Country would perish if elite privileges were not abolished


Spokesman Report

Islamabad:Dr.Murtaza Mughal, President of Pakistan Economy Watch (PEW), said on Thursday that the biggest threat to the country’s integrity is not terrorism or climate change but ruthless elites.

The elites have been looting the country’s resources with both hands for decades and transferring capital out of the country, he said.

He added that the elites responsible for the destruction of the economy pose the greatest obstacle to its recovery.

In a statement issued here, Dr. Murtaza Mughal said that the economy would have fully recovered due to the pressure put on the people in the shape of utility prices and inflation.

However, the limping economy still needs to recover due to the theft of a significant amount of public capital. Therefore, the situation is only slowly improving, resulting in frustration.

He observed that the masses would continue to suffer due to the elite’s unabated corruption, and the people’s anger would continue to increase.

Dr.Murtaza Mughal asserted that party workers had transformed nearly every department in the country into a recruitment center. Now, the politicians were bringing important departments under their control that were previously safe from their loot.

He said that a complete ban on new recruitment is part of the solution to political interference in government departments. The federation should stop giving unnecessary funds to provinces that receive more than they need. It is an open secret that many provinces receive funds and later waste them.

He said that the process of decorating the offices and houses of top officials and purchasing new vehicles should be stopped. Free housing, free electricity and gas, telephone, overseas treatment, foreign visits, and an army of staff should not be given to anyone.

Infrastructure projects should be initiated through a public-private partnership. A voluntary pension scheme should be introduced, and national and provincial assembly members should not receive funds for development schemes that end up in the pockets of the corrupt.

He noted that politicians who do not receive development funds will resort to other means to enrich themselves instead of using politics.

Mughal stated that ending the privileges of elites is more important than any of the measures mentioned above.


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