Deployment of Frontier Constabulary in AJK


Abdul Basit Alvi

Nestled amidst the stunning Himalayan and Karakoram ranges, Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) boasts abundant natural resources, including flowing rivers and cascading waterfalls. These resources present tremendous potential for producing clean, renewable energy through hydropower projects. As the global community increasingly prioritizes sustainable development and carbon emission reduction, the importance of hydropower in AJK cannot be overstated.

Hydropower, a renewable energy source harnessing the kinetic energy of flowing water to generate electricity, stands in stark contrast to fossil fuels, emitting no harmful greenhouse gases. In AJK, where rivers and streams define the natural landscape, hydropower offers a sustainable solution to meet the region’s escalating energy needs without compromising its ecological balance. By leveraging local water resources, AJK can diversify its energy mix, ensuring a dependable electricity supply for residents, businesses, and industries, thereby bolstering energy security and economic stability.

The construction and operation of hydropower projects not only spur economic growth but also create job opportunities, particularly benefiting local communities. Skilled labor for engineering, construction, and maintenance is in demand, lifting income levels and stimulating economic activity. Moreover, the availability of affordable hydropower attracts investment in downstream industries, further propelling regional development.

AJK’s hydropower projects prioritize environmental sustainability, employing careful planning and mitigation strategies to minimize ecological impact. Additionally, hydropower reservoirs serve as vital water storage facilities, aiding in river flow regulation, flood mitigation, and agricultural irrigation, thus contributing to comprehensive environmental management and conservation efforts.

These projects yield social benefits as well, elevating living standards and enhancing quality of life in AJK. Access to electricity facilitates the delivery of essential services like healthcare, education, and communication, empowering communities and fostering social cohesion. Furthermore, electrification drives technological innovation and connectivity, bridging urban-rural disparities and promoting equitable development across the region.

The influx of Chinese workers into Pakistan has grown notably in recent years, propelled by collaborative projects within the framework of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). These workers, representing diverse backgrounds and professions, play a pivotal role in shaping Pakistan’s socio-economic landscape.

Chinese workers spearhead infrastructure development initiatives across Pakistan, particularly within the scope of CPEC. From constructing highways and railways to establishing power plants and industrial zones, their expertise and technical proficiency are indispensable in realizing Pakistan’s infrastructural aspirations. These projects not only enhance domestic connectivity but also lay the groundwork for sustainable economic growth and regional integration.

The presence of Chinese workers facilitates the transfer of skills, knowledge, and technology to their Pakistani counterparts. Through training programs, joint ventures, and on-the-job learning, Pakistani workers have the opportunity to acquire new competencies and enhance their technical expertise. This exchange of expertise not only strengthens the capacity of the local workforce but also fosters enduring partnerships between China and Pakistan.

Chinese workers contribute significantly to expanding economic cooperation between the two nations, fostering mutually beneficial relationships across various sectors. Their presence stimulates investment, trade, and business opportunities, generating employment and propelling economic development in both countries. Furthermore, joint ventures between Chinese and Pakistani enterprises facilitate the exchange of ideas, resources, and market access, laying the groundwork for sustained prosperity and growth.

The presence of Chinese workers in Pakistan also promotes cultural exchange and mutual understanding between the two nations. By engaging with local communities, sharing traditions, and participating in cultural events, they enrich Pakistan’s cultural mosaic and promote goodwill between the peoples of China and Pakistan. This cultural interchange fosters friendship and cooperation, bolstering bilateral ties between the two nations. Ensuring the safety, well-being, and rights of Chinese workers, along with promoting harmonious coexistence with local communities, is crucial for the sustainable development of collaborative projects.

