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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Defaming Pak Army instead of Acknowledging its Commendable Contributions

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Defaming Pak Army instead of Acknowledging its Commendable ContributionsIn today’s interconnected world, social media has emerged as a powerful platform for communication and information sharing. While it has undoubtedly brought people closer and facilitated the exchange of ideas, it has also become a breeding ground for the spread of misinformation and propaganda. The unchecked dissemination of false narratives and biased content on social media poses a significant threat to society, undermining trust, polarizing communities, and distorting public discourse.

Social media platforms have transformed the way information is consumed, with billions of users relying on them for news and updates. However, the ease and speed of sharing content on these platforms have also given rise to a disturbing trend: the rampant spread of misinformation and propaganda. Falsehoods, conspiracy theories, and distorted narratives can go viral within minutes, reaching millions of people before they can be fact-checked or debunked. This unrestricted dissemination has the potential to influence public opinion, shape political discourse, and even impact democratic processes.

Several factors contribute to the proliferation of misinformation and propaganda on social media: Social media platforms provide a simple and accessible means of sharing information, often without robust mechanisms to verify its accuracy. This makes it easy for malicious actors and individuals to propagate false narratives to suit their agendas. Social media algorithms are designed to maximize user engagement, often by promoting content that generates strong emotional reactions. This algorithmic amplification tends to favor sensational or controversial content, making misinformation and propaganda more likely to gain visibility and traction. Social media fosters the formation of echo chambers, where individuals are surrounded by like-minded people and exposed to information that aligns with their existing beliefs. This reinforces confirmation bias, making individuals more susceptible to accepting and sharing false information that supports their preconceived notions.

The consequences of the unchecked spread of misinformation and propaganda on social media are far-reaching: Misinformation erodes public trust in institutions, media organizations, and even science. When false information is presented as fact, it becomes increasingly challenging for individuals to distinguish truth from fiction, leading to skepticism and a loss of faith in reliable sources of information. Misinformation and propaganda often fuel divisive narratives, pitting communities against each other and exacerbating societal tensions. This polarization can have severe consequences, undermining social cohesion and hindering constructive dialogue on critical issues. In the realm of public health, the spread of misinformation on social media can have disastrous consequences. False claims about vaccines, treatments, or disease prevention can lead to vaccine hesitancy, exacerbate outbreaks, and endanger public health efforts.

Pak Army has been a very soft target from our enemies and anti-state elements. The fake news and propaganda against the Pak army has increased in recent times.

On June 5, a verified Twitter account tweeted, “Australia has banned Pakistani generals in its country.” The Twitter user also posted a video in which he can be clearly heard saying Australia will not allow 50 officials including Ex-Chief of Army Staff General Retd Qamar Javed Bajwa, serving Chief of Army Staff General Asim Munir and the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) to enter the country. The post claimed that “Australian Parliament has banned all Pakistani generals from entering their country for violating human rights in Pakistan. The video has so far been viewed 71,000 times and retweeted over 4,000 times. A similar claim was shared by another Twitter user. On June 5, a Facebook user also claimed in his post that “Australia has bannned Pakistani generals to their country.” Whereas according to the Fact Check report of Geo, the Australian High Commission in Pakistan has confirmed that no such travel ban has been imposed by Australia on any Pakistani military officer or official. Aware of the viral reports of the visa ban on social media a spokesperson for the Australian High Commission told Geo Fact Check via email on June 21, “These reports are false.” “Australia supports a Pakistan that is peaceful, prosperous and democratic. Australia regularly advocates for human rights with the Government of Pakistan,” the spokesperson wrote.

Then, there were other reports about some sort of social media campaign against the Army Chief. Also the previous Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif strongly condemned a social media campaign launched by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Chairman Imran Khan against Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Asim Munir and ordered the authorities to take legal action against those involved in such malicious plots. In a statement, issued by PM Office Media, the prime minister noted that similar minds were involved in the conspiracy of May 9. “It is a clear message to 9th May planners, facilitators and handlers that conspiracy against Pakistan and its institutions will be crushed,” the statement added. Shehbaz further termed the mean, evil and violent media campaigns as a result of the planning of miscreants, adding the conspirators had again become active against the political and economic stability in the country. The new media campaign was a part and parcel of that abhorrent campaign, which was launched against Shuhada, he maintained. The prime minister observed that the media drive against armed forces and its chief did not fall within the domain of freedom of expression, but it was only a conspiracy, and it was a legal responsibility to eradicate such a tendency with full strength. He said the nation would foil such attempts in such a manner as it had frustrated the attempt on May 9 to stir violence and vandalism in the country. He also expressed the nation’s resolve not to allow the disappointed and panicked elements to create new crises in the country.

In an elaborate statement on Twitter, the previous PM Shehbaz separately said that the PTI chief’s “vile, sinister and malicious” campaign had been badly exposed. “Imran Khan continues to engage in a vile, sinister and malicious campaign against COAS General Syed Asim Munir. His trick of using proxies to threaten the Army Chief of an assassination attempt has been badly exposed,” he wrote on the microblogging site. Shehbaz Sharif said that Imran Khan was desperately working to coerce his way back into power after failure in a methodically planned attack on the state symbols. He said that the PTI chief fails to realise that “the time of his politics of intimidation, violence and hatred is over”. “Through such highly condemnable antics, he is only exposing himself, the core of which is defined by putting his personal interest (power grab) over everything else,” the PM of that time said. He reiterated that the people of Pakistan and the political parties strongly stood behind Gen Munir and the armed forces, and will thwart any attempt and conspiracy at undermining Pakistan Army’s prestige, honour, and integrity.

