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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Who will Guard the Guards?

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Daily The Spokesman July 23 2024 PDF

Daily The Spokesman July 23 2024 PDF

Lalarukh Wahid Cheema

The ability of a nation’s courts to uphold the rule of Law is one of the most essential elements for its stability and effectiveness of its society. The judiciary does not only hold the responsibility of maintenance of order but also ensures that any conflict that arises between the citizens are peacefully resolved. Judiciary can also be termed as the guardian of the constitution since rule of law reflects the true spirit of democratic practice. This makes the judges and lawyers, the guards; considering the current series of events that have unfolded in our country over past few months, from attack at Lahore PIC to the incident of violence outside Chief Justice’s chamber in Islamabad, a question arises, who will guard the guards?

The history of Pakistan witnessed one of the strongest movements from 2007 to 2009 for restoration of judiciary. What started off with a cause that gave the impression that they want independent judiciary in the country has now evolved to a dangerous point where it seems like violence is the answer. Almost a decade ago, they fought for the Chief Justice’s office and in February 2021 they attacked it, and there were no outsiders. 

In December 2019, an unfortunate attack by lawyers on Punjab Institute of Cardiology claimed many innocent lives due to a dispute between the two fraternities, what was the fault of these ill-fated citizens? If guardians of the law will continue to initiate violence and come on roads to damage public properties, then where are ordinary people supposed to go if they want to be heard?

In February’s incident that happened in Islamabad, the first demand put forward by the lawyers was the immediate release of their arrested fellows who allegedly caused violence and disrupt. Here, the point to ponder is that if the law defenders are defending the law offenders, then do, we have any hope left? Who is going to hold them accountable?

In June 2021, the Islamabad High Court restored the licenses of 21 lawyers who were accused in Islamabad incident. The court stated that February 8th, 2021, shall be remembered as a “Black Day” in Judicial history of Pakistan. IHC’s order also hoped that the Bar Councils will conduct fair trial as per Article 10-A and deal with the matter in appropriate manner. Here is to hope that this hope finds its destiny. 

Media has a strong role to play, instead of just reporting they need to create awareness amongst people about right and wrong. They should put forward the points that can lead to constructive debates and positive progress in our overall society. With the world transforming into global village and increased inclination towards fifth generation warfare, media can safely be termed as one of the pillars of democracy. The political and the social dynamics of our country our changing, and our media needs to keep up. The most important role that the media should be playing is keeping up with educating the public and informing them on their rights in this country and educate people about their rights and responsibilities. 

The only way for our country to progress is to serve justice to everyone in the community. The judiciary must be independent but at the same time, this institution must also exercise its primary job i.e. to serve justice in time. 

While we proudly claim that as per constitution, we have the right to protest, one of the many blessings of living in a democracy, we must not destroy our own country. The guardians of justice and peace must not set a bad example to our people by setting fire to properties of either citizens or the government. This is our country, and we must stop the divide. Our justice system should guarantee justice and our public should respect that. But respect should not be demanded, it should be earned. 

We must work together as one nation, and those amongst us who are leaders must get their act together and lead. Together we will take this country to a different era. But we must not forget the basic message of Unity, Faith and Discipline. 

Writer is an architect turned civil servant of Pakistan. CSS 45th Common, Information Group. Twitter: @LalarukhCheema 


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