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  Kashmir Solidarity Day and the Proportion of Kashmiri Personnel in the Armed Forces of Pakistan and India

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Daily The Spokesman July 03 2024 PDF

Daily The Spokesman July 03 2024 PDF

  Kashmir Solidarity Day and the Proportion of Kashmiri Personnel in the Armed Forces of Pakistan and India

Abdul Basit Alvi

India asserts that Kashmir is an integral part of its territory and incorrectly portrays Kashmiris as supportive of their claim, presenting the situation in occupied Jammu and Kashmir as completely normal. On the other side, there are advocates for an Independent Kashmir who treat both India and Pakistan impartially. They argue that both countries mistreat Kashmir and its people without adequately acknowledging the sacrifices and services of Pakistan and the Pak Army for Kashmir. They also overlook the atrocities committed by India against innocent Kashmiris. These anti-Pakistan voices do not align with the majority of Kashmiris, as evident from the fact that the proportion of people from Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) in the Pakistan Army is much higher than the proportion of people from occupied Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) in the Indian Army.

 In the Pakistan Army, six serving General officers and a number of senior officers are Kashmiris, while the Indian Army has no General officer from Kashmir, and very few in its officer cadre are Kashmiris. In terms of total strength, approximately 8-10% of lower-ranking personnel in the Pakistan Army are Kashmiris, whereas only about 1% in the Indian army are Kashmiris.

 Nestled amidst the breathtaking Himalayan and Karakoram ranges, Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) occupies a distinctive position in South Asia’s geopolitical landscape. The region has reaped the benefits of the unwavering dedication of the Pakistan Army, playing a pivotal role in securing its safety, promoting developmental endeavors, and contributing to the overall welfare of the local populace.


The primary role of the Pakistan Army in AJK is to ensure the security and defense of the region. Given the historical context and ongoing geopolitical dynamics, the army stands as a strong defense against potential external threats, providing a sense of security and stability for the people of AJK. The Pakistan Army consistently exhibits its commitment to aiding the local population during natural disasters and emergencies. Whether responding to earthquakes, floods, or other crises, the army plays a crucial role in offering disaster relief and humanitarian assistance, underscoring its dedication to the well-being of the people.

 Actively engaging in infrastructure development projects in AJK, the Pakistan Army contributes beyond security concerns, actively fostering social and economic progress in the region. From constructing roads and bridges to establishing schools and healthcare facilities, the army’s involvement in the region is multifaceted. Through various welfare programs, the army connects with local communities, with initiatives focused on education, healthcare, and skill development aimed at improving the standard of living for AJK residents. The army’s role extends beyond a purely military function, actively participating in community-building endeavors.

 The Line of Control (LoC) dividing AJK from Occupied Jammu and Kashmir necessitates vigilant border management. The Pakistan Army assumes a critical role in securing the LoC, preventing infiltration, and safeguarding the territorial boundaries of AJK. Acknowledging the significance of education and skill development, the Pakistan Army in AJK is actively involved in educational initiatives and training programs, empowering the local population with tools to excel in various professional fields.

 The Pakistan Army, a formidable force in South Asia, derives its strength from a diverse cadre of individuals who serve with unwavering dedication. Within this esteemed institution, the substantial and historically significant presence of Kashmiris goes beyond mere numerical statistics; it represents a profound connection rooted in duty, identity, and shared historical narratives.

 The historical bonds between Kashmir and Pakistan have been shaped by cultural, religious, and geopolitical affinities. The significant presence of Kashmiris in the Pakistan Army is rooted in a shared identity, fostering camaraderie and a sense of belonging among individuals from the region. Many Kashmiris perceive military service as a noble calling, viewing it as a means to contribute to the defense and prosperity of the nation. Their strong sense of duty and patriotism drives them to join the armed forces, showcasing their commitment to safeguarding Pakistan’s sovereignty.

 Kashmiris in the Pakistan Army serve in diverse capacities, demonstrating versatility and skill across different branches. Whether in infantry, artillery, engineering, medical, or other specialized roles, individuals from Kashmir contribute to the multifaceted nature of the military, bringing diverse talents to the nation’s defense. The geopolitical importance of Kashmir amplifies the role of Kashmiris in the armed forces, symbolizing the unity of Pakistan and emphasizing the strategic significance of the region in South Asian geopolitics.

