Dillydallying & Shillyshallying Must Stop Now


S.U. Choudhry

Truth does prevail in the end. Whatever mishmash & criminal devilry is committed does come to fore and has to end. Enough damage to the State standing of Pakistan has been caused. “Enough is Enough”. Political devastation must cease.

The US Congress Session, 20th March, in its ‘grand finale verdict’ about the “Cypher-Conspiracy” to oust an ex-PM, as alleged by the ECP-disqualified Party, has termed it as a complete falsehood and dismissed it as null & void. It is a slap on that Party’s defunct leadership. But, worse still, it caused a big dent on Pakistan’s image because of the Machiavellian role played by the premeditated ‘plan’ hatched by that so-called “cult-mesmerizer” and hell-bent, social-media-exploiting ‘wizard’.

Apart from so many criminal offences, the hapless cricketer-turned politician – with total immaturity personified – committed the topmost, heinous ‘cypher’ crime, well-nigh a treachery, which makes him guilty under the Law for capital punishment.

Donald Lu of US State Department – as summoned to testify at the hearing titled “Pakistan After the Elections: Examining the Future of Democracy in Pakistan and the US-Pakistan Relationship” – told the House Foreign Affairs Sub-Committee under oath, the truth & the absolute truth without mincing words.

According to LU, as exasperation was manifest, they were particularly concerned about electoral abuses & violence (probably by anti-Govt. forces) and the terrorist attacks that happened in the weeks leading up to the polls. Still, it was a good sign for democracy that over 60 million voted including more than 21 million women and that 50% more women than in 2018 were elected to the Legislatures.

But, of course, replying to a query earlier, his suggestion to call for investigation into the poll conduct is misplaced and an unnecessary interference into Pakistan’s internal affairs. Indeed, the Govt. in place and the Establishment are fully conscious and pursuing any irregularities committed, he agreed.

Ironical as it appears to be, a political party, which is a mockery and cannot be called a party as it miserably failed in fulfilling party rules as per Constitution, did not have the right to exist per se, yet

exasperatingly continued to criminally indulge in nefarious practices totally disregarding all rules & norms under the very nose of the Establishment and against the writ of the State.

It is inconceivable how the State, Establishment & concerned Governments of the time remained apathetic to all kinds of the ‘Opposition’ derelictions despite rulings of Higher Court and in NAB cases. Over the past ten years – particularly since IKN’s constitutional overthrow in April 2022 – the State & Govt. were like sitting ducks. People simply watched in awe & horror how they proved to be impotent mostly procrastinating and even often shillyshallying.  The worst scenario in this respect came about after the 9th May 2023 Party-workers’ jihadi-style militant rowdiness and the military establishment declaring stern action to court-martial the guilty lot. Alas, time passed with “to do or not to do” paradox and other than periodic cudgeling and some semblance of arrests & convictions, there was No serious action on convictions. And the ‘youthia’ at the behest of hardline deranged Party workers kept getting boosted and emboldened causing so many law & order situations and massive fake social media outbursts. Common people got disillusioned with all kinds of political antics leading to uncertainties and economic instability, especially since the 8th March General Elections in which the disbanded symbol-less Party created yet another stunt of unlawful  inclusion of their ‘Independents’ in a non-registered, religious entity.

My God, what height of audacity in the presence of the ‘non-partisan’ Establishment, which seemingly or purportedly stayed ‘inactive’ & nonplussed/unmoved !

One thing the educated but tired society – in fact the whole nation – wants to see is that the IKN crime be punished without much ado and further delay.

suggested here that she may reconsider introducing Chinese convertible electro-pedal green bicycles, free of fossil fuel, and control of carbon-emission, and costing much less, for children, youth & seniors, in cycling outdoors to keep happy & healthy.

Expectedly, as desired by the people & workers, Nawaz Sharif will soon become the Life-long Chairman of the Party and get fully involved in politics, development sector and major projects & novel programs.

All said, now is the time – especially after the US Congress’ ‘truth’ submission – to ban PTI and disqualify & jail that mindless & unpatriotic IKN for good who deceitfully caused so much of damage to the country and so much of shame to its people.

Dillydallying or shilly-shallying on this action will no more be acceptable to the Nation.

As PM Mian Shehbaz Sharif moves speedily, the Parliament may have to act now to pass a resolution about the fate of IKN-PTI.

Further, frugality being PM’s priority, stringent ‘Austerity Measures’ as adopted for strict compliance, will need to be supported and adapted by all & sundry also. And, surely, the policy decision for a new Five-year Economic Plan, already announced, will take the country out of morass of extravagance into an expected era of progress & prosperity.

Here, it is suggested that – for the creation of a ‘State bank/capital of Inflation Subsidies’ to help the middle class and the lower middle class – a well-conceived ‘Public Endowment Fund’ be established with injection of maximal monetary contributions by business tycoons, rich landlords & philanthropists, and the heavy weights in the Corporate Sector, with the President & PM taking the lead, that would include attractive tax-remission packages.

In conclusion, let’s say, it is time dillydallying & shillyshallying mindset be wrapped up.

And, let’s shun polarization to unite and let’s shed despise to move forward.

Let’s be friendly, let’s bear no malice – like our Chinese comrades profess and as Mian Shehbaz Sharif propounds – to hope not despair and bring about prosperity, peace & harmony in our beloved country.

-The author is a former UN Peace-keeping Officer,Founding CPCD Chairman, and a Peace, Climate-Change & Human Rights Activist.


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