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Heinous Role of RAW behind Jaranwala Incident

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Heinous Role of RAW behind Jaranwala IncidentIndia has never open heartedly accepted Pakistan open from beginning and has been continuously engaged in destabilizing our country. Indian secret Agency RAW has been involved in various acts of terrorism within borders of Pakistan, with the aim of destabilizing the nation. These shameful acts range from supporting separatist movements in Balochistan and Sindh provinces to fomenting sectarian violence and aiding anti-state elements.

RAW has been providing financial and logistical support to Baloch separatist groups, encouraging insurgency and destabilization in the resource-rich province of Balochistan. RAW has been backing criminal and militant groups in Karachi, Pakistan’s economic hub, to create chaos and undermine stability. RAW is involved in fostering sectarian tensions and supporting extremist organizations responsible for attacks on religious minorities and religious sites. RAW also has been funneling funds to militant groups operating in Pakistan, aiding their activities against the Pakistani state. Over the years, India’s intelligence agency, RAW has been engaged in espionage and covert operations within our borders. Several incidents involving the arrest of alleged RAW agents have captured international attention. One of the notable cases involved the arrest of Kulbhushan Jadhav in 2016, a former Indian naval officer who was accused of being a RAW operative involved in subversive activities. Jadhav’s case received significant media coverage and became a focal point of diplomatic tensions between the two nations. Another incident occurred in 2019 when Pakistan announced the arrest of two Indian nationals, Prashant Vaindam and Dhariwal Harpal Singh, who were accused of crossing the border illegally and engaging in suspicious activities. These individuals were RAW agents attempting to gather sensitive information.

Last year, Interior Minister of that time Rana Sanaullah said that there was “clear evidence” of India carrying out terrorist activities in Pakistan, adding that the government has decided to present the matter before the international community. “We have decided to bring our stance before the world and unveil India’s face of terrorism,” he said in a press conference in Islamabad, flanked by Punjab Counter Terrorism Department Additional Inspector General Imran Mehmood. “For decades, Pakistan has been burning in the fire of terrorism. Our mosques, imambargahs, important buildings, and gatherings have been targeted. “Today, the matter that we are putting before you […] we have evidence of India’s involvement in it,” Sanaullah said, referring to the Johar Town blast in Lahore.

In June 2021, a powerful blast near the residence of Jamaatud Dawa chief Hafiz Saeed in Johar Town had killed three people and injured 24 others, including a police constable. Six-year-old Abdul Haq, his father Abdul Malik, 50, and a young passerby died in the explosion that left a four-foot-deep and eight-foot-wide crater on the road and damaged several houses and shops nearby. Days after the incident, the then information minister Fawad Chaudhry and national security Adviser Dr Moeed Yusuf told a press conference that the mastermind of the attack was “an Indian citizen and he is associated with [Indian intelligence agency] RAW”.

Then last year, some media sources reported that the Punjab CTD had claimed to have arrested the mastermind as well as the facilitator of the Johar Town bomb blast from Balochistan. They were identified as Samiul Haq and Uzair Akbar. In the press conference, IG Mehmood briefed on the investigation of the blast and revealed that the authorities had reached the culprits. “Basically, at 9am on June 23, 2021, a bomb blast was reported in Lahore’s Johar Town. Three citizens were martyred and 22 were wounded in the blast. To date, no terrorist organisation has accepted responsibility for the attack,” he said. The official recalled that the police had traced the suspect within 16 hours of the incident. “And within 24 hours we arrested three terrorists. “The first character was Peter Paul David who was caught through [the details] of his vehicle. Sajjad Hussain, who was arrested alongside, was David’s assistant,” he said. Ziaullah, Mehmood continued, was arrested on Peter’s identification and “we found out that he was the main culprit behind the attack”. “Eid Gul and his wife were arrested after 5-6 days. Gul was the person who David gave the car to and he outfitted it with ammunition and bombs,” he said, adding that the video of the blast showed Gul coming out of the vehicle. After Gul’s interrogation, the CTD was finally able to arrest Sami ul Haq, who Mehmood claimed was the main handler of the RAW-sponsored terror activities in Pakistan. “Subsequently, we got Haq’s red warrants issued through Interpol. After that, purely on an intelligence and investigation basis, we were informed this person was entering Pakistan and we arrested him along with his brother-in-law.” The police official further revealed that Haq’s brother-in-law, identified as Uzair Akbar, assisted him in terror activities. “We also found out about Naveed Akhtar, who did the surveillance and selected the target. “Naveed was a labourer in the Middle East and was in jail because he could not pay his fine. A RAW agent approached him and told him that he would pay his fine, but then, Naveed would have to engage in terror activities against Pakistan,” Mehmood said in the press conference. He added that as soon as Naveed was arrested, several terror activities were thwarted. “When we arrested Sami ul Haq, Naveed was unaware of his arrest. Sami ul Haq told us that he was about to meet Naveed on May 10. We were then able to apprehend Naveed as well.” As the investigation continued, Mehmood said, more RAW agents were uncovered. “We also found out that close to a million dollars of terror financing was done through India to spread terrorism in Pakistan through different channels,” he revealed, adding that all the arrested persons have been sentenced to death three times by the court. Mehmood also said that the CTD had clear evidence “which is undeniable about India and RAW’s involvement”. “We are now capable of taking the matter to United Nations,” he added. Meanwhile, Sanaullah said that the Foreign Office would, henceforth, raise this matter before the world. “India will be exposed because there is clear evidence that it is directly involved.” He pointed out the Johar Town blast case was “complete” in which culprits were caught and substantial evidence was found. “Thus, we have decided to put it before the international community as it will have its own weight and impact.” The minister of that time added that the banned Tehreek-i-Taliban (TTP) had support from the RAW for terrorist activities in Pakistan.

