Sana Ashraf
The Punjab Government has recently launched a campaign to kill stray dogs. A state is supposed to be like a mother to its citizens. But this mother is feeding her own children poison, brutally killing them in broad daylight without any mercy. The most inhumane problems in Pakistan are the mistreatment of animals, specifically stray dogs. Unfortunately, these innocent creatures are subjected to extreme cruelty. In Pakistan, innocent stray dogs have no refuge. On the streets, people stone them, and they’re forced to eat trash and drink sewage water. After enduring such inhumane treatment, the government administers poison, leading to a painful death. The municipal corporation shows no discernment, brutally killing mother dogs, tiny puppies and old dogs alike.They seemingly killed them without any consideration for the families they leave behind, ignoring the fact that a mother dog has a family waiting for her. Municipal Corporation Sanitary Inspectors and junior clerks are engaging in corruptions. Allegations of corruption specifically involving a junior clerk.Daily, this individual allegedly embezzled RS.12,000 and misused 20 litres of fuel.However, it appears that these resources are being exploited for personal gain, resulting in the unjust killing of innocent dogs.
Recently, the Lahore High Court issued an order declaring the killing of stray dogs through poisoning as illegal. However, despite this ruling, officials such as the Commissioner of Faisalabad, Deputy Commissioner, Local Government Deputy Director Municipal Corporation CO, and municipal corporation Sanitary Inspectors junior clerks continue to defy the court’s order. This blatant disregard for the law raises concerns about the effectiveness of the judicial system. When government officials show such contempt for the court, how can ordinary citizens be expected to respect and follow the law, The Local Government Deputy Director’s actions are truly shocking Despite Lahore High court orders to stop culling dogs, The Local Government Deputy Director ordered three kilograms of poison, which is a staggering amount.
One gram of poison is enough to rupture the stomachs of seven dogs. Now, imagine the catastrophic consequences of three kilograms of poison. What possible justification could the local Government Deputy Director have for procuring such a massive and deadly quantity?”
“There are hundreds of heart-wrenching incidents here where mother dogs are poisoned and killed along with their tiny puppies, who succumb to a painful death. However, what’s even more shocking is that despite the court’s orders against the culling of dogs, A mother dog was poisoned leaving behind her seven blind newborn three days puppies who were left to suffer without their mother care in the Commissioner’s office Faisalabad itself, in blatant disregard of the law.”
This raises serious questions about the Commissioner’s authority and control over their own office. If they are unable to regulate their own workspace, how can they possibly manage and govern an entire city effectively?”
Here, some NGOs (animals shelters) funded by foreign charities pretend to care for these animals, but they’re aware of the lack of accountability, and the foreign charities are unaware of the lack of accountability They exploit this situation by trading healthy dogs to China for meat (for torture and eaten) “and It’s very easy for NGOs to catch healthy stray dogs. There’s no check and balance here, no one to question them, and get to know here is no implementation of the law.
NGOs use these voiceless animals as they please, and it’s all about making money. They even create fake videos to collect charity and deceive foreign donors, taking advantage of their kindness and sympathy. These innocent animals are exploited mercilessly.” Animal Shelters euthanizing many street dogs on a daily basis after using for fundraising videos and showing TNVR (Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return) procedures they euthanizing dogs.In Faisalabad, a shelter claims to rescue dogs but instead euthanize 7-8 dogs daily.Their disturbing dialogue, Send them to Islamabad; is a euphemism for euthanize. This shelter deceives foreground funders by portraying themselves as caregivers, while in reality, they are engaging in criminal activities. Their actions are a grave concern for animal welfare in Pakistan
welfare in Pakistan has reached alarming levels. NGOs and animal shelters, supposedly dedicated to protecting animals, are instead exploiting them for foreign donations. Meanwhile, municipal corporations are killing dogs under the guise of population control, but corruption is the true motive.
The government’s role is equally questionable. Despite court orders, authorities continue to poison animals. This blatant disregard for animal rights and the law is disturbing.
Furthermore, some NGOs are engaging in harmful activities, prioritizing profits over animal welfare. This raises concerns about the credibility and intentions of these organizations.
The lack of accountability and oversight has created an environment where animal exploitation thrives. Urgent attention is needed to address these issues and ensure that animal welfare is protected in Pakistan.” Further
Often, individuals caught trading dog meat and containers destined for China are apprehended. This raises questions: Who transports these dogs to the containers? Can ordinary people capture stray dogs? It’s unlikely that individuals can catch stray dogs, suggesting that an organized group or NGO is involved in capturing and trading these dogs.
The government must take responsibility for monitoring shelters and NGOs, ensuring they treat these voiceless creatures with kindness and compassion. Strict action should be taken against those involved, and their activities should be thoroughly investigated. All shelters should be scrutinized, including their charitable work, TNR methods, and financial records.”