Demand to declare India a Terrorist Country


Abdul Basit Alvi

India has consistently engaged in espionage and terrorist activities in foreign territories, with a documented history of interference in the internal affairs of other nations, particularly its neighboring countries such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives. The imperative of respecting the sovereignty of other nations and refraining from involvement in their internal matters becomes paramount. International relations comprise a complex web of interactions shaped by distinct values, interests, and governing systems of each country. Within this intricate landscape, the principle of non-interference assumes a central role, necessitating abstention from meddling in the domestic affairs of other nations.

The primary rationale for adopting a non-interference policy lies in the profound respect for a nation’s sovereignty. Sovereignty, a fundamental tenet of international law, asserts a nation’s right to self-governance free from external interference. Upholding this principle not only conforms to global standards but also fosters a more stable and harmonious global order. Interfering in the internal affairs of another nation can swiftly escalate tensions and precipitate conflicts, perceived as a violation of autonomy, eliciting strong reactions. Thus, a non-interference policy serves as a preemptive measure, reducing the likelihood of diplomatic crises and hostilities.

Embracing a non-interference policy nurtures the practice of diplomacy. By refraining from meddling in internal matters, nations can maintain open channels of communication and seek diplomatic resolutions to global challenges, fostering negotiation and compromise for peace and cooperation. Additionally, a non-interference policy enhances bilateral relations, signaling respect for the autonomy and self-determination of other countries, often leading to more cordial and productive relationships based on shared interests and cooperation.

The alignment with international norms and principles is evident in the United Nations Charter, which underscores the significance of refraining from involvement in the internal matters of other states. Adherence to these norms strengthens the global framework for peaceful and lawful international relations. Furthermore, a non-interference policy upholds the right to self-determination, allowing countries to shape their governance, culture, and policies without external pressures, promoting peaceful coexistence.

Interfering in another country’s affairs can result in unintended and adverse consequences, including instability and insecurity, as historical examples demonstrate. Therefore, a non-interference policy helps avert these inadvertent negative outcomes, contributing to global stability. Through the embrace of a non-interference policy, nations play a pivotal role in fostering a world characterized by peaceful coexistence and diminished potential for international disputes and hostilities. In a globally interconnected environment, peaceful coexistence and non-interference are instrumental in fostering trust and security, thereby reducing the likelihood of international disputes and hostilities.

India has been involved in interventionist endeavors across various nations, utilizing RAW as a tool to extend its influence beyond its borders. RAW, short for the Research and Analysis Wing, India’s external intelligence agency, has long been cloaked in secrecy and speculation due to its clandestine operations abroad. The activities of the Indian Spy Agency RAW abroad have raised objections as they infringe upon the sovereignty of other nations. Officially designated as the Research and Analysis Wing, RAW serves as India’s primary external intelligence agency, entrusted with the task of gathering intelligence and executing covert operations overseas. Established in 1968, RAW’s fundamental objective is to safeguard India’s national security by gathering information on external threats, encompassing both military and non-military aspects, and executing operations to protect and advance India’s interests globally. However, allegations have surfaced regarding RAW’s activities outside India. One of the enduring accusations leveled against RAW is its purported support for insurgent groups and separatist movements in neighboring nations, with Pakistan being a prominent example. RAW has allegedly provided material and financial assistance to various insurgent factions, thereby fueling regional instability. Additionally, RAW has faced accusations of engaging in espionage in foreign countries, involving the gathering of sensitive intelligence and jeopardizing the national security of other nations. These allegations have strained India’s relations with its neighbors on numerous occasions. RAW has been implicated in covert operations aimed at destabilizing governments and promoting political change in neighboring countries, contravening the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other nations. Furthermore, RAW has been linked to acts of sabotage in foreign countries, including cyberattacks and terrorism, resulting in significant diplomatic repercussions.

India and RAW have been accused of supporting terrorist activities within Pakistan, with notable instances such as the case of Kulbhushan Yadav, a retired Indian Navy officer implicated in espionage and terrorism in Balochistan. Yadav was apprehended by Pakistani Security Forces in 2016 based on information provided by the ISI. RAW has allegedly operated from neighboring countries’ territories with the aim of destabilizing and weakening Pakistan. Pakistan has borne the brunt of India’s alleged efforts to foment division along ethnic lines, enduring prolonged unrest and conflict in regions such as Balochistan and KPK.

