Budget has disappointed public: Dr. Shahid Butt


 Spokesman Report

Islamabad: Former President of the Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI), Dr. Shahid Rasheed Butt, on Thursday rejected the Federal Budget, terming it an efforts that aims to support elites and squeeze the masses.

The budget has nothing for the people but disappointments and added problems, while it is loaded with benefits to the influential, he said.

Shahid Rasheed Butt said in a statement issued here today that the budget will make the life of the people more difficult while the elite will continue to get benefits of four thousand billion rupees.

The business leader said that this budget would lead to increased mistrust and distance between the government and the people, making it less likely to improve the country’s economy.

Shahid Rashid Butt said that endless elitism will never help improve the economy, which is on the brink of default.

He said that the government listens to the yes-men instead of the people, and every economic decision is made according to the will of criminal businesses.

The people are disillusioned and their lives have become challenging with the passing of each day. Those who do not like the situation in Pakistan and have some resources run away from the country.

Shahid Rashid Butt said that those who come to power without the help of the people increase their problems instead of reducing them. Politicians cannot manage any institution but have all the skills to destroy important government institutions.

Due to the destruction of government institutions, the private sector charges arbitrary prices for many of its products and services, and there is no system or will to control it.

Important departments have become victims of politics and become a burden on the country despite investing billions of rupees in their revival, he lamented.

The government does not want to reduce its expenses, nor does it intend to reduce the privileges of the elite if the country goes bankrupt.

He said there are solutions to the problems, but these solutions are not acceptable to certain influential circles which will keep country dependent on loans and masses poor.


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