PTI and similar Anti State elements have been continuously spreading malicious propaganda against Pak Army and have been allegedly trying to divert the nation’s attention from the remarkable services of their heroes for Pakistan. Recently. the world has witnessed a classic display of professionalism and nationalism by the Pakistan Army when eight individuals got stuck in a local cable car in Battagram. Two cables snapped out of three leaving the stricken car hanging at the height of 900 feet. Pak Army was called upon and under direct supervision of GOC SSG started a rescue operation. High winds, bad weather and the risk of breaking the final wire due to helicopter thrust made the rescue more challenging. After several attempts with total disregard for personal safety and under scrutiny of the whole media and international audience, a sling operation was executed resulting in the rescue of two passengers. The efforts were not only appreciated by locals but also left the international press impressed. After bad light forced Plan B, the army pooled up local rescuers, provided them with necessary equipment and wrapped up the operation, safely rescuing all passengers. Despite the whole nation praising the Army’s efforts and praying for the well being of all involved, PTI foreign Zombies banked on failed rescue and used even an occasion like this to malign the Army. The ‘experts’ initially complained about late arrival of helicopters and then claimed that had locals been allowed, they’d have done it easily. The idiots must be told that had locals been capable of pulling it off, they’d not have waited for six hours. It was the army that mitigated the risk, got hold of the best local climbers and provided them with highly specialized ropes/ equipment. Safety of individuals was kept more important than getting things done fast. All individuals were safe and that’s all that matters. The Army doesn’t need their approval, the love of people of ‘Pakistan’ is enough, rather more than enough.

Pak army is not an institution but a name of passion and loyalty whose soldiers have the passion to sacrifice their lives for the defense of the motherland and are always in the first line to deal with any emergency situation and help and save the lives of their fellow countrymen. While being ready at all times, the soldiers of the Pakistani army are always engaged in the service and protection of their land and the nation. It should be kept in mind that, August 22, the day when the operation to rescue the Pakistanis trapped in the chair lift of Battagram was going on by the Pakistan Army, at the same time the sons of the nation were also engaged in the operation against the terrorists in Waziristan. While the soldiers of Pakistan Army played a key role in saving eight people at the same time and for the sake of defending Pakistan six brave soldiers of Pakistan Army gave their lives while fighting with the dead. It should be remembered that those were not six military men, but are six families who sacrificed their loved ones for the sake of the country. The martyred soldiers were also someone’s son, someone’s brother, someone’s husband, someone’s father or someone’s only support. Pak Army is not a defense organization but a special army given by Allah which is always ready to deal with natural calamities and accidents from the borders. Those who criticize the army unjustifiably, have they never seen or understood that who always stands in the first line to protect them after the help of Allah? Pak army is not fond of any credit or fame, it is only the spirit of patriotism according to which Pakistan army is always present without any delay to perform its duty on the borders as well as to rescue our countrymen from any unexpected situation. In case of floods, earthquakes, storms, droughts, or any other accident, if the eyes of the whole nation are raised towards anyone that is Pak Army. A few ignorant, less intelligent and self-made analysts who are busy day and night in hating the army should be ashamed of inciting hatred in every case and pulling out bugs. Just like recently those blind people tried to misrepresent Battagram’s rescue operation and failed miserably and Inshallah they will always fail, they should come to their senses and understand that everything is not about money or cheap fame. Do these low-minded people have an idea of what will happen to the hearts of the families of the martyrs and the young people engaged in public service with their negative and fabricated analyses? If it is not Pakistan Army, then who will be in these streets? Have you ever thought? If you don’t think so, look at the condition of Muslims in Palestine, Iraq, Syria, and India. Look at the plight of Muslims in Myanmar. Anti-national and anti-army elements should keep one thing in mind that Pakistan Army is the pride of the people and the people are the crown of the Pakistan Army. Anyone who thinks of weakening this relationship will die their own death.

Readers, addressing the problem of misinformation and propaganda on social media requires a multi-faceted approach: Promoting critical thinking and media literacy skills can empower individuals to assess information critically, identify bias, and fact-check claims before sharing them. Social media platforms need to take responsibility for the content circulating on their platforms. Implementing stricter policies against misinformation, enhancing fact-checking mechanisms, and reducing the algorithmic amplification of false content are crucial steps in mitigating the spread of misinformation. Government, civil society organizations, and tech companies should collaborate to develop comprehensive strategies to combat misinformation and propaganda. This includes promoting transparent communication, supporting independent fact-checking organizations, and fostering partnerships to share best practices and resources. The unchecked spread of misinformation and propaganda on social media poses a significant threat to society. It is imperative that individuals, social media platforms, and policymakers work together to address this challenge effectively. By promoting media literacy, implementing responsible platform policies, and fostering collaborative efforts, we can mitigate the impact of misinformation and safeguard the integrity of public discourse, ensuring a healthier and more informed digital society. The trend of spreading fake news and propaganda against the Pak Army is not acceptable for the nation and is not in the larger interests of Pakistan. Strict actions need to be taken against those who are involved in such malicious attempts against our defenders.

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