A position ceremony was held at DHA Bahawalpur on Wednesday, September 30, 2020. Plot owners of Sector A and B and owners of 9 Marla villas were given positions at the ceremony. Commander Bahawalpur Corps Lieutenant General Syed Mohammad Adnan attended as a special guest and expressed his views, appreciating the role of the DHA administration in fulfilling the long-held dream of making DHA Bahawalpur livable.
Project Director DHA Bahawalpur Brigadier Muhammad Usman thanked the special guest for attending the function and while welcoming the other guests said that the pace of development work in DHA Bahawalpur has been increased. The project directors also announced a special package for early construction of houses in Sector A and B under which complete waiver in development charges for construction of houses in one year. Completion and delivery of 6 and 9 Marla Villas in DHA Bahawalpur, Shooting Club, Market, Property Dealers Officers, Construction of Roots School Sims, Sports Facilities, Power and Water Supply in Villas, Drinking Water The development of RO plants, extensive tree planting, sector parks, community mosques, DHA clubs, office complexes and sectors for is proof that DHA Bahawalpur believes in action beyond claims.