The Indian media’s involvement in what can be labeled as “media terrorism” extends to spreading false propaganda and misinformation about Pakistan, orchestrated by India and its leadership. Attempts to mislead the people of Pakistan and AJK are continuous. The populace of AJK dismisses statements from Indian politicians and media, especially those attempting to draw parallels between IIOK and AJK, as trivial. Recent protests in AJK, misinterpreted as hostility towards Pakistan and its army, have led Indian politicians and media to suggest AJK align with India, citing supposed discontent. Indian Home Minister Amit Shah claimed AJK residents are unhappy with Pakistan, while Indian intellectuals, anchors, and journalists have proposed AJK secede to India. However, AJK residents largely see these statements as jests. In reality, they express considerable satisfaction with Pakistan, appreciating its special autonomous status and close ties. Recent protests in AJK were focused on basic demands, not against Pakistan. AJK residents enjoy full rights within Pakistan, contrasting with India’s history of unrest, particularly in Indian-occupied Kashmir. Allegations of human rights abuses and political repression persist in regions like Indian-administered Kashmir, exacerbated since Article 370’s revocation. India should address grievances in Kashmir and other parts of the country instead of scapegoating Pakistan. It’s crucial for India to address dissent within its own territories, including Indian Punjab, Kashmir, and Ladakh. Recent statements from Indian politicians, intellectuals, anchors, and journalists are condemned by AJK people as unwarranted interference and a disregard for India’s internal unrest.

Canada has also experienced the repercussions of Indian involvement in alleged terrorism. Recent disputes between Canada and India have drawn international attention, particularly following Canada’s announcement of credible allegations linking Indian government agents to the murder of a Sikh separatist leader in British Columbia. This development significantly strained diplomatic relations between the two countries. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, in an emergency statement to the House of Commons, firmly asserted that any foreign government’s involvement in the killing of a Canadian citizen constitutes “an unacceptable violation of our sovereignty.” The victim, Hardeep Singh Nijjar, aged 45, was fatally shot outside a Sikh temple in Surrey, a Vancouver suburb with a substantial Sikh population. Nijjar was a vocal proponent of a Sikh homeland in the form of an independent Khalistani state and was officially labeled as a “terrorist” by India in July 2020. Trudeau stated that Canadian security agencies have actively pursued credible allegations suggesting a potential connection between Indian government agents and Nijjar’s death. He noted that he had directly raised the issue of the murder with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during the G20 summit in New Delhi and urged the Indian government to cooperate with Canada in conducting a thorough investigation. In response to these developments, Canada also took the unprecedented action of expelling India’s top intelligence official stationed in the country. It’s noteworthy that the Khalsa movement has gained momentum in Canada, with Khalsa Day celebrations fueled further support for the Khalistan movement. It’s also important to highlight that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has pledged to protect the rights of Sikhs while actively engaging in Sikh community events.

According to reports from American media outlets, the killing of American citizen and Sikh activist Gurptunat Singh Pannu was allegedly sanctioned by the then-chief of RAW, Sumant Goyal. According to reports from American media outlets, American intelligence agencies claim that hired assassins were contacted by RAW officer Vikram Yadav. The directive for the assassination was allegedly issued by RAW while Narendra Modi was visiting the US on June 23. Sumant Goyal, according to American media reports, was reportedly under significant pressure to eliminate Sikh separatists operating outside India. US agencies assert that National Security Advisor Ajit Doval was aware of this plan.

As per accounts from current and former US and Indian security officials, Vikram Yadav purportedly designated the assassination as a priority and provided the hired assassins with the New York address of Gurpatwant Singh. This revelation marks the first reported instance of Vikram’s identity and his affiliation with RAW. American media suggests that this connection directly implicates RAW in the assassination plot. Multiple high-ranking officials of RAW, as stated by current and former Western officials, were allegedly involved in the murder. Additionally, American agencies claim to have obtained evidence indicating possible links between the accused individuals and Modi’s inner circle.

In November 2023, American intelligence agencies uncovered a conspiracy to assassinate a Sikh leader, prompting US President Joe Biden to cancel a high-profile visit to India. The White House also reiterated its concerns over the reported involvement of the Indian intelligence service in two assassination plots in Canada and the United States. The Washington Post reported that an officer in India’s intelligence service was directly implicated in a foiled plan to assassinate a US citizen who is one of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s most outspoken critics in the United States. This same officer was also allegedly involved in the separate shooting death of a Sikh activist in Canada last June. White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre emphasized the seriousness of the matter, stating that they are closely monitoring the situation and will continue to raise concerns.

Moreover, there were reports from Australia stating that RAW agents were expelled from the country. Additionally, a few weeks ago, a court in Qatar sentenced eight former Indian navy personnel to death, accusing them of espionage on behalf of Israel. Among those convicted are Captain Navtej Singh Gill, Captain Birendra Kumar Verma, Captain Saurabh Vasisht, Commander Amit Nagpal, Commander Purnendu Tiwari, Commander Sugunakar Pakala, Commander Sanjeev Gupta, and Sailor Rajesh. These former naval personnel were employed by Al Dahra Global Technologies and Consultancy Services, a private company owned by a former officer of the Oman Air Force. This company was tasked with providing training and various services to Qatar’s armed forces and security agencies. India’s trajectory seems to be leading towards increased international embarrassment and isolation. Under Prime Minister Modi’s leadership, India continues to undertake actions that further tarnish its global reputation, showcasing a growing sense of cynicism with each passing day.