 Beyond contributing at various ranks, Kashmiris have also assumed leadership roles within the Pakistan Army, highlighting a commitment to diversity and equal opportunities. The integration of Kashmiris in the armed forces plays a pivotal role in strengthening the social fabric of the country, fostering unity and a shared sense of purpose. It underscores that the armed forces represent the diverse tapestry of Pakistan, contributing to a united and prosperous nation. The substantial number of Kashmiris in the Pakistan Army attests to their unwavering commitment to national security, reflecting dedication amidst regional complexities and a collective defense of the nation. Their service serves as a bridge of understanding between different regions and communities within Pakistan, exemplifying a shared commitment to a united and prosperous nation that transcends regional and ethnic boundaries.

 On the other hand, the Indian Army, one of the largest standing armies globally, faces weaknesses and challenges. One significant issue is the presence of outdated equipment and technology in many segments. Challenges persist in ensuring the entire force is equipped with state-of-the-art weaponry. The sheer size and diverse geographical terrain of India present logistical challenges, affecting the smooth movement of troops, equipment, and supplies.

 Personnel shortages in critical areas, such as cybersecurity, intelligence, and technical expertise, pose concerns for the Indian Army. Instances of corruption and ethical lapses have been reported, underscoring the importance of addressing such cases for maintaining the institution’s integrity.

 Despite increasing demands on the defense budget, constraints impact the Indian Army’s ability to invest adequately in modernization and training. Balancing the current force structure, meeting operational requirements, and investing in long-term modernization efforts is a complex task. Achieving optimal crisis response times remains a challenge, highlighting the need to enhance the army’s agility and rapid deployment capabilities for effective responses to emerging threats.

 An examination of the composition of the Indian Army reveals a notable discrepancy in the representation of Kashmiris within its ranks. The historical context of Kashmir is characterized by political intricacies, territorial disputes, and periods of unrest. The region has encountered challenges that, at times, have influenced the dynamics of recruitment into the Indian Army. Instances of conflict and civil unrest, mainly attributed to the actions of the Indian Army, have contributed to reservations among Kashmiris about pursuing a military career.

 The persistent security challenges in the region, encompassing insurgency and counterinsurgency operations, have affected the recruitment dynamics. The unique security environment in occupied Kashmir has influenced the willingness of individuals from the region to enlist in the armed forces, considering the complexities of the local situation. The perception of a trust deficit between the Kashmiri population and the Indian government has shaped choices regarding military service.

 Socio-economic factors, including educational opportunities and economic conditions, play a pivotal role in career choices. In regions facing specific challenges, such as occupied Kashmir, limited access to quality education and economic opportunities impacts the number of individuals opting for a military career. Effective communication and outreach efforts are crucial for dispelling misconceptions and encouraging participation. Disseminating accurate information about military service, benefits, and opportunities can bridge communication gaps and address apprehensions among potential recruits.

 Identity politics, both at the regional and national levels, can influence perceptions of military service. In the context of occupied Kashmir, where questions of regional identity are deeply intertwined with political narratives, individuals perceive the Indian armed forces through a complex lens shaped by historical and political dynamics. Given the security concerns in the region, the screening process for security clearances may be stringent, impacting the ease with which individuals from occupied Kashmir can join the Indian Army, adding an additional layer of complexity to the recruitment process.

 The long-standing conflict in Kashmir has been entangled in a complex web of political, historical, and social issues. One contentious aspect that has drawn international attention is the allegations of human rights violations and atrocities committed by the Indian Army in the region. It is crucial to approach this sensitive topic with an objective lens, acknowledging diverse perspectives while scrutinizing the allegations and their impact on the Kashmiri population. The history of the Kashmir conflict is marked by territorial disputes, political unrest, and conflicting national narratives. Understanding the historical context is crucial in comprehending the complexities surrounding allegations of human rights violations. Allegations of extrajudicial killings by the Indian Army in Kashmir have sparked controversy. Human rights organizations have recorded instances where individuals, including civilians, were reportedly targeted without due legal process, leading to accusations of excessive use of force. The deployment of pellet guns for crowd control during protests has faced criticism. Despite being labeled as non-lethal, these pellets have caused severe injuries, including blindness, raising concerns about the proportionality and appropriateness of such crowd control measures. Human rights reports have also highlighted arbitrary detentions and allegations of torture by security forces in Kashmir, encompassing offenses like custodial deaths and the use of torture to extract information.

