To intensify restrictions on social media users in IIOJK, police have been given free access to track accounts of all Kashmiris in the name of monitoring anti-India activities. Police claimed to have secured direct cooperation from social media giants, including WhatsApp, X, Snapchat, Instagram, Telegram, and TikTok, it added. LFK reports the torture and custodial death case at Dhera Ki Gali and Buffliaz in the Poonch-Rajouri belt of IIOJK. According to the families, the three men – Mohammad Showkat, 22, Safeer Hussain, 45, and Shabir Ahmad, 32, were detained by IOF at the hilly Topa Pir village in Poonch district on December 22, 2023. The torture victims and the families of the deceased testified that before the custodial death of three civilian’s Indian army stripped them naked and used chilli powder over the sensitive body parts to inflict more bodily harm. The report said that India has accelerated its efforts to dominate every means of dissent and seize properties of native inhabitants, paving the way for outsiders to settle in the region. In the name of “retrieving state land”, the occupational authorities and their auxiliaries seized over 178005.213 acres in Kashmir region and 25159.56 acres in Jammu as alleged “encroached” by the residents. In its annual report, LFK called the international community to take cognizance of the evidence presented in this report.
All the cases of extrajudicial killing, arbitrary detention, and torture of civilians, the curbs on freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of religion, the demographic changes, and all other measures aimed at the ethnic cleansing of Kashmir Muslims must not go unheeded. It said On 11 December 2023, the Supreme Court of India (SCI) pronounced the verdict of the 16 hearings pertaining to the petitions challenging the August 5, 2019 unilateral decision of the Indian parliament to abrogate the semi-autonomous status of UN-recognized disputed territory. The 476-page judgment upheld the validity of the CO 273 bifurcating the erstwhile state into two Union Territories – Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh.
The mainstream political parties, Kashmiri civil society and renowned Indian jurists including former SCI judges criticized the verdict of the five-judge Constitutional Bench stating that the court has misinterpreted the constitutional framework including the federal structure and distorted the legal history of Jammu and Kashmir. LFK also condemns India’s attempt to hold the G20 tourism meeting in IIOJK, portraying a facade of normalcy and aimed at whitewashing the direct abuses perpetrated by IOF against the civilian population.