An efficient leader is a symbol of prosperity


 Ejaz Khan

An efficient leader plays a vital role in overcoming the political crisis in the country. Muhammad Ali Jinnah was the one and only political leader of Pakistan who struggled for country progress and prosperity. He was a brilliant politician and statesman. Jinnah showed his credibility on the migration issue during the partition of India and Pakistan. Quaid-e-Azam explained political, economic, social, and educational problems in his cabinet. The cabinet was ready to solve problems from the root. They all agreed to formulate uniform policies to address the issues in Pakistan. So, an efficient leader solves the problems of the country forever.

Pakistan is facing crucial economic, political, and bureaucratic problems these days. It is important to understand that this is a challenging situation for the national harmony and economy of the country. Pakistan will not survive in the current scenario without uniform policies and political stability. Political instability is the mother of all crises and insecurity in the country. On the contrary, a poor country can not maintain public security on national and international levels. The challenges facing Pakistan can be eroded with the help of all stakeholders and political parties.

First and foremost, the leadership crisis has been a top-notch problem in Pakistan since its birth. Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a visionary, revolutionary, and charismatic leader of the country. After the founder of Pakistan, they don’t have a leader to lead the country in the right direction. Jinnah addressed the first legislative assembly on August 11, 1947. He pointed out all the key factors, like infrastructure, economy, social, health, and especially political issues. Quaid-e-Azam elaborated on the importance of the political system, which clearly shows the national harmony and prosperity of the country. He assured that a strong political system and national unity would lead to the glory of heights. The unity of the nation is a reflection of the peace, stability, and prosperity of the country. Now, Pakistan is on the verge of its birthday. People are unemployed, unhealthy, and unhappy with the ruling coalition parties in Pakistan.

In this context, China is an example of the world, and they are achieving their targets in all sectors. Now, China has become the second-largest economy in the world, and they dreamed of being a superpower of the world. The President of China, Jinping, initiated a campaign against corruption and adopted a zero-tolerance policy.

In addition to it, China has a vision of long-term sustainable development projects and launched a special project for the international community, BRI, to attract foreign countries to an alliance with a peaceful environment. They are building foreign relations under the visionary leader of China, Xi Jinping. He has a vision of strong economic growth and the strict implementation of rules and regulations to prevent terrorism and corruption in the country. A strong political system can defeat all crimes and crises. China’s single political party system is a symbol of the peace and prosperity of the country.

Furthermore, Nelson Mandela was African leader and prisoned in jail nearly twenty seven years. He didn’t stop struggling to protect his nation’s rights. Mandela faced hardship and difficulties in jail with an open heart. Nelson received 260 awards, including the Nobel Peace Prize, and he was the first head of state to back up the majority in the country. He believed that peace was the absolute power in all crises. He pulled out of the country in a new direction where there were no racing or ethnic problems. The Democratic Movement was free to speak regarding government and civil rights in the country. He empowered the political, socio-economic, and bureaucratic systems in the country and adopted the policy of delivering the utmost performance to the people. He expressed that education is the most powerful weapon that can be used to change the world. He was the former president of Africa and the most revolutionary leader in the world.

Singapore is also an Asian country, which is a beautiful island. Lee Kuan Yea was the founder of modern Singapore, who transformed the island into a country. Yea was a great statesman, visionary, and modern leader of the world. Singapore has become the most modern and hi-tech country in the world and has changed the infrastructure of roads, schools, and education. All the innovative features and ideas come from Singapore. They have a democratic system that empowers the political structure and institutions of the country. Singapore is the only country that has the best bureaucratic system to run state institutions. They reformed their institutions and built a strong education system.

Moreover, the political system in Pakistan is weak and occupied by feudals and industrialists. They secured their personal interests and were unwilling to redress the country’s problems. Both feudal and industrialists have the same thoughts and don’t believe in meritocracy and transparency in the country. The power of vote is not welcome by this group. They don’t answer in front of people and the Constitution. The constitution is implemented by the poor and isn’t implemented at the upper level. The law should be equal for all and doesn’t build a class system to treat. Equality, meritocracy, and transparency are the only solutions to the problems. Democratic governments are accountable in front of the people, and the masses have the power to change their governments through free and fair elections. Elections show the attitudes of the masses and the trust of politicians in their policies. So, the best form of government is democratic government in the ruling system. Pakistan has to build strong legislation and a strong political system. The uniform policies and reforms should be formulated in the Assembly and implemented by the state institutions.

In the end, a leader can move forward with a strong political system that empowers the political structure and institutions of the country. All the developed countries have a visionary, revolutionary, and charismatic leader. Lee Kuan Yea was a great statesman and the modern leader of the world. He showed his qualities and abilities to build the modern state of the world, which is Singapore. Xi Jinping is the Chinese president who moved his country to the second-largest and strongest economy in the world. Charismatic leaders can overcome social, economic, and political problems.

The writer is a Peace and Conflict journalist. He can be reached [email protected]


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