In recent years, cooperation between AJK and Chinese partners has catalyzed the initiation and implementation of several hydropower projects. Chinese workers, renowned for their prowess in infrastructure development, play a pivotal role in propelling forward these projects. They bring a wealth of technical expertise and engineering finesse to AJK’s hydropower initiatives. From the design and construction of dams and reservoirs to the installation of turbines and transmission lines, their proficiency in hydropower technology ensures the smooth and efficient execution of these vital infrastructure endeavors. Through knowledge transfer and capacity-building endeavors, Chinese workers empower local engineers and technicians, nurturing skills development and fostering innovation within the region.

Their presence expedites the progress of hydropower projects in AJK. Their disciplined work ethic, meticulous planning, and adherence to strict timelines help surmount logistical hurdles and streamline construction activities. Leveraging their experience from similar projects worldwide, Chinese workers optimize project management processes, ensuring the timely completion and commissioning of hydropower facilities. This accelerated progress translates into tangible benefits for AJK, including enhanced energy availability and reduced reliance on imported fuels.

The participation of Chinese workers in AJK’s hydropower endeavors generates significant economic stimulus and employment opportunities within the region. Their involvement across construction, engineering, and related fields creates jobs for local laborers and skilled workers, driving income generation and poverty alleviation. Furthermore, the ripple effect of hydropower investments stimulates secondary industries and ancillary services, further bolstering economic growth and prosperity in AJK.

Collaboration between Chinese workers and local communities in AJK fosters cultural exchange and mutual understanding. Through interpersonal interactions, language acquisition, and shared experiences, they bridge cultural gaps and cultivate bonds of friendship and cooperation. This cultural interchange not only enriches the social fabric of AJK but also strengthens bilateral ties between China and Pakistan, paving the way for enhanced cooperation in other developmental spheres.

Chinese workers prioritize environmental stewardship and sustainability in AJK’s hydropower ventures, adhering to stringent environmental standards and best practices. Their focus on eco-friendly construction techniques, biodiversity preservation, and watershed management minimizes the ecological impact of hydropower infrastructure. Moreover, by advancing the development of clean and renewable energy sources, they contribute to combating climate change and curbing carbon emissions, aligning with global endeavors towards a more sustainable future.

Nevertheless, alongside the opportunities afforded by this collaboration, there are significant security challenges confronting Chinese workers in Pakistan. This piece aims to illuminate the security threats encountered by Chinese workers in Pakistan and explore potential strategies to mitigate these risks.

One of the foremost security threats facing Chinese workers in Pakistan is the persistent risk of terrorism and insurgency. Various extremist factions operating within the country have targeted infrastructure projects, particularly those linked to China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). These attacks not only directly jeopardize the safety of Chinese workers but also undermine trust in bilateral cooperation and hinder progress on critical development endeavors. Additionally, kidnapping for ransom poses a severe security risk to Chinese workers in Pakistan. Criminal syndicates and militant organizations regard foreign nationals, including Chinese workers, as lucrative targets for extortion. Past incidents of abduction and ransom demands underscore the vulnerability of Chinese workers to such criminal activities. These occurrences not only jeopardize the lives of those affected but also discourage foreign investment and tarnish Pakistan’s reputation as a secure destination for international labor. Ethnic and sectarian tensions within Pakistan amplify the security challenges confronting Chinese workers, especially in areas with a history of inter-communal strife. While Chinese workers typically remain insulated from local conflicts, they may inadvertently become targets or find themselves caught in the crossfire of ethnically or religiously motivated disputes. Navigating the intricate socio-political terrain of Pakistan is essential to ensure the safety and security of Chinese workers across diverse settings.

Inadequate security infrastructure and transportation networks in certain Pakistani regions pose additional hazards to Chinese workers. Remote project sites, poorly maintained roads, and limited law enforcement presence heighten the susceptibility of workers to criminal activities like theft, vehicle theft, and ambushes. Moreover, the absence of reliable communication and emergency response systems exacerbates the difficulties in providing timely assistance and protection to Chinese workers during emergencies.