In an increasingly interconnected world driven by technology, trade, and travel, the threat of terrorism transcends geographical boundaries. While terrorism can manifest from diverse origins, the phenomenon of international terrorism, wherein a nation acts as a center or supporter of terrorist activities beyond its borders, presents distinctive challenges to global security. Comprehending the traits of nations harboring or endorsing terrorism on an international scale is pivotal for crafting efficacious counterterrorism strategies and nurturing international collaboration.

Countries engaged in international terrorism, such as India, often share ideological sympathies with the terrorist entities they assist. Whether propelled by religious extremism, separatist movements, or political ideologies, these nations extend ideological, financial, and occasionally logistical backing to groups sharing their perspectives. Ideological congruence serves as a potent catalyst for nations to partake in or endorse terrorist activities abroad.

State sponsorship constitutes a hallmark of international terrorism. Nations like India offer refuge, training facilities, weaponry, or financial aid to terrorist outfits, either directly or through intermediaries. This assistance spans from overt support, wherein governments openly endorse and facilitate terrorist operations, to subtler forms of aid aimed at preserving plausible deniability on the global stage.

International terrorist nations like India often pursue geopolitical aims through their backing of terrorism. Whether aiming to destabilize adversaries, exert influence in specific regions, or further their own political agendas, these nations perceive terrorism as a means to achieve strategic objectives. By supporting terrorist entities, they seek to undermine governments, incite unrest, or extend their influence beyond borders.

Inadequate governance and ineffective law enforcement contribute to the proliferation of international terrorism. Nations plagued by porous borders, pervasive corruption, or fragmented state apparatuses may struggle to curb terrorist activities within their own territories. Terrorist groups exploit these vulnerabilities to establish safe havens and conduct operations with impunity.

Historical factors significantly shape the characteristics of international terrorist nations. Some nations maintain a longstanding tradition of supporting insurgent movements or engaging in proxy warfare as components of their foreign policy approach. Others have endured colonialism, conflict, or external intervention, factors that may engender grievances and radicalization, prompting them to adopt terrorism as a method of resistance or retaliation. Countries engaged in international terrorism, like India, operate within expansive transnational networks that surpass conventional boundaries. These networks facilitate the movement of finances, weaponry, and personnel across numerous nations, enabling terrorist groups to operate on a global scale. Sponsors of terrorism exploit these networks to cultivate alliances, synchronize operations, and magnify their influence on the global stage.

In an increasingly interconnected world characterized by porous borders, the imperative for nations to uphold each other’s sovereignty and abstain from participating in espionage and terrorist activities abroad has never been more urgent. These clandestine activities not only erode trust between nations but also present serious challenges to global stability, security, and collaboration. Recognizing the detrimental impacts of such behaviors is crucial for cultivating mutual respect, dialogue, and peaceful coexistence on the global platform.

Conducting espionage and engaging in terrorist activities on foreign soil flagrantly violates the sovereignty of the targeted nation. Sovereignty, a cornerstone principle of international law, ensures that each country has the autonomy to govern its territory without external interference. When nations undertake covert operations or support terrorism abroad, they encroach upon the sovereignty of other nations, corroding trust and inflaming tensions.

Espionage and terrorism activities carry the potential to escalate both regional and global conflicts. Covert operations, intelligence gathering, and cyberattacks can inadvertently provoke retaliation or military responses, sparking a perilous cycle of escalation. Similarly, backing terrorist groups or insurgent movements in foreign lands can exacerbate instability, prolong existing conflicts, and deepen humanitarian crises, resulting in catastrophic outcomes for civilians.

These clandestine activities undermine diplomatic efforts and corrode trust between nations. By resorting to covert actions or backing terrorism abroad, countries undermine established diplomatic channels and mechanisms designed to peacefully resolve disputes. Such actions foster suspicion, enmity, and paranoia among nations, impeding meaningful dialogue, negotiation, or collaboration on shared challenges.

The proliferation of espionage and terrorism activities strains international relations and undermines diplomatic endeavors to address global issues. Nations engaging in such practices risk facing isolation, condemnation, and sanctions from the international community, tarnishing their reputation and credibility globally. Furthermore, the revelation of covert operations or terrorist support can precipitate diplomatic crises, leading to expulsions, economic sanctions, or even military confrontation.

Espionage and terrorism pose significant threats to global security, destabilizing regions and impeding efforts to counter transnational threats like terrorism, organized crime, and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Covert operations, intelligence gathering, and cyberattacks can compromise critical infrastructure, disrupt essential services, and compromise national security, posing risks to individual countries and the international community at large.

Respecting the sovereignty of other nations and refraining from engaging in espionage and terrorism activities abroad are imperative for upholding international norms and values. Nations that uphold the principles of non-interference, mutual respect, and peaceful coexistence play a pivotal role in fostering a stable and secure international order grounded in the rule of law, human rights, and the peaceful resolution of conflicts.

The world must examine India’s malicious role in promoting and supporting terrorism in other countries and consider declaring India a terrorist state. Teaching a lesson to an international terrorist state is essential for creating a peaceful world.


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