verge of civil war and loss of independence.

On that time by the persistent demand of the Azerbaijani nation, Heydar Aliyev, National Leader of Azerbaijan assumed the responsibility of the country, saved the state and the nation of Azerbaijan from the hard and strict tests of the history and Azerbaijan embarked on the path of development, ensured stability and the country began to confidently move forward.

The political reforms carried out in Azerbaijan under the leadership of Heydar Aliyev were designed for the development of democracy, human rights, unity and full protection of the interests of the country.

Embassy of Azerbaijan celebrated National Salvation Day
ISLAMABAD: H.E. Ali Alizada, Azerbaijan’s ambassador and Secretary Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC) Humaira Ahmed presenting certificate of appreciation to Daily Spokesman Diplomatic Correspondent Naveed Ahmad Khan for promoting cause of Azerbaijan at a ceremony held to mark National Salvation Day of Azerbaijan.

He said, H. Aliyev put an end to all negativity in the country, disbanded all illegal armed groups, established safety and order, and began building the state institutions. Along with the rapid development and dynamic progress of the country, the wise policy laid by National Leader and successfully continued by the current President of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilham Aliyev,gained to Azerbaijani nation to achieve its main goal – the restoration of the territorial integrity of the modern independent Azerbaijan.

Due to dynamic development, high national spirit and unity, professionalism and heroism of victorious Azerbaijan Army, and thanks to the dedication of our martyrs, under the command of the Supreme Commander-in-chief, Azerbaijan has defeated aggressor Armeniawhich kept 20% of Azerbaijani territories under the illegal occupation for almost 30 years, and Azerbaijan hassecured its territorial integrity, put an end to Armenian occupation and restored peace and justice in the region.

Sohail Mahmood, Secretary Foreign Affairs and Humaira Ahmed Federal Secretary, Federal Public Service Commission also expressed the views and appreciate the role of ambassador for improvement of Pak Azerbaijan delete relation. He congratulate to the Government and people of Azerbaijan on the National Salvation Day.

Meanwhile, in recognition of the role of Pakistani media in promoting Pakistan-Azerbaijan bilateral relations, the Embassy of Azerbaijan distributed the certificate of appreciation for the print and electronic journalist.

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