 During periods of heightened tensions, the Indian government has imposed communication blackouts and restrictions on movement in Kashmir. These measures limit transparency and impede the reporting of human rights violations, making it challenging to independently verify or refute claims. Internationally, various human rights organizations and international bodies have expressed concerns, urging independent investigations.

 Addressing concerns related to human rights violations in Occupied Kashmir requires a commitment to transparency and accountability. Independent and impartial investigations, access for international observers, and a genuine commitment to upholding human rights principles are crucial components of any resolution, which India has failed to provide. The factor that significantly discourages Kashmiri people from joining the Indian Army is the prevalence of human rights violations and atrocities against innocent Kashmiris. This has intensified the sense of animosity toward the Indian Army among Kashmiris. The actions of India, its Army, and Prime Minister Modi are perceived as biased against Muslims and minorities. The demolition of the Babri Mosque and the forceful construction of the Ram Temple on the same site exemplify the mistreatment of minorities in India. Such incidents debunk the claims that people in occupied J & K support India.

 On the contrary, in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), Kashmiris enjoy more facilities than those living in occupied Kashmir. Pakistan provides greater rights to Kashmiris compared to India. The deep-rooted historical and cultural ties between the Kashmir region and Pakistan contribute to a shared identity and a sense of belonging. The political status of Kashmir remains a longstanding issue, with differing perspectives on whether the region should be independent, part of India, or integrated with Pakistan. Being with Pakistan grants Kashmiris a unique form of governance through locally elected representatives. AJK operates with a certain degree of autonomy, allowing for the formulation of policies and decision-making by leaders chosen by the local populace, ensuring a form of self-governance within the larger framework of Pakistan. Kashmiris are represented at the national level through elected officials in the Pakistani National Assembly and Senate. This ensures that the concerns and aspirations of the Kashmiri population are articulated at the federal level, thereby contributing to the democratic process in Pakistan. Integration with Pakistan opens up economic avenues for Kashmiris, granting access to the larger Pakistani market and economic infrastructure. The Pakistani government, in collaboration with local entities, endeavors to enhance economic prospects, infrastructure, and employment opportunities in regions with substantial Kashmiri populations.

 Being part of Pakistan facilitates access to educational opportunities for Kashmiri students. Pakistan, with its diverse range of universities and educational institutions, offers avenues for academic growth and specialization, contributing to the overall development of Kashmiri youth. Integration allows the rich cultural diversity of Kashmir to be interwoven into the broader fabric of Pakistani culture. Cultural exchange, festivals, and traditional practices contribute to the vibrant mosaic that constitutes the cultural identity of Pakistan.

 For Kashmiris, integration with Pakistan provides a sense of security and stability, particularly in areas where historical geopolitical tensions and security concerns have prevailed. The presence of a larger national security apparatus contributes to peace and stability in the region. Being part of Pakistan ensures access to national resources and development initiatives, with investments in infrastructure, healthcare, and social welfare programs enhancing the quality of life for Kashmiris.

 Furthermore, integration with Pakistan strengthens the diplomatic standing of Kashmiris on the international stage. The collective voice of Pakistan and its diplomatic efforts contribute to garnering support for the legitimate rights and aspirations of the Kashmiri people.

 Readers, Kashmir Solidarity Day, observed worldwide on February 5, advocates for acknowledging the ground realities. The provided information and data unequivocally highlights the dynamics of value and respect in the relationships. Kashmiris in Pakistan exhibit a profound love for their country, reciprocated by Pakistan considering them an integral part, as evidenced by the substantial representation of Kashmiris in the Pakistani Army. In contrast, the relationship between India and Kashmiris lacks genuine acceptance, evident in the limited presence of Kashmiris in the Indian Army. While Kashmiris wholeheartedly desire to live with Pakistan, India’s forceful occupation against their will remains a significant challenge. Kashmiris do not accept the coerced merger of Kashmir with India, and this reality should be comprehended by India and its Army. The international community should take cognizance of these tangible factors, in addition to UN resolutions, and exert pressure on India to grant the right of self-determination to Kashmiris.

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