Then recently, an angry mob vandalised a number of churches and destroyed several houses of Christians in the Jaranwala tehsil of Faisalabad over allegations of blasphemy. The Salvation Army Church, United Presbyterian Church, Allied Foundation Church and Shehroonwala Church situated in the Isa Nagri area etc were damaged during the incidents, a pastor told the local media. Responding to the incidents the Prime Minister of Pakistan said that the minorities would stay protected in this country and any attempt to harm them from a section of marginalized group of people would be responded strictly by the state and the society. “The miscreants might be from us but we must have to divorce them and keep distant from them. Pakistan was created on noble principles and the country was the product of noble idea,” he added.

Chief of Army Staff General Syed Asim Munir addressed the participants of yearly ISPR Internship Program being attended by over 370 students from various universities across Pakistan. Responding to a question by a participant, COAS said “Jaranwala incident is extremely tragic and totally intolerable. There is no space for such incidents of intolerance and extreme behavior by any segment of the society against anyone, particularly against minorities.” He said that all citizens of Pakistan are equal amongst each other irrespective of religion, gender, cast or creed. He emphasized that no one will be allowed to take law in own hands and those culpable of committing such crimes will be brought before the court of justice.

Chairman Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) Dr. Qibla Ayaz has termed the Jaranwala incident as extremely tragic and against the teachings of Islam.Talking to News and Current Affairs Channel of Radio Pakistan, he said Islam guarantees full freedom to followers of all faiths and the same principle has been embodied in the Constitution of Pakistan. Qibla Ayaz said Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Rasool Allah Khatam-un-Nabiyeen Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was a blessing for the whole universe who spread the message of respect for all human beings. Underlining the gross violations of rights of minorities in India, he said minorities are enjoying more rights in Pakistan as state and society have never patronized violence against minorities. Qibla Ayaz said in India, minorities are being persecuted due to Hindutva policies of the ruling Modi regime but in Pakistan if any single extremist incident occurs, it is condemned across the country by people as well as government. The Chairman Council of Islamic Ideology said that the states must ensure that no one should be allowed to take law into their hands and those responsible of committing such crimes should be brought to justice.

Senior judge of the Supreme Court Justice Qazi Faez Isa has reinforced the significance of “the white in the national flag”, saying that it “symbolises the safeguarding of minority rights.” The constitution of Pakistan guarantees complete religious freedom for minorities, ensuring the protection of their lives, property, and places of worship, Justice Isa said. The statement comes after he visited Jaranwala in the Faisalabad district on Saturday to personally assess the aftermath of the recent attack on churches. He said he was “deeply shocked and saddened” by the incident and that the victims should be compensated. Justice Isa, who is set to become the Chief Justice of Pakistan next month, engaged with local authorities and community members to understand the situation on the ground. During his visit, he reportedly received briefings from both the police and the civil administration at the Danish School in Jaranwala, gaining insights into the circumstances surrounding the attacks. The senior judge also took the time to meet with members of the displaced minority community who were affected by the incident. He conveyed his heartfelt condolences to the victims and expressed his deep sadness over the unfortunate events. Justice Isa further inspected the targeted church and the affected settlement, both of which were subjected to the violence of a mob. Justice Isa also issued a note regarding Jaranwala incident in which he quoted Quranic verses and Hadiths clearly mentioning for Muslims to take care the lives and properties of the minorities. Meanwhile, Caretaker Punjab Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi on Friday asserted that the provincial government was making all-out efforts to restore the churches and Christians’ homes vandalised in the Jaranwala tragedy. People from all over the country are condemning the incident and showing solidarity with the victims.

Readers, in recent media reports it is quite evident that RAW was also behind these incidents in Jaranwala. According to investigations, solid evidences have been collected which shows that it was a RAW planned act and was aimed to destabilize Pakistan and start riots among Muslims and Christians. According to reports and solid evidences, the elements sponsored and facilitated by RAW wrote blasphemy words and thrown near Christian places. These elements involved local Muslim community in it and vandalized churches and Christians properties. Further investigation is ongoing with the arrested culprits. All evidences clearly points towards India and RAW. This is very shameful act from India and RAW. Strict action should be taken on all levels to punish the culprits and local elements who play in the hands of our enemies. World and United Nations should also notice these clear evidences and should force India to stop continuing heinous activities in Pakistan.

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