Addressing the security risks faced by Chinese workers in Pakistan necessitates a multi-pronged approach encompassing proactive measures at governmental, organizational, and individual levels. Enhanced security cooperation between Pakistan and China, involving intelligence-sharing and joint security operations, is crucial for effectively countering terrorism and insurgency threats. Augmenting law enforcement capacities, particularly in regions with significant concentrations of Chinese workers, can deter criminal activities and foster a safer environment. Additionally, investing in security training and awareness initiatives for Chinese workers, implementing robust risk assessment and management protocols, and furnishing adequate security escorts and facilities can bolster their resilience against security threats. Furthermore, fostering community involvement and establishing trust with local stakeholders can facilitate early warning mechanisms and support networks to mitigate potential risks.

The collaboration between Pakistan and China on various development projects, including the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), has attracted Chinese workers to Pakistani territory. However, alongside the prospects of advancement, these endeavors have also been marred by instances of terrorism aimed at Chinese workers. One of the most devastating assaults on Chinese workers occurred in July 2021 when a roadside bomb struck a bus transporting Chinese engineers and laborers in the Dasu region of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. The attack claimed the lives of nine Chinese nationals and left several others wounded. Although the precise perpetrators of the attack remain elusive, it highlighted the susceptibility of Chinese workers to terrorism in Pakistan. In May 2019, gunmen launched an attack on the Pearl Continental Hotel in Gwadar, Balochistan, where Chinese and other foreign guests were lodging. The assault, attributed to the Baloch Liberation Army (BLA), resulted in the deaths of at least five individuals, including one soldier and four hotel staff. Although no Chinese nationals were reported among the casualties, the incident raised concerns regarding the safety of Chinese workers in sensitive areas such as Gwadar. In December 2017, a suicide bombing targeted a bus transporting Chinese language instructors from the Confucius Institute at the University of Peshawar. The assault, attributed to the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), resulted in the deaths of at least six individuals, including two Chinese nationals, and injured several others. This incident brought to light the dangers faced by Chinese workers and educators participating in cultural and educational exchange programs in Pakistan. In April 2018, armed militants targeted a coal mine in the Mach area near Quetta, Balochistan, claiming the lives of at least ten laborers, including nine Pakistani nationals and one Chinese worker. Attributed to the Islamic State (IS) militant group, the attack specifically targeted Chinese and Pakistani workers involved in mining operations. This event underscored the difficulties associated with securing remote project sites and safeguarding workers in volatile regions.

These acts of terrorism against Chinese workers in Pakistan have profound implications for bilateral cooperation and investment. They not only jeopardize the safety and security of Chinese nationals but also raise concerns about the feasibility and sustainability of ongoing and future development projects. The deliberate targeting of Chinese workers undermines confidence in Pakistan’s ability to provide a secure environment for foreign investment and cooperation, potentially leading to project delays and reevaluations of strategic partnerships.

Considering the potential future security threats and past incidents, it was imperative to implement stricter security measures to ensure the safety of Chinese workers working in AJK. The government’s decision to do so was commendable. However, some elements have chosen to interpret this move negatively and spread false propaganda. In response to the government of Azad Kashmir’s request, the deployment of Frontier Constabulary was sanctioned to enhance the security of foreign nationals engaged in development projects within the state. The objective of this deployment in Azad Jammu and Kashmir is to safeguard facilities such as the Neelum Jhelum Power House, Mangala Power House, Gulpur Power House, and the Chinese nationals working therein. Initially, six platoons of Frontier Constabulary will be stationed for a period of three months. It is noteworthy that the Frontier Constabulary operates as a subsidiary of the Police and will fulfill its duty to protect foreign nationals in Azad Kashmir. Despite baseless propaganda circulated by India and certain factions on social media, the deployment of Frontier Constabulary is grounded in factual necessity and is not motivated by any malicious intent.

Pakistan is not unique in taking special measures to ensure the security of foreign nationals. In an era defined by globalization and international cooperation, safeguarding foreign workers within a nation’s borders has become a paramount concern for governments worldwide. To confront security challenges and guarantee the welfare of foreign nationals, numerous nations employ specialized military units known for their exceptional training and operational prowess. Saudi Arabia, a central destination for expatriates from diverse backgrounds, utilizes its elite special forces to ensure the protection of foreign residents and employees within its borders. The Saudi Arabian Special Forces, which encompass entities like the Royal Saudi Land Forces Special Operations Command (SF), are deployed for safeguarding critical infrastructure, diplomatic premises, and foreign compounds. These units execute security evaluations, offer close protection services, and swiftly respond to security risks to uphold the safety and welfare of foreign laborers in the kingdom. Similarly, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) acknowledges the significance of safeguarding its extensive expatriate community and foreign workforce, particularly in industries like construction, hospitality, and oil and gas. The UAE’s special operations forces, which include units such as the UAE Special Operations Command (SOCOM) and Presidential Guard, play a crucial role in preserving security and stability within the nation. These highly skilled units collaborate closely with local law enforcement agencies to prevent terrorism, combat organized crime, and safeguard foreign nationals from security risks. In Iraq, a nation hosting a substantial number of foreign workers engaged in reconstruction and development projects, its special forces units are relied upon to protect foreign nationals amidst security challenges. The Iraqi Special Operations Forces (ISOF), trained and supported by international partners, undertake missions involving counterterrorism, hostage rescue, and the security of diplomatic missions and foreign workers. These units work hand in hand with multinational forces and private security contractors to mitigate security threats and ensure the safety of foreign workers in Iraq. Nigeria, a prominent destination for foreign workers in sectors like oil and gas, telecommunications, and construction, also deploys its special forces units to address security challenges and safeguard expatriates within its borders. The Nigerian Special Forces, including units like the Special Forces Command (SFC) and Special Boat Service (SBS), collaborate with government agencies and private security firms to provide security escorts, secure work sites, and respond to security incidents affecting foreign workers. These efforts are crucial for fostering a conducive environment for foreign investment and stimulating economic growth in Nigeria. These examples underscore the necessity of taking special measures regarding this sensitive issue in Pakistan and AJK. It is disheartening to witness that whenever the government and armed forces undertake positive initiatives, the propaganda machinery of anti-state elements ramps up its efforts to disseminate misinformation and foster animosity. In today’s information-saturated world, differentiating truth from falsehood has become increasingly challenging. False propaganda, fueled by misinformation and manipulation, pervades various facets of society, ranging from politics and media to social issues and international relations. It infiltrates our daily lives through diverse channels, including social media, news platforms, and political discourse. Manipulative narratives, sensationalized headlines, and doctored images are frequently employed to sway public opinion, exploit biases, and further concealed agendas. False propaganda thrives on exploiting fear, exacerbating divisions, and undermining trust in institutions and authorities. Accepting false propaganda uncritically can have wide-ranging repercussions, both individually and collectively. Blindly embracing misinformation can lead to misguided decisions, distorted perceptions, and societal discord. In an era dominated by digital echo chambers and confirmation bias, it is essential to scrutinize sources, authenticate information, and engage in critical analysis before embracing any narrative as truth. False propaganda not only undermines trust in institutions but also corrodes social cohesion and exacerbates polarization within communities. By planting seeds of doubt and spreading mistrust, propagandists aim to weaken democratic institutions, subvert the rule of law, and fracture societies along ideological fault lines. The erosion of trust and solidarity perpetuated by false propaganda represents a fundamental threat to the essence of democracy and the welfare of societies.

The populace of Pakistan and AJK fully acknowledges the significance of national security and the safety of both Pakistani nationals and foreigners employed in Pakistan and AJK. Every measure taken in this regard is embraced by the nation, and the entire populace vehemently rejects the unfounded propaganda directed against this constructive